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Kosher Animals List

Kosher Animals List

Kosher animals are animals that comply with the regulations of kashrut and are considered kosher foods. These dietary laws ultimately derive from various passages in the Torah with various modifications, additions and clarifications added to these rules by halakha. Various other animal-related rules are contained in the 613 commandmts.

Leviticus 11:3–8 and Deuteronomy 14:4–8 both give the same geral set of rules for idtifying which land animals (Hebrew: בהמות Behemoth) are ritually clean. According to these, anything that chews the cud and has a completely split hoof is ritually clean, but those animals that only chew the cud or only have clov hooves are unclean.


The coney was an exclusively European animal, not prest in Canaan, while the shapan was described by the Book of Proverbs as living on rocks

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While camels are actually not true ruminants they chew cud, and do not have a hoof at all, but rather toes with hoof-like toails.

Although hares and coneys do not ruminate at all, they do usually re-ingest soft cecal pellets made of chewed plant material right after excretion for further bacterial digestion in their stomach and this serves the same purpose as rumination.

Although not ruminants, hyraxes have complex, multichambered stomachs that allow symbiotic bacteria to break down tough plant materials, though they do not regurgitate.

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Further clarification of this classification has be attempted by various authors, most rectly by Rabbi Natan Slifkin, in a book, titled The Camel, the Hare, and the Hyrax.

In Deuteronomy, it has traditionally be translated as wild goat, but in the same translations is called a wild ox where it occurs in Deutero-Isaiah;

The Masoretic Text calls it a dishon, meaning springing; it has thus usually be interpreted as some form of antelope or ibex.

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The Masoretic Text calls it a zamer, but camelopardalis means camel-leopard and refers to the giraffe (giraffe is derived, via Italian, from the Arabic term ziraafa meaning assembled [from multiple parts]).

The traditional translation has be chamois, but the chamois has never naturally existed in Canaan; neither is the giraffe naturally found in Canaan, and consequtly the mouflon is considered the best remaining idtification.

The Deuteronomic passages mtion no further land beasts as being clean or unclean, seemingly suggesting that the status of the remaining land beasts can be extrapolated from the giv rules.

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Something not explicitly stated by the Deuteronomic passages; the only quadrupeds with paws are the carnivorans (dogs, wolves, cats, lions, hyas, bears, etc.), and all carnivorans fall under this description.

The Leviticus passages thus cover all the large land animals that naturally live in Canaan, except for primates, and equids (horses, zebras, etc.), which are not mtioned in Leviticus as being either ritually clean or unclean, despite their importance in warfare and society, and their mtion elsewhere in Leviticus.

Argued that animals without upper teeth would always chew the cud and have split hoofs (thus being ritually clean), and that no animal with upper teeth would do so; the Talmud makes an exception for the case of the camel (which, like the other ruminant ev-toed ungulates, is appartly 'without upper teeth' though some citations

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), ev though the skulls clearly have both front and rear upper teeth. The Talmud also argues that the meat from the legs of clean animals can be torn lgthwise as well as across, unlike that of unclean animals,

Beginning with Saadia Gaon, several Jewish commtators started to explain these taboos rationalistically; Saadia himself expresses an argumt similar to that of totemism, that the unclean animals were declared so because they were worshipped by other cultures.

Due to comparatively rect discoveries about the cultures adjact to the Israelites, it has become possible to investigate whether such principles could underlie some of the food laws.


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Like the Egyptian priests, Vedic India (and presumably the Persians also) allowed the meat of rhinoceros and ruminants, although cattle were excluded from this, since they were seemingly taboo in Vedic India;

In a particular parallel with the Israelite list, Vedic India explicitly forbade the consumption of camelids and domestic pigs (but not boar).

But Harran did not, and was ev more similar to the Israelite regulations, allowing all ruminants, but not other land beasts, and expressly forbidding the meat of camels.

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It is also possible to find an ecological explanation for these rules. If one believes that religious customs are at least partly explained by the ecological conditions in which a religion evolves, th this too could account for the origin of these rules.

In addition to meeting the restrictions as defined by the Torah, there is also the issue of masorah (tradition). In geral, animals are eat only if there is a masorah that has be passed down from gerations ago that clearly indicates that these animals are acceptable. For instance, there was considerable debate as to the kosher status of zebu and bison among the rabbinical authorities wh they first became known and available for consumption; the Orthodox Union permits bison,

Leviticus 11:9–12 and Deuteronomy 14:9–10 both state that anything residing in the waters (which Leviticus specifies as being the seas and rivers) is ritually clean if it has both fins and scales,

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Although the Old Testamt does not further specify, the Talmud makes the claim that all fish that have scales also have fins,

And so practically speaking, we need to only idtify organisms that have scales and can ignore the portion of the rule about fins. Nachmanides commts that the scales of a kosher fish must be able to be removed either by hand or by knife, but that the underlying skin does not become damaged with removal of the scales,


Scitifically, there are five differt types of fish scales: placoid, cosmoid, ganoid, ctoid and cycloid. The majority of kosher fish exhibit the latter two forms, ctoid or cycloid, but the bowfin (Amia calva) is an example of a fish with ganoid scales that is deemed kosher. As such, kosher status cannot be said to follow the rules of modern-day classification, and qualified experts on kosher fish must be consulted to determine the status of a particular fish or scale type.

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These rules restrict permissible seafood to stereotypical fish, prohibiting the unusual forms such as the eel, lamprey, hagfish, and lancelet. In addition, they exclude non-fish marine creatures, such as crustaceans (lobster, crab, prawn, shrimp, barnacle, etc.), molluscs (squid, octopus, oyster, periwinkle, etc.), sea cucumbers, and jellyfish.

Other creatures living in the sea and rivers that would be prohibited by the rules include the cetaceans (dolphin, whale, etc.), crocodilians (alligator, crocodile etc.), sea turtles, sea snakes, and all amphibians.

Sharks are considered to be ritually unclean according to these regulations, as their scales can only be removed by damaging the skin. A minor controversy arises from the fact that the appearance of the scales of swordfish is heavily affected by the ageing process—their young satisfy Nachmanides' rule, but wh they reach adulthood they do not.

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Traditionally fins has be interpreted as referring to transluct fins. The Mishnah claims that all fish with scales will also have fins, but that the reverse is not always true.

For the latter case, the Talmud argues that ritually clean fish have a distinct spinal column and flattish face, while ritually unclean fish don't have spinal columns and have pointy heads,

Nevertheless, Aaron Chorin, a promint 19th-ctury rabbi and reformer, declared that the sturgeon was actually ritually pure, and hce permissible to eat.

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The question for sturgeon is particularly significant as most caviar consists of sturgeon eggs, and therefore cannot be kosher if the sturgeon itself is not. Sturgeon-derived caviar is not eat by some Kosher-observant Jews because sturgeon possess ganoid scales instead of the usual ctoid and cycloid scales. There is a kosher caviar.


Nachmanides believed that the restrictions against certain fish also addressed health concerns, arguing that fish with fins and scales (and hce ritually clean) typically live in shallower waters than those without fins or scales (i.e., those that were ritually impure), and consequtly the latter were much colder and more humid, qualities he believed made their flesh toxic.

Vedic India (and presumably the Persians also) exhibit such repugnance, gerally allowing fish, but forbidding weird looking fish and exclusively carnivorous fish;

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With regard to birds, no geral rule is giv, instead Leviticus 11:13–19 and Deuteronomy 14:11–18 explicitly list prohibited birds. In the Shulchan Aruch, 3 signs are giv to kosher birds: the presce of a crop, an extra finger, and a gizzard that can be peeled. The bird must also not be a bird of prey. The Masoretic Text lists the birds as:

Which seems to be a combination of 'da'ah' and 'ayyah', and may be a scribal error; the Talmud regards it as a duplication of ayyah.

This, and the other terms, are vague and difficult to translate, but there are a few further descriptions, of some of these birds, elsewhere in the Bible:

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Although the first 10 birds idtified by the Septuagint seem to fit the descriptions of the Masoretic Text, the ossifrage (Latin for bone breaker) being a good example, the correspondce is less clear for most of the remaining birds.

It is also obvious that the list in Leviticus, or the list in Deuteronomy,

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