Netflix Animated Robot Movie
Nothing says “family bonding” like a road trip through a robot apocalypse. At least that’s the case for the Mitchells in the quirky and riotously funny Netflix animated film “The Mitchells vs. the Machines.”
Katie Mitchell (Abbi Jacobson), a movie buff with a lengthy filmography of YouTube videos, is heading off to college to find “her people”: fellow tech-savvy, meme-loving cinephiles. She clashes with her nature-obsessed father, Rick (Danny McBride), who pitches Katie a last-minute family road-trip to her school along with Linda (Maya Rudolph), Katie’s aggressively positive mother; Aaron (Mike Rianda), Katie’s dinosaur-obsessed little brother; and Monchi, their chunky walleyed pug.
As the family embarks on its awkward journey, a well-meaning tech genius in Silicon Valley introduces a device upgrade that leads to a robot takeover, à la “I, Robot, ” that only the Mitchells can stop. Think “The Incredibles” — but instead of a family of heroes, here’s a family of lovable kooks who face threatening toasters, evil vending machines and demonic Furbys.
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Directed by Mike Rianda and written by Rianda and Jeff Rowe, who both worked on the beloved series “Gravity Falls, ” “The Mitchells vs. the Machines” not only has laughably eccentric characters but also a script packed with bonkers, fast-paced action — with elaborate, wild visuals to match. The film combines pristine digital animation with live-action images and 2D drawings — interjections from Katie, who serves as both our narrator and director, imaginatively revising and annotating the story as she tells it. That, along with the seemingly endless number of movie references and hidden gags, makes a film with not just laughs (though, believe me, there are plenty of those) but a clear, well-formed identity.
Maya Phillips is a New York Times critic at large. She is the author of the poetry collection “Erou” (Four Way Books, 2019) and NERD: On Navigating Heroes, Magic, and Fandom in the 21st Century, ” forthcoming in summer 2022 from Atria Books. More about Maya Phillips
A version of this article appears in print on , Section C, Page 5 of the New York edition with the headline: The Mitchells vs. the Machines. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribeund Drittanbieter verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Technologien auf dieser Website, um Informationen über Ihre Browsing-Aktivitäten zu erfassen, die wir zur Analyse Ihrer Nutzung der Website, zur Personalisierung unserer Dienstleistungen und zur Anpassung unserer Online-Werbung verwenden. Wenn Ihre Zustimmung erforderlich ist, können Sie diese erteilen, verweigern oder Ihre Auswahl personalisieren. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen auch jederzeit ändern, indem Sie in der Fußzeile einer beliebigen Seite auf „Cookie-Einstellungen“ klicken. unterstützt die Prinzipien der Digital Advertising Alliance. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Verwendung von Cookies und Informationen.
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Diese nicht jugendfreie Animationsanthologie von Tim Miller und David Fincher ist eine Mischung aus Kreaturen des Schreckens, bösen Überraschungen und schwarzem Humor.
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Love, Death + Robots
Is She the Wolf?Sie alle sehnen sich nach der wahren Liebe. Doch unter den Frauen versteckt sich mindestens eine Schwindlerin, die ihr Herzklopfen lediglich vortäuscht.ChoonaEine bunt gemischte Außenseitertruppe erkennt in einem skrupellosen und abergläubischen Politiker einen gemeinsamen Feind und schmiedet einen ausgeklügelten Racheplan.Die statistische Wahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe auf den ersten BlickAuf einem Flug von New York nach London verlieben sich Hadley und Oliver, aber am Zoll werden sie voneinander getrennt. Treffen sie sich trotz aller Hindernisse wieder?RagnarökIn einer norwegischen Kleinstadt sorgen nicht nur schmelzende Polarkappen für Endzeitstimmung. Nur ein sagenumwobener Held kann das Böse besiegen.The Lincoln LawyerMickey Haller, ein erfolgreicher Anwalt aus Los Angeles, setzt mit einem Mordfall nach einem Unfall seine Karriere – und sein Lincoln Town Car – wieder in Gang.Wie wird man 100 Jahre alt? – Die Geheimnisse der Blauen ZonenDan Buettner unternimmt Reisen in fünf einzigartige Regionen der Welt, in denen die Menschen überdurchschnittlich lange und gesund leben. Was ist ihr Geheimnis?HeartstopperCharlie und Nick, die in dieser Coming-of-Age-Serie den Schulalltag und die Liebe meistern müssen, stellen fest, dass zwischen ihnen mehr als pure Freundschaft entsteht.Choose LoveFür wen entscheidet sich Cami – den festen Freund, das Objekt unerfüllter Begierde oder den Rockstar? In dieser interaktiven Komödie liegt ihr Liebesleben in deinen Händen.and third parties use cookies and similar technologies on this website to collect information about your browsing activities which we use to analyse your use of the website, to personalise our services and to customise our online advertisements. When your consent is required, you can accept, refuse or personalise your choices. You can also change your preferences at any time by clicking on “Cookie Preferences” in the footer of each page. supports the Digital Advertising Alliance Principles. Learn more about our use of cookies and information.
A robot apocalypse put the brakes on their cross-country road trip. Now it’s up to the Mitchells — the world’s weirdest family — to save the human race.
Is She the Wolf?They're all here to look for true romance — but hidden among the women is at least one wolf, a saboteur who's only pretending to be falling in love.ChoonaWhen an unlikely group of misfits discovers a common enemy in the same ruthless yet superstitious politician, they plot a heist to exact revenge.Love at First SightTwo strangers connect on a flight to London, only to be separated by a twist of fate. A reunion seems improbable — but love has a way of defying the odds.RagnarokIn a Norwegian town poisoned by pollution and rattled by melting glaciers, the End Times feel all too real. It’ll take a legend to battle an old evil.The Lincoln LawyerSidelined after an accident, hotshot Los Angeles lawyer Mickey Haller restarts his career — and his trademark Lincoln — when he takes on a murder case.Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue ZonesTravel around the world with author Dan Buettner to discover five unique communities where people live extraordinarily long and vibrant lives.HeartstopperTeens Charlie and Nick discover their unlikely friendship might be something more as they navigate school and young love in this coming-of-age series.Choose LoveThe steady boyfriend. The one who got away. The charming rock star. Who will Cami choose? In this interactive rom-com, her love life is in your hands.Next G is a 2018 computer-animated scice fiction action film that is based on the online manhua 7723 by Wang Nima (which was originally published in Baozou Manhua,
Shows And Movies Like 'love, Death And Robots' On Netflix
Which Wang founded and led), and is directed by Kevin R. Adams and Joe Ksander. The film stars the voices of John Krasinski, Charlyne Yi, Jason Sudeikis, Michael Peña, David Cross and Constance Wu. It tells the story of Mai Su, a lonely rebellious teage girl living in a world where stit robot technology is commonplace, and 7723, a top-secret weaponized robot, who, through a chance counter, meet each other and form an unlikely bond that they must use to stop a vicious threat. The film was released on Netflix on September 7, 2018, and was produced almost exclusively using Blder.
A teage girl named Mai lives with her mother Molly in Grainland. Her father Matthew left them wh she was young, after which her mother started to depd on robots causing Mai to feel left out. Th Matthew died later on. One day, the two attd a product launch at IQ Robotics headquarters. Annoyed at her mother, Mai wanders off, stumbling into the secret lab of Dr. Tanner Rice, who has be working on an attack robot called 7723. Mai accidtally activates 7723, before getting apprehded by security and returned to her mother. At launch, Justin Pin, the CEO of IQ Robotics, reveals a new geration of Q-Bots to the public, but he secretly designed them to explode. 7723 leaves Rice's lab to find Mai, but is pursued by the city police. He starts to use his weapon systems, making the police forces respond with deadly force. He falls into the lowest levels of the city, damaging his memory core.
Wh Mai goes outside to check on her dog, Momo, she finds 7723 in her backyard. She initially tries to dismiss him, but after seeing his weapons system, she allows him to stay in the shed. With 7723, Mai confronts some school bullies, by destroying their Q-Bots. The two th embark on a montage of shanigans throughout the city, but as 7723 accumulates more memories, he struggles to decide which to keep. Wh Mai confronts him about it, he reveals if he reaches full capacity, he will undergo a total system reset, losing all his memories in the process. Mai suggests deleting his core systems to make room, but he says he would lose functionality.
Best Animated Movies On Netflix [july 2023]
7723 becomes apprehsive about using
Is She the Wolf?Sie alle sehnen sich nach der wahren Liebe. Doch unter den Frauen versteckt sich mindestens eine Schwindlerin, die ihr Herzklopfen lediglich vortäuscht.ChoonaEine bunt gemischte Außenseitertruppe erkennt in einem skrupellosen und abergläubischen Politiker einen gemeinsamen Feind und schmiedet einen ausgeklügelten Racheplan.Die statistische Wahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe auf den ersten BlickAuf einem Flug von New York nach London verlieben sich Hadley und Oliver, aber am Zoll werden sie voneinander getrennt. Treffen sie sich trotz aller Hindernisse wieder?RagnarökIn einer norwegischen Kleinstadt sorgen nicht nur schmelzende Polarkappen für Endzeitstimmung. Nur ein sagenumwobener Held kann das Böse besiegen.The Lincoln LawyerMickey Haller, ein erfolgreicher Anwalt aus Los Angeles, setzt mit einem Mordfall nach einem Unfall seine Karriere – und sein Lincoln Town Car – wieder in Gang.Wie wird man 100 Jahre alt? – Die Geheimnisse der Blauen ZonenDan Buettner unternimmt Reisen in fünf einzigartige Regionen der Welt, in denen die Menschen überdurchschnittlich lange und gesund leben. Was ist ihr Geheimnis?HeartstopperCharlie und Nick, die in dieser Coming-of-Age-Serie den Schulalltag und die Liebe meistern müssen, stellen fest, dass zwischen ihnen mehr als pure Freundschaft entsteht.Choose LoveFür wen entscheidet sich Cami – den festen Freund, das Objekt unerfüllter Begierde oder den Rockstar? In dieser interaktiven Komödie liegt ihr Liebesleben in deinen Händen.and third parties use cookies and similar technologies on this website to collect information about your browsing activities which we use to analyse your use of the website, to personalise our services and to customise our online advertisements. When your consent is required, you can accept, refuse or personalise your choices. You can also change your preferences at any time by clicking on “Cookie Preferences” in the footer of each page. supports the Digital Advertising Alliance Principles. Learn more about our use of cookies and information.
A robot apocalypse put the brakes on their cross-country road trip. Now it’s up to the Mitchells — the world’s weirdest family — to save the human race.
Is She the Wolf?They're all here to look for true romance — but hidden among the women is at least one wolf, a saboteur who's only pretending to be falling in love.ChoonaWhen an unlikely group of misfits discovers a common enemy in the same ruthless yet superstitious politician, they plot a heist to exact revenge.Love at First SightTwo strangers connect on a flight to London, only to be separated by a twist of fate. A reunion seems improbable — but love has a way of defying the odds.RagnarokIn a Norwegian town poisoned by pollution and rattled by melting glaciers, the End Times feel all too real. It’ll take a legend to battle an old evil.The Lincoln LawyerSidelined after an accident, hotshot Los Angeles lawyer Mickey Haller restarts his career — and his trademark Lincoln — when he takes on a murder case.Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue ZonesTravel around the world with author Dan Buettner to discover five unique communities where people live extraordinarily long and vibrant lives.HeartstopperTeens Charlie and Nick discover their unlikely friendship might be something more as they navigate school and young love in this coming-of-age series.Choose LoveThe steady boyfriend. The one who got away. The charming rock star. Who will Cami choose? In this interactive rom-com, her love life is in your hands.Next G is a 2018 computer-animated scice fiction action film that is based on the online manhua 7723 by Wang Nima (which was originally published in Baozou Manhua,
Shows And Movies Like 'love, Death And Robots' On Netflix
Which Wang founded and led), and is directed by Kevin R. Adams and Joe Ksander. The film stars the voices of John Krasinski, Charlyne Yi, Jason Sudeikis, Michael Peña, David Cross and Constance Wu. It tells the story of Mai Su, a lonely rebellious teage girl living in a world where stit robot technology is commonplace, and 7723, a top-secret weaponized robot, who, through a chance counter, meet each other and form an unlikely bond that they must use to stop a vicious threat. The film was released on Netflix on September 7, 2018, and was produced almost exclusively using Blder.
A teage girl named Mai lives with her mother Molly in Grainland. Her father Matthew left them wh she was young, after which her mother started to depd on robots causing Mai to feel left out. Th Matthew died later on. One day, the two attd a product launch at IQ Robotics headquarters. Annoyed at her mother, Mai wanders off, stumbling into the secret lab of Dr. Tanner Rice, who has be working on an attack robot called 7723. Mai accidtally activates 7723, before getting apprehded by security and returned to her mother. At launch, Justin Pin, the CEO of IQ Robotics, reveals a new geration of Q-Bots to the public, but he secretly designed them to explode. 7723 leaves Rice's lab to find Mai, but is pursued by the city police. He starts to use his weapon systems, making the police forces respond with deadly force. He falls into the lowest levels of the city, damaging his memory core.
Wh Mai goes outside to check on her dog, Momo, she finds 7723 in her backyard. She initially tries to dismiss him, but after seeing his weapons system, she allows him to stay in the shed. With 7723, Mai confronts some school bullies, by destroying their Q-Bots. The two th embark on a montage of shanigans throughout the city, but as 7723 accumulates more memories, he struggles to decide which to keep. Wh Mai confronts him about it, he reveals if he reaches full capacity, he will undergo a total system reset, losing all his memories in the process. Mai suggests deleting his core systems to make room, but he says he would lose functionality.
Best Animated Movies On Netflix [july 2023]
7723 becomes apprehsive about using
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