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How To Switch Animals On Animal Jam Play Wild

How To Switch Animals On Animal Jam Play Wild

Animals are the avatars that represent Jammers in Animal Jam Classic. There are a variety of animals for both members and non-members. Every Jammer can create and store multiple animal avatars and then switch between them. Non-members can only store two animals, but Jammers with a Membership can store one thousand animals at once.

New animal avatars can be purchased through the Switch Animals menu by clicking on the Add Animal button where an empty slot is available. When creating an animal, Jammers must choose a name that consists of three parts, and this name will stay with the animal forever. Most Animals will cost Diamonds to create for the first time, but any more made of the same type will only be 1, 000 gems like all non-diamond Animals.


Jammers can recycle existing animals in storage by clicking the bin symbol in the Switch Animals menu and then selecting the animal to delete. Every Animal will return 500 Gems to the Jammer upon recycling. When an exclusive animal (such as one purchased with Diamonds or obtained through a promotional offer) is recycled, a new animal of that type can still be created at a price of 1, 000 Gems; however, an animal cannot be recreated if it is currently listed as Exploring, Traveling, Endangered, or is otherwise made unavailable.

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Every animal can be customized through the Change Your Look menu. Animals have a primary color and a secondary color as well as a variety of eye shapes and Patterns to choose from. Each of the customization options includes a palette of fifty colors to make the animal unique.

Beyond changing the animal itself, Jammers can also customize their animals by adding clothing accessories. Land and flying animals can wear five pieces of clothing for their head, neck, body, legs, and tail. However, ocean animals can only wear four pieces of clothing, as they do not have tail-type accessories. All clothing is either for use in land areas or ocean areas, and they are not interchangeable. Animals that can go both on land and underwater, such as the seal, can have two different sets of clothing saved, one for over and one for underwater.

There are four main types of animals: land, ocean, amphibious, and flying. Land animals were the first type to be introduced and were initially the only type available in the game; they can be used in areas that are predominantly land and the majority of Adventures. Ocean animals were first introduced in September 2011, and they can only be used in the special Ocean areas and Adventures. Amphibious animals, as the name implies, share the areas of both Land and Ocean type animals. In February 2014, the flying type of Animal was released. They can explore any map that isn't underwater much more freely as they can simply fly over walls, but are only available for very few Adventures.


Animal Jam Pets Guide

Every animal has an Adventure Level that is increased by collecting Courage Points while playing Adventures. An animal's level determines how many hearts it has in the Adventures. If a player has not finished the Training Grounds tutorial, all of their animals will be at level 0. Once the tutorial is completed, all current and future animals will start at level 1. The Adventure Level is visible on the far left side of Nametags while in the Adventures or one of the staging areas such as the Adventure Base Camp. Outside of these areas, it can be turned on or off through the Change Your Look menu, but this feature is for members only.

Animals will stay available to specific players who have purchased them even once they are removed from the 'Create an Animal' selection, but not all animals are currently available for all players.


Additionally, variants of certain existing animals has started being made, typically referred to as 'Patterned Animals' by the community. They are the same as their standard variants in terms of animation, but usually have unique, themed patterns on their body and appearing as a trail beneath them. The only exception to this is the Legendary Eagle, which comes with multiple unique body patterns.

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A glitch where the player did not have an ocean animal, but this screen pops up once they try to go underwater.The Switch Animals menu is a core part of Animal Jam Classic's interface that allows players to manage the animal avatars that they have purchased and alternate between them. It can be opened by clicking the button beside their animal's icon in the bottom left corner of their screen.


Non-members can only have two animals to switch between; however members can now have up to 1000 animals to switch between. When a player loses their Membership, all of their animals are saved but locked in storage and they must choose two non-member animals from their list or purchase two new non-member animals. New animals can be purchased directly from the inventory by clicking on an empty slot that says Add Animal or by clicking the green bottom with the same name at the bottom right of the menu. Each new animal costs 1, 000 Gems, 10 Diamonds, or 5 Diamonds, and fills up one slot.

Players can recycle some of their animals by clicking on the blue recycle button on the bottom left of the menu. Recycling an animal gives the player 500 Gems and gets rid of the animal, freeing up one slot. Players can recycle every animal except the one that they are currently using, as they must have an animal avatar to play the game. Animals that were purchased with Diamonds will still be available for purchase at the reduced Gems price if they are recycled. Promotional animals with custom names can be recreated for Gems after they are recycled, but their custom name will be lost forever upon recycling them.


Animal Jam: Design Cute Pets

When switching, the player's animal glows green and disappears, a green spiral appears on the ground, a sound clip plays, and a small ball of the same color flies into the air. It then hovers for a moment, then drops back down. Underwater, the animal disappears, and water swirls. The swirl pops, and the animal switched to turns green, then back to normal. The player's name-tag changes to their new animal's name, and then their new animal appears.

A glitch where the player did not have an ocean animal, but this screen pops up once they try to go underwater.The Switch Animals menu is a core part of Animal Jam Classic's interface that allows players to manage the animal avatars that they have purchased and alternate between them. It can be opened by clicking the button beside their animal's icon in the bottom left corner of their screen.


Non-members can only have two animals to switch between; however members can now have up to 1000 animals to switch between. When a player loses their Membership, all of their animals are saved but locked in storage and they must choose two non-member animals from their list or purchase two new non-member animals. New animals can be purchased directly from the inventory by clicking on an empty slot that says Add Animal or by clicking the green bottom with the same name at the bottom right of the menu. Each new animal costs 1, 000 Gems, 10 Diamonds, or 5 Diamonds, and fills up one slot.

Players can recycle some of their animals by clicking on the blue recycle button on the bottom left of the menu. Recycling an animal gives the player 500 Gems and gets rid of the animal, freeing up one slot. Players can recycle every animal except the one that they are currently using, as they must have an animal avatar to play the game. Animals that were purchased with Diamonds will still be available for purchase at the reduced Gems price if they are recycled. Promotional animals with custom names can be recreated for Gems after they are recycled, but their custom name will be lost forever upon recycling them.


Animal Jam: Design Cute Pets

When switching, the player's animal glows green and disappears, a green spiral appears on the ground, a sound clip plays, and a small ball of the same color flies into the air. It then hovers for a moment, then drops back down. Underwater, the animal disappears, and water swirls. The swirl pops, and the animal switched to turns green, then back to normal. The player's name-tag changes to their new animal's name, and then their new animal appears.

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