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Panda Animal Little

Panda Animal Little

It's time to drop some giant panda knowledge on you in celebration of National Panda Day. Not to be confused with the red panda (a mammal barely related to the panda bear), the giant panda is the only species of its kind and currently endangered. Listed as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List, the giant panda only has 500-1, 000 mature adult bears existing today. Endangered by a plethora of threats, both human and environmental, the giant panda is a bear that is crucial to our world. If we don't act quickly, our future generations will never be able to see these lovable bamboo-obsessed care bears outside of a photograph or screen.

Organizations like WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and Pandas International are committed to the conservation of these bears and holidays like National Panda Day are meant to bring awareness to the threats these creatures face. Check out these fun facts about the adorable panda and do your part in keeping these bears alive and well.


Unlike other bears, giant pandas don't hibernate during winter seasons or have permanent dens. They're known to be winter resistant and usually take refuge in hollow trees.

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Due to their spring mating season, pandas usually give birth in late summer around August. While this may vary, you see a lot more giant panda cubs around this time.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an organization with the sole mission of preserving the global animal population and reducing harmful human impacts on natural environments. Since 1961, they've used the giant panda on their logo. The logo was inspired by Chi-Chi, a panda housed at the London Zoo in 1961 during the organizations early days.

Even though giant pandas are categorized as true bears, their diet mainly consists of leaves, stems and shoots of bamboo trees. They have to eat 26-83 lbs. of bamboo every day to stay healthy. They may hunt wild rodents and other small animals, but very rarely.

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Due to expanding human populations and development, giant pandas have been secluded to a bamboo forest in the Minshan and Qinling mountains located in south central China.

Socialite Ruth Harkness traveled to China in 1936 and brought back a giant panda named Su Lin in her arms. This was the first case of a giant panda in North America. The bear eventually landed in the Brookfield Zoo outside of Chicago, but unfortunately died two years later in 1938.

Giant pandas are known to be socially independent. They usually travel by themselves up until mating season where they mate with more than one partner.

Weird Panda Behavior Explained: Giant Pandas In China

Due to human and environmental threats, giant panda's generally live up to 25-35 years in captivity and 15-20 years in the wild. Consistent food and land in captivity allow pandas to thrive, which is unfortunate since the bears should be allowed to live freely in the wild.

Pandas sure do love to eat! Due to the low nutrients in bamboo, giant pandas have to eat large quantities which usually takes all day. Their digestive system is also not up to par, which forces them to eat more and for longer times. Their favorite eating positions: sitting up or on their backs.

Giant pandas are still considered vulnerable and endangered and it's up to us to make sure they survive. Sure, they're adorable...but that doesn't mean they're just social media posts. They're living beings with instincts and emotions. You can help by traveling smart and donating to great organizations like WWF.


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Ever since these charismatic bears arrived at the Zoo in 1972, animal care staff and scientists have studied giant panda biology, behavior, breeding, reproduction and disease. These experts are also leading ecology studies in giant pandas' native habitat. The Zoo's giant panda team works closely with colleagues in China to advance conservation efforts around the world.

The giant panda, a black-and-white bear, has a body typical of bears. It has black fur on its ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. The rest of the animal's coat is white. Although scientists do not know why these unusual bears are black and white, some speculate that the bold coloring provides effective camouflage. In patches of dense bamboo, an immobile giant panda is nearly invisible, and virtually disappears among snow covered rocky outcrops on a mountain slope. This theory does not work, however, when considering that giant pandas have no natural enemies to hide from. Another thought is that the pattern may accentuate social signals in some way, or help giant pandas to identify one another from a distance so they can avoid socializing, as they are typically a solitary animal. Another theory suggests that the black absorbs heat while the white reflects it, helping giant pandas maintain an even temperature. Unfortunately, there is no one conclusive theory as to why giant pandas are black and white.


The giant panda has lived in bamboo forests for several million years. It is a highly specialized animal, with unique adaptations. The panda's thick, wooly coat keeps it warm in the cool forests of its habitat. Giant pandas have large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles for crushing tough bamboo. Many people find these chunky, lumbering animals to be cute, but giant pandas can be as dangerous as any other bear.

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About the size of an American black bear, giant pandas stand between 2 and 3 feet (60 to 90 centimeters) tall at the shoulder (on all four legs), and reach 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 meters) long. Males are larger than females, weighing up to 250 pounds (113 kilograms) in the wild. Females rarely reach 220 pounds (104 kilograms).

Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in south central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. They once lived in lowland areas, but farming, forest clearing and other development now restrict giant pandas to the mountains.

Giant pandas live in broadleaf and coniferous forests with a dense understory of bamboo, at elevations between 5, 000 and 10, 000 feet. Torrential rains or dense mist throughout the year characterizes these forests, often shrouded in heavy clouds.

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Giant pandas do not exhibit body characteristics that communicate visual signals. They have round, inexpressive faces. Their tails are stubs and therefore cannot flag signals to other giant pandas. They have no crest or mane to erect, and their ears are not flexible enough to cock forward or flatten. It is thought that giant pandas never developed these visual accessories due in part to their habitat and solitary nature. Giant pandas live in dense, fog-enshrouded stands of bamboo that obstruct a direct line of sight and any potential visual communications. Giant pandas do occasionally vocalize when playing. During mating, they become very vocal, relying on extremely detailed vocalizations to express all shades of mood from amorous to angry.


Most of their communication is accomplished through scent marking throughout their habitat and territory. Giant pandas mark their territory by rubbing secretions from their anal glands onto tree trunks, rocks or the ground, usually along paths that they habitually tread. Scent marking alerts giant pandas in the vicinity to one another. Depending on who reads the mark, the scents may either separate giant pandas or help bring them together. Outside of breeding season, a scent mark that is unfamiliar is usually enough to send a potential intruder ambling away. During breeding season, however, a female's scent mark advertises her sexual readiness and draws males to her. A female is more likely to accept a male whose scent she recognizes and has encountered before.

Millions of Zoo visitors enjoy watching giant pandas eat. A panda usually eats while sitting upright, in a pose that resembles how humans sit on the floor. This posture leaves the front paws free to grasp bamboo stems with the help of a pseudo thumb, formed by an elongated and enlarged wrist bone covered with a fleshy pad of skin. The panda also uses its powerful jaws and strong teeth to crush the tough, fibrous bamboo into bits.

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A giant panda's digestive system is more similar to that of a carnivore than an herbivore, and so much of what is eaten is passed as waste. To make up for the inefficient digestion, a panda needs to consume a comparatively large amount of food—from 70 to 100 pounds of bamboo each day—to get all its nutrients. To

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