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Anime Japanese Gods

Anime Japanese Gods

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When we talk about the Japanese gods and goddesses, we must understand that much of the mythology and pantheon is derived from the traditional folklore of Shinto – one of the major religions of Japan. And interestingly enough, much like Hinduism, Shinto, or


(‘the Way of the Gods’) is a polytheistic mode of religion that results from the highly pluralistic culture of Japan throughout history.

Tsukuyomi: The Japanese Moon God

In essence, Shinto, without any proclaimed founder or prescribed tenets, can be perceived as the evolution of local animalistic beliefs of Yayoi culture (300 BC – 300 AD) that were further influenced by both Buddhism and even Hinduism throughout the course of centuries. 

And given the nature of these localized folklores (intermixed with the myths of venerated entities of Buddhism and Hinduism), the Japanese gods and goddesses are deities mostly based on the

– the mythical spirits and supernatural beings of the land. In terms of history, the first of these mythologies were documented in written forms by the early 8th century – thus serving as a standardized (or at least generalized) template of the Shinto pantheon for most of Japan.

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Like most creation myths, the Shinto-Japanese myth also consists of the primordial gods. Called Izanagi (Izanagi no Mikoto or ‘he who invites’) and Izanami (Izanami no Mikoto or ‘she who invites’), the duo of brother and sister are perceived as the divine beings who brought order to the sea of chaos below heaven by creating the first landmass – in the form of the island of Onogoro. Interestingly enough, most narratives concur that they were directed to do so by an even earlier generation of 

) and stirring the chaotic ocean below with their jewel-encrusted spear, thereby giving rise to the island of Onogoro. However, in spite of their apparent ingenuity, things soon fell out of favor, with their first union creating a deformed offspring – the god 

Izanagi and Izanami went on to create more landmasses and give birth to other divine entities, thereby giving form to the principal eight islands of Japan and over 800 

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The grief-stricken Izanagi followed his sister Izanami to the underworld, and he even succeeded in convincing the older generation of gods to allow her to return to the realm of the living. But the brother, impatient from waiting too long, takes a premature look at the ‘undead’ state of the sister, which was more akin to a rotting, decomposing corpse. A host of angry thunder 

 attached to this body chased Izanagi out of the underworld, and he just about escaped from Yomi by blocking the entrance with a huge stone.

, was born in a deformed state – which, according to the mythical narrative, was due to a transgression in their marriage ritual. However, in some narratives,  

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 was later identified with the Japanese god Yebisu (possibly in medieval times), a deity of fishermen and luck. In that regard, the myth of Yebisu was possibly modified to accommodate his divine (and rather indigenous) lineage amongst the Japanese 

In essence, Yebisu (or Hiruko), after being born without bones, was said to have been set adrift in the ocean at age three. In spite of this immoral trial, the child, by luck, somehow managed to come ashore to one Ebisu Saburo. The child then grew through various hardships to call himself Ebisu or Yebisu, thereby becoming the patron god of fishermen, children, and most importantly wealth and fortune.

Whose narrative is influenced by local folklore as opposed to foreign influence. As for depictions, in spite of his numerous adversities, Yebisu maintains his jovial mood (often called the ‘laughing god’) and wears a tall, pointed cap folded in the middle called 

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. On an interesting note, Yebisu is also the god of jellyfish, given his initial boneless form.Kagutsuchi – The Japanese God of Destructive Fire


Simply put, Kagutsuchi was regarded as the forebearer of various potent and powerful deities who even brought forth the creation of iron and weapons in Japan (possibly mirroring the foreign influence in different armaments of Japan). 

As for the history and cultural side of affairs, Kagutsuchi, as a god of fire, was unsurprisingly perceived as a (potential) agent of destruction to Japanese buildings and structures typically made of wood and other combustible materials. Suffice it to say, in Shinto religion, he becomes the focus of different appeasing rituals – with one ceremony pertaining to the 

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, she espouses the grandeur, order, and purity of the rising sun, while also being the mythical ancestor of the Japanese Imperial family (thus alluding to their mythical lineage in the Japanese culture). Her epithet suggests her role as the leader of the gods, with the rulership directly granted by her father

Left eye (as mentioned in our first entry). Another popular myth pertains to how Amaterasu locked herself in a cave after having a violent altercation with

Unfortunately, for the world, her radiant aura (epitomizing the effulgent sun) was hidden, thus covering the lands in darkness. And it was only after a series of friendly distractions and pranks concocted by the other Japanese gods that she was convinced to come out of the cave – which once again resulted in the advent of radiant sunlight. 

Amaterasu Ōmikami: Japanese Mythology

, who was offered the rulership of Earth by his grandmother. On the historical side of affairs, Amaterasu (or her equivalent deity) had always been important in the Japanese lands, with many noble families claiming lineage from the sun deity. But her prominence was rather enhanced after the Meiji Restoration, in accordance with tenets of the Shinto state religion.Tsukiyomi – The Japanese God of the Moon

, the sun goddess. In some myths, he is born from a white copper mirror held in the right hand of Izanagi. 


, the goddess of the sun, thereby allowing for the union of both the sun and the moon in the same sky. However, the relationship was soon shattered when Tsukiyomi killed

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Who is prone to chaotic mood swings – thus alluding to his power over the everchanging storms. Mythically, the mercurial nature of his benevolence (and malevolence) also extends to the seas and winds near the coast – where many of his shrines are located in South Japan. 

Talking of myths, Susanoo is often celebrated in Shinto folklore as the guileful champion who defeated the evil dragon (or monstrous serpent)

On the other hand, Susanoo is also portrayed in a somewhat negative light (thus reflecting the storm god’s chaotic nature), especially when it comes to his rivalry with

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On one occasion, their challenge to each other turned bitter, with the wrathful Susanoo going on a rampage by destroying the sun goddess’s rice fields and even killing one of her attendants. In response, the angry

Retreated into a dark cave, thus snatching away her divine light from the world, while the ever-boisterous Susanoo went away from heaven.

Of the elements of nature who can be favoring or disagreeable to the plights of mortals. To that end, Raijin is the deity of thunder and lightning who unleashes his tempests by wielding his hammer and beating drums. Interestingly enough, Raijin is depicted with three fingers – each representing the past, present, and future.


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Of the winds, who carries his fair share of gales and gusts in a bag on his shoulders. According to a few myths, it was Fujin who saved Japan during the Mongol invasions by unleashing a typhoon on the approaching fleet – which was later called the

– the god of war (discussed later in the article). Interestingly enough, there is a hypothesis regarding how Fujin was possibly inspired by the Greco-Buddhist deity

, the deity of the sun), Ame-no-Uzume also espoused the spontaneity of nature. This latter aspect made her the patron goddess of creativity and performing arts, including dancing.

Japanese Mythology: Susanoo The Storm God

So, in a bid to distract the other anxious kami, Ame-no-Uzume, by virtue of her intrinsic spontaneity and creativity, covered herself in the leaves of the Sakaki tree. She then started making cheery cries and it was followed up by gleeful dancing atop a platform.

She even resorted to removing her clothes, which led to amusement among the other gods who started roaring in joy and laughter. The ensuing merriment steered the curiosity of

, who finally came out of her cave, and thus the world was once again covered in radiant sunlight.Hachiman – The Japanese God of War and Archery

Major Japanese Gods And Goddesses

) epitomizes the syncretism between Shinto and Buddhism in early medieval Japan. Revered as the god of war,


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