Op And Ed Anime Meaning
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Means animation, from the katakanization animeeshon アニメーション, as in cartoons that move around. Any animated drawing is an anime. In English, anime refers to Japanese animation, just like manga 漫画 refers to Japanese comics.
, is an anime that airs on television. Such anime tends to follow a specific format, around 20 minutes long, with a commercial break at middle.
The terms OVA, ONA, and OAD refer to anime series and episodes that weren't originally released on TV, but somewhere else, even if they air on TV afterwards.
Land — Nanairo No Enogu De (tensei Kizoku No Isekai Boukenroku ~jichou Wo Shiranai Kamigami No Shito~ Ed) — Anime Liryca
An OVA is an anime originally sold in a physical disc. This could be an entire series sold as discs, or a single bonus episode that never aired on TV but was bundled in the blu-ray set of a TV anime.
An ONA is an anime originally streamed on the internet. This is an English term. In Japanese, ONA is called web anime
An OAD is an anime originally bundled into a volume of a manga, typically a limited edition volume released after an anime based on that manga airs on TV.
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, refers to a traditional method for creating anime, using celluloid sheets for the frames. This is the method used in pre-2000 anime. Modern anime is animated digitally instead.
There are large differences between cel anime and digital anime. They're different media, artistically speaking, and some fans may prefer one over the other. Personally, I prefer cel.
An advantage of cel anime are how lines are drawn: they're drawn with ink, so they feel more alive, natural, even if noisy or uneven. Digital anime prefers tends to have more precise, static lines.
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Cel animation stopped being used because it's too expensive to create. From fixing mistakes to turning the frames into video, the whole process is absurdly costly time and effort-wise compared to doing it digitally.
Digital animation isn't without its own advantages as an art medium. Mixing 3D with 2D animation, compositing backgrounds, and applying all sorts of film and camera effects, are things that are much easier to do digitally than analogically.
Any graphics done in a computer, digitally, is called CG. In other words, digital art is CG, a digital artist is a CG artist, and a CG anime, CGアニメ, is an anime done digitally, rather than in cel animation.
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It refers to imagery not drawn by hand, but rendered (simulated) by a computer, which includes all sorts of effects, but, most importantly, 3D images.
In English, it's common to call 3D models (jarringly) inserted into anime CGI. Cars are sometimes CGI, 3D models, rather than hand-drawn.
People don't mind it very much when it's a non-organic object, a machine, but anything organic and 3D is widely despised. In particular, CGI dragons are the worst.
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If you're asking yourself why would an anime have a CGI dragon when the rest of the anime isn't 3D? Well, that's because a dragon is huge and full of details and takes too long to draw, and the anime production has deadlines and a budget, so it makes more sense to use 3D models.
In series with higher quality, everything is hand-drawn, and the less budget a series has, the more CGI you'll find, until you get to a nightmarish horror like the season 3 of Overlord.
, literally dot anime, refers to animated pixel art, i.e. animated dotto-e ドット絵, dot picture, the sort you would see in a video game ゲーム.
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There are websites that deal only with pixel art, like PixelJoint. Sites like Pixiv, which handle all sorts of artwork, may use dotto-anime ドットアニメ as a tag for pixel art animation.
, also read as jifu, is an animation in GIF format. This isn't the same thing as an animated GIF, which would include a scene of a movie with real people. It's always a drawing, an animated cartoon in GIF format
GIF is an image file format, like JPG and PNG. It differs from those in that a GIF can be animated, so it will have multiple frames instead of a single one. In order to make this feasible in older hardware, the GIF format is limited to at most 256 colors, although some use fewer colors for a smaller file size.
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People started converting scenes of movies and shows to animated GIFs to post them on the internet. The format was never meant for video. These files became huge and a waste of bandwidth.
, which wasn't an original format, but simply an existing video format like MP4 that was presented like a GIF, without sound, without controls, and looping like GIF.
Nowadays, Flash is no longer supported by browsers. Animation created with Flash is instead distributed as videos. Flash games are distributed as executables (
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Browsers stopped supporting Flash due to security reasons. It was a plugin (or add-on) that allowed browsers to play its a file format with a
The browser (e.g. Firefox) provides a set of commands that a plugin like Flash can use. Flash similarly provides a set of commands that a
A command in an API is created by a programmer with an intended way for use, but it's possible that a bug allows malicious users to exploit the command to do unintended things. If such exploit is found, then a programmer has to patch the security hole so that it can no longer be used.
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Naturally, the more commands, the more functionality an API provides, the more potential security holes, and the more work it takes to find and patch them.
Flash is a plugin that can do all sorts of things, including reading and saving files in the computer (file system access), accessing the microphone, webcam, playing videos, downloading files, etc. It's given more functionality by the browser than a normal web page would have, so it's easier to exploit.
If exploited, a hacker can bypass the browser's sandbox and access an user's computer, allowing then to download a virus from anywhere on the internet and saving (installing) it on their computer. Once they can do that, they can do anything.
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Flash was popular a decade ago in a era browsers didn't have a lot of functionality. Nowadays, many things that were only possible with Flash can be done with a browser API called Javascript, which doesn't need a plugin.
Notably, Newgrounds, a website that hosted tons of Flash content, including some of the greatest Flash animation the internet has to offer, created its own Flash player to allow a more seamless experience.
Since Japan is an island (well, mostly an island), pretty much everything related to other countries is referred to as kaigai, overseas.
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Beware that some terms look like they're English words, but are actually Japanese words made up from English words, and which the English anime fandom loaned from the Japanese anime fandom.
Of an anime refers to the the opening sequence, オープニング, shown at the start of every episode, a.k.a. the intro イント. Not to be confused with the original poster of a thread on the internet.
Typically, an anime OP is around one minute and thirty seconds long and features an original song and animation. It's essentially a short animated music video shown before the episode starts.
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Some episodes may skip the OP in order to pack more content in the allotted time, or play only the song of the OP while the characters move around.
Since the same OP is played through multiple episodes of an anime, it's sometimes the case that the OP contains spoilers. For example, sometimes a character is only introduced around the end of an anime, but is featured the OP shown since the first episode.
Some anime change the OP slightly through episodes, revealing characters as they're introduced, for example. There are also cases where an OP has an alternate version shown only in a particular episode where something unusual happens.
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The OP an anime may get replaced by an completely different one after a turning point in the plot, or at regular intervals, like every twelve episodes. Afterwards, this new OP is used every episode instead of the old one.
Generally, the OP of anime fits the anime thematically, but there are cases where this is subverted, e.g. the OP looks like it's a show about Cute GIrls Doing Cute Things, but the actual anime is something completely different, like Asobi Asobase あそびあそばせ.
This is often done with a still frame of the anime with the word sponsor, teikyou 提供, overlaid. Since this frame tends to feature a character, it's become sort of a meme for them to have sponsor eyes, teikyou-me 提供目, which is when the characters 提供 end up exactly over their eyes.
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, refers to a sequence of scenes shown at the start of a movie that contains the credits, and, from there, to similar sequences in an episode of a series.
This term is used more to refer to the sequence in movies, e.g. the title sequence of 007 starting with the spy seen through a gun barrel. In series, the sequence is called the opening, which is an entirely separate clip, so there isn't much point in the term.
However, sometimes an episode skips the opening clip and overlays the credits
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