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Already Dead Anime

Already Dead Anime

Seit seiner Kindheit zieht Kimihiko Kimizuka Ärger nahezu magisch an. So wurde er bereits Zeuge eines Drogendeals und war schon so oft an Tatorten gewesen, dass ihm irgendwann selbst die Polizeiobermeisterin Fuubi Kase mit Skepsis begegnete. Eines Tages wurde er sogar entführt und musste einen Aktenkoffer mit unbekannten Inhalt außer Landes bringen. Auf dem Flug stellte sich heraus, dass das Flugzeug von der Geheimorganisation

Gekapert wurde, doch zufälligerweise saß neben Kimihiko die Meisterdetektivin Siesta, die ihn sogleich zu ihrem Assistenten erklärte. Zusammen schafften sie es tatsächlich, den Entführer zu überwältigen und der Polizei zu übergeben.


Als Kimihiko an diesem Abend wieder nach Hause kam, wartete dort auch schon Siesta auf ihn, die ihn nun offiziell zu ihrem Assistenten machen wollte. Nach anfänglichem Sträuben willigte Kimihiko schließlich doch ein und daraufhin reisten die beiden drei Jahre lang um die Welt, erlebten dabei teils gefährliche Abenteuer und lösten unzählige Fälle. Ihre Reise nahm jedoch ein tragisches Ende, als Siesta starb.

The Detective Is Already Dead Volume 3 Review • Anime Uk News

Ein Jahr nach Siestas Tod führt Kimihiko wieder ein halbwegs normales Leben als gewöhnlicher Oberschüler. Da er hin und wieder ein paar Kriminalfälle löst, die ihm gerade in den Schoß fallen, wird seine Mitschülerin Nagisa Natsunagi auf ihn aufmerksam und bittet ihn darum, eine bestimmte Person zu finden. Dieser Fall droht allerdings seinen zurückgewonnenen Alltag auf den Kopf zu stellen. Quelle: /anime/15908

Since childhood, Kimihiko Kimizuka tends to attract trouble wherever he goes. Because of this he already witnessed a drug deal and had been on crime scenes so many times that eventually even the police sergeant Fuubi Kase herself approached him with suspicion. One day, he got kidnapped and had to deliver a briefcase with unknown content out of the country. During the flight it turned out that the airplane had been hijacked by the secret organisation

. By chance, the master detective Siesta sat next to him and declared him her assistant at once. Together they managed to capture the kidnapper and deliver him to the police.

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When Kimihiko returned home that evening, Siesta was already waiting there for him to recruit him as her official assistant. Kimihiko initially hesitated, but finally agreed. After that, the two of them traveled the world for 3 years, going on dangerous adventures and solving countless cases. However, their trip finds a tragic end when Siesta dies.

One year after Siesta’s death, Kimihiko is living a reasonably normal life as high school student again. Since he’s solving a few cases that fall into his lap from time to time, his classmate Nagisa Natsunagi takes notice of him and asks him to find a specific person. However, this case threatens to turn his regained daily routine upside down. Source: www..com/anime/15908

Du hilfst anderen gerne bei der Suche nach einem Anime oder informierst gern über Anime? Dann empfehlen wir, zusätzlich einen Link zum Anime-Eintrag hier auf mit anzugeben. Damit erleichterst Du dem Empfänger die Suche nach dem Anime und bietest ihm eine ganze Fülle an Informationen!The Detective Is Already Dead (Japanese: 探偵はもう、死んでいる。 , Hepburn: Tantei wa Mō, Shinde Iru. , Spanish title: La detective está muerta[a]) is a Japanese light novel series writt by Nigojū and illustrated by Umibōzu. Media Factory have published the series since November 2019 under their MF Bunko J imprint. A manga adaptation with art by Mugiko has be serialized in Media Factory's sein manga magazine Monthly Comic Alive since May 2020. Both the light novel and manga are licsed in North America by Y Press. An anime television series adaptation by GI aired from July to September 2021. A second season has be announced.

The Detective Is Already Dead Anime Characters 4k Phone Iphone Wallpaper #7170b

Ever since he was a child, Kimihiko Kimizuka has attracted trouble. According to him, he was born with a condition that naturally attracts him to troublesome situations, such as being forced to join a flash mob while taking a leisurely walk, accidtally stumbling across an underworld transaction betwe drug dealers, and being at the site of crime sces oft ough to sometimes be considered a suspect.

One particular day in his third year of junior high, he was kidnapped and forced to carry a suitcase onto an international flight; on that flight, he met Siesta, a woman who proclaims herself to be a legdary detective. Forcefully made into her sidekick, Kimihiko helped her stop the plane from being hijacked, but not before Kimihiko discovered the existce of underworld organizations. After being constantly pestered, Kimihiko agrees to be Siesta's sidekick and for three years, they worked together, finding and solving an innumerable number of cases.

Now in his last year of sior high, Kimihiko is once again confronted by the ghosts of the past as he tries to solve new cases that fall into his lap. He is extremely bothered by the fact that he is called a detective; after all, the detective is already dead.


The Detective Is Already Dead Episode 5 Review

An 18-year-old high school studt with a talt to attract criminals so that in his past he oft witnessed various crimes and was ev later questioned by the police as a suspect himself. This talt, which he himself calls a trouble magnet, appartly also led to his counter with the master detective Siesta, who wanted to recruit him as her assistant, which he initially refused due to his characteristic of always ding up in unpleasant situations. Author Nigojū initially planned to give him the alias Kurokage wh creating the series of novels.

A mysterious woman and self-proclaimed master detective who owns a musket and sev items with magical abilities. Her motto is to solve criminal cases before they happ. Until her death, Siesta was a member of the Twelve Tuners, an organization of twelve people who want to save the world from chaos. Originally, Siesta was just a minor character in the series. After Nigojūs manuscript won the top prize in the MF Bunko Newcomer Award, she evtually became one of the main characters in the novel series.

An 18-year-old high school studt. She has a strong and dominant personality. As a child, she suffered from a heart defect and was forced to stay in the hospital bed because of it. A year before the actual plot began, she received a donor heart from an unknown donor. Originally, according to the author's plans, Nagisa was to become the only main protagonist of the novel series.

The Detective Is Already Dead (light Novel Review)

A middle school girl who is already a successful idol at the age of 14 and regularly appears in magazines or commercials. She hires Kimihiko and Nagisa to protect her and an heirloom from a thief. Although Yui is the youngest character in the novel series at 14, she is considered the most adult character. Originally, Nigojū planned in his manuscript to put Yui in the role of the detective, but later changed this.

A 17-year-old assassin who was originally set to assassinate Siesta. However, after losing a fight against Siesta, Charlotte began to idolize her. She is half-Japanese and was born in the United States. She becomes an assistant to Fūbi Kase.


Hel was Alicia's alter ego, who now lives in Nagisa's body. She was Siesta's archemy. To save Alicia's life, Siesta sacrificed her own life, but after her death has the ability to take control of Hel's consciousness and suppress her evil side.

The Detective Is Already Dead' Tv Anime Reveals 6th Visual, Listed With 12 Episodes, Airs July 4

A sior police officer who has met Kimihiko several times. Because of his talt for being in the wrong place, she is particularly skeptical of him.

A member of the secret organization SPES. He has the ability to transform into a chameleon, hce the name. In his human form he has white hair and purple eyes. In his chameleon form he is much larger, has sharp teeth and takes on a fearsome appearance.

Bat is a former antagonist of the series. He was a member of the secret organization SPES and was behind the plane hijacking, but was confronted by Siesta and Kimihiko and defeated in a fight. Bat is a liar and a coward who only acts on his own whim.

Anime The Detective Is Already Dead Hd Wallpaper

A member of the secret organization SPES and is an android, who also has ges of a Kerberos and a werewolf. He is Hel's guardian. Like Chameleon, he also has the ability to assume another form - that of a werewolf. He is smart, but follows his primitive instincts.


A girl with pink hair, which is tied into two ponytails. She wears a dress that is similar to Alice, the title character from the novel Alice's Advtures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

The idea of The Detective Is Already Dead started from a random stce the author, Nigojū, thought of one day. The stce was Is there a detective on the plane?, and later became the first stce of the story.

The Detective Is Already Dead: Anime Review

The series is writt by Nigojū and illustrated by Umibōzu. Media Factory has published nine volumes since November 2019 under their MF Bunko J imprint.

A second manga adaptation by Poni titled The Detective Is Already Dead: The Lost Memory (探偵はもう、死んでいる。-the lost memory- , Tantei wa Mō, Shinde Iru. -The Lost Memory- ) has also be serialized in Monthly Comic Alive since January 27, 2021.

The 12-episode anime television series adaptation was announced on January 20, 2021. The series is animated by GI and


Art] The Detective Is Already Dead Volume 4 Official English Cover

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