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Video Do Animal Jam

Video Do Animal Jam

My daughter played her first online game at the age of three. We were flying to Winnipeg for a family event and needed something to keep her entertained while on the airplane and during what could have been an otherwise boring family event for a preschooler (there was only one other child in attendance). The game was Monkey Preschool LunchBox and I still remember how surprised I was at how quickly she mastered my iPod touch. Swiping, clicking and figuring out what was actually going on were nothing for her.

Since then my daughter’s “screen time” has been very limited. I have never been a proponent of video or online games for young children and my daughter (now 7) has never been a kid who needs to be convinced otherwise, but recently she asked if I could download an app on my iPad called, “Animal Jam” for her to play. She wanted to play because a friend of hers talked about the game all the time and she was, naturally, curious. For some of you this game may be old news, but for us – online games was a new parenting territory.


Before agreeing I searched online for details about the game and discovered WildWorks inc. created it for National Geographic and it centers around animals and the natural world. The game was made for children in her age group. Each player has their own animal and creates their own animal name, they can then interact with other players in the online world of Jamaa and earn money and sapphires toward decorating and upgrading their den or upgrading their animal and animal apparel (dragon winged tiger anyone?).

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Parents can set the controls so their child can only communicate with other players through preset phrases, such as “Hey everybody!” or “Want to trade with me?” (Because you can trade den furniture, unicorn hats, flip flops and many other fun treasures).

My daughter likes the game because she gets to be a horse (her absolute favourite animal). She is only “buddies” with her real life friends and her grandmothers, who she convinced to join Animal Jam and only play when she is around because why else would they play Animal Jam?

Somewhere amidst the many inner-game video games, treasure hunts and parties there are also educational tidbits about animals and plants… but don’t be fooled, that’s not why my daughter plays (but I often read over her shoulder and together we have learned a lot!). I like the educational aspect. I also like that the app and game itself is free to play (however sapphires, which are used to “buy” higher end treasures, cost real money).

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I was worried the introduction of video games would be a bad thing for my otherwise creative girl who is outside whatever the weather, but other than a few times where I had to take the iPad away because homework needed to be done, she seems to understand there is a time and place for online games and that if it is nice outside then I don’t want her on the iPad (and she doesn’t seem to want to be anyway). I doubt it will stay this way, but for now… I’ll savour the moment.

I like Animal Jam and think it was a nice introduction into online games for our family. I grew up playing Pong on my family’s Commodore Vic20 and remember playing that for countless hours, so who am I to take away from my daughter having similar memories (albeit with more advanced graphics – and in colour)?Animal Jam is a free-to-play, online multiplayer game, launched in 2010 in association with National Geographic. Aimed at the seven to 12 age range, Animal Jam is an award-winning community set in the virtual land of Jamaa, where players are encouraged to learn about the natural world. 

The game was updated in 2014 to allow users to play cross-platform and includes new locations, animals and items. Whilst this version was originally called ‘Play Wild’, it was changed back to Animal Jam on account of the game’s popularity.

Animal Jam Was Hacked, And Data Stolen; Here's What Parents Need To Know

Animal Jam is fun and colourful with plenty in it to amuse, entertain and educate. Players explore Jamaa and its different lands and ecosystems collecting fun animal facts from each region along the way.

You can buy clothes and other items for your avatar and furniture for your den, go to parties and keep up to date with the latest news in the Jamaa Journal, all while being subtly bombarded with interesting animal facts.

Gems are the currency in Jamaa. They are earned by playing mini arcade games. You can also redeem gem codes found in magazines or advertisements.


Animal Jam Review

You can trade unwanted items with other players using the AJ Trading System which keeps them safe from scammers. Scamming typically involves a player 'gifting' an item to another player outside of this system, with the promise of receiving something in return later. 

The Animal Jam team does moderate players attempting to scam others, while regularly recommending that people only use the AJ Trading system to trade. 

To set up an account, a child needs their parent’s email address. They create a player name, username and password then enter the email. Parents then receive an email telling them they have 120 days to activate the account.

Video Game Animal Jam Hd Wallpaper

Once activated, parents then choose how their child ‘bubble’ chats (Animal Jam’s in-game chat) to other players in the game using either a list of predetermined words or of predetermined phrases.

By setting up a parent account, you can monitor all player accounts that have been set up using your email address and change their settings.


Parents can also choose to enable or disable a number of social features (Jammer Wall, gifting, trading) as well controlling their child's access to the game.

Dr Brady Barr In Animal Jam!

Chat filters and live moderation help protect children from inappropriate behaviour when they play Animal Jam. Depending on how bad the behaviour is, a warning is sent to the offending child, game play may be paused or suspended (temporarily or permanently) and an email is sent to the child’s parents.

The Animal Jam Help button is on the top bar of the Animal Jam website homepage. Players (or their parents) can report the bad behaviour of other players by clicking on the 'report' button in the lower right corner of their player card.

You can also block players. Animal Jam moderators review each report and if a Jammer is found to be breaking the rules action will be taken against them like suspending their account or disabling their chat facility.Animal Jam is one of the most popular games for kids, ranking in the top five games in the 9-11 age category in Apple’s App Store in the U.S., according to data provided by App Annie. But while no data breach is ever good news, WildWorks has been more forthcoming about the incident than most companies would be, making it easier for parents to protect both their information and their kids’ data.

Animal Jam Codes

WildWorks said in a detailed statement that a hacker stole 46 million Animal Jam records in early October but that it only learned of the breach in November.


The company said someone broke into one of its systems that the company uses for employees to communicate with each other, and accessed a secret key that allowed the hacker to break into the company’s user database. The bad news is that the stolen data is known to be circulating on at least one cybercrime forum, WildWorks said, meaning that malicious hackers may use (or be using) the stolen information.

Much of the stolen data wasn’t highly sensitive, but the company warned that 32 million of those stolen records had the player’s username, 23.9 million records had the player’s gender, 14.8 million records contained the player’s birth year and 5.7 million records had the player’s full date of birth.

Animal Jam Intro On Vimeo

But, the company did say that the hacker also took 7 million parent email addresses used to manage their kids’ accounts. It also said that 12, 653 parent accounts had a parent’s full name and billing address, and 16, 131 parent accounts had a parent’s name but no billing address.

WildWorks also said that the hacker stole players’ passwords, prompting the company to reset every player’s password. (If you can’t log in, that’s probably why. Check your email for a link to reset your password.) WildWorks didn’t say how it scrambled passwords, which leaves open the possibility that they could be unscrambled and potentially used to break into other accounts that have the same password as used on Animal Jam. That’s why it’s so important to use unique passwords for each site or service you use, and use a password manager to store your passwords safely.

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