Animals That Float
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Sea otters spend almost their entire lives in the ocean. They eat there. They sleep there. They even have their babies there.
And that suits them just fine, because sea otters have all they need to survive in a watery world. Sea otters belong to the weasel family. They live along the coasts of the northern Pacific Ocean. In this story, we show the two kinds of sea otters that live in the United States: the California, or southern, sea otter and the northern sea otter (which is a little bigger). Both are right at home in the water!
Sea otters couldn’t survive in the cold ocean at all if it weren’t for their fur. All other ocean mammals, such as whales and dolphins, have a thick layer of fat under their skin to keep them warm. But sea otters rely only on their extremely dense fur. They have up to a million hairs per square inch! (You have only about 100, 000 hairs on your whole head.) Thick fur does more than keep sea otters warm. It also makes them waterproof! The fur traps a layer of air against their skin, so the cold water never touches it.
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Sea otters are built for ocean life in other ways, too. For example, they have long, webbed hind feet that they use as flippers to help them swim. And when they are underwater, their nostrils and ears can close to keep water out.
Built-in nose and ear plugs come in handy when sea otters dive for food. And they do that often, because they eat a lot! A sea otter gobbles up about a quarter of its weight in food each day. That’s like a 60-pound kid eating about 60 quarter-pound burgers every day! All that food is fuel for the otters’ bodies to burn, which helps keep them warm. Some of a sea otter’s favorite foods include crabs, mussels, sea urchins,
Many animals that sea otters eat are protected by hard shells. An otter can bite through some. But to open others, it needs a little help. So it does something that few animals in the world do: It uses a tool. First the otter sets a rock on its chest. Next it smashes the food against the rock.
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Sometimes it puts the food on its chest and smashes the rock against it. But either way, when the shell breaks, the otter gobbles up its meal. And it does all this while floating on its back!
To stay waterproof, a sea otter needs to keep its fur really clean. Dirty, matted fur won’t keep out the cold water. So a sea otter spends a lot of time
, or cleaning itself. A bathing sea otter will roll over and over in the water. As it rolls, it rubs its fur with its paws. That cleans the fur and also puffs it up with air bubbles to keep it waterproof. It’s important that every inch of the fur gets nice and clean. Luckily, sea otters have very flexible bodies. So it’s no trouble to get to those hard-to-reach places.
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, each year. Until the baby is about two months old, the mom’s body is its crib! It rests on her chest as she floats along.
The only time the mom leaves the pup is when she has to go hunt for food. Then she wraps the pup in a kind of seaweed called kelp to keep it from drifting away while she’s gone. A sea otter pup has a built-in “life jacket”—a special coat of extra-thick fur that makes it float because there’s so much air trapped in it. So, like a cork, the baby otter just bobs on the surface while its mom is gone.
By the time the pup is around two months old, it has shed this baby fur and is learning to swim and dive in its new “grownup” coat. Then its mom will start taking the pup with her on hunting trips. She’ll teach the pup everything it needs to know. So when the time comes, the young sea otter will be ready to float through life on its own!We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page..
Diving, Rolling And Floating, Alligator Style
The evolutionary paths of these complicated animals finds them crawling out of the prehistoric ocean onto dry land as cold-bloodied creatures hundreds of millions of years ago.
Once on land, they developed lungs and limbs, their bodies gained the ability to regulate their own temperature and they began to bear live young. Then, some 50 million years ago, they returned to the sea again as robust mammals.
The otters retained their hind limbs and nimble front paws for grasping food. On the others, the digits of the feet webbed back together into powerful flippers.
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The return to the sea, with its vast food sources and immense territories, has been a very successful one for these ocean animals.
The largest living animal on Earth - the blue whale - and the biggest population of large carnivores - the seals- evolved only after they returned to the depths.
With the dolphin and the sea otter among them, ocean animals include some of the most complex, fascinating and intelligent beings on our planet. - Ocean Animals Facts
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Although sea otters spend virtually all of their lives in the ocean, two things separate them from the other marine mammals, and make some scientists question them being included in the category.
First and most obvious, sea otters have four usable legs with separate but webbed toes on each hind foot, and dexterous, hand-like front paws.
Second, although very well padded, sea otters do not have the same extensive blubber layer that all the other marine mammals bodies are lined with.
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Instead, the sea otter has what was nearly its downfall, the most densely furred and warmest coat in the animal kingdom, with over 800, 000 hairs per square inch!
Sea otters, as opposed to river otters, eat and sleep on the water, wrapping their buoyant bodies in seaweed to keep from drifting while they nap.
Seals, sea lions, and walruses are all pinnipeds or fin-footed mammals. Venturing further from shore, and deeper into the depths than the otters, the seals are the next evolutionary step in our return to the sea.
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The eared seals, including sea lions and fur seals, have small external ear flaps, powerful forward angled shoulder blades, larger front flippers and more flexible, separated hind flippers than the true seals.
Eared seals spend a great deal of time on land, breeding and sunning on the shores. With long, powerful front flippers, their natural position is upright with the chest raised off the ground.
Their rear legs are two separate, front-facing flippers that can be rotated under the body, and they can rise up and move around with a two beat gate. Also often referred to as the walking seals, the eared seals can actually walk, and even run, quite rapidly when necessary.
Meet The Toughest Animal On The Planet: The Water Bear Can Survive Being Frozen, Boiled And Even Float Around In Space And Live For 200 Years
The true seals have returned even farther back to the ocean. They have no external ear flaps, smaller front flippers and rearward facing hind limbs that are fused together into one scalloped flipper, like a mermaids tail.
True seals also swim differently from eared seals, getting most of their propulsion from their fused, tail-like rear flippers and undulating motions similar to a dolphin to propel themselves, while the eared seals use their strong front flippers as big, highly effective oars, appearing to fly through the water like birds.
Walruses have skeletons designed more like the eared seals, but have no ears. They move like the true seals in the water, but like the eared seals on land, and so are somewhere in between these two groups, and are classified in a genus of their own. - Ocean Animals Facts
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Living their entire lives in the water, with just a little bit of air time when breaching, the cetaceans - whales, dolphins, porpoises and narwhals- are separated into two groups, toothed whales and baleen whales.
Baleen is a strainer-like bony material that most of the largest whales have instead of teeth. The largest animal in the world - the blue whale- is a baleen whale that feeds on the tiny plants and creatures that remain in its mouth after it strains the water out by raising its tongue to the roof.
Dolphins, orcas, and the remarkable sperm whale of Moby Dick fame are
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