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Stardew Valley Animal Sitter

Stardew Valley Animal Sitter

Animal sitter at stardew valley nexus mods and community all games stardew valley mods cheats animal sitter animal sitter endorsements 3 427 unique dls 67 049 total dls 128 439 total views 609 655 version 1 0 9 download manual 2 items last updated 10 july 2018 1 38pm original upload 09 october 2016 1 04am created by jwdred uploaded by jwdred

5 you must log in or sign up to reply here forums presented by chucklefish stardew valley mods hello is there anyone can help update animal sitter mod for stardew valley version 1 5 nexusmods com stardewvalley mods 581 tab posts thanks


Animal sitter endorsements 3 429 unique dls 67 049 total dls 128 439 total views 609 655 version 1 0 9 download manual 2 items last updated 10 july 2018 1 38pm original upload 09 october 2016 1 04am created by jwdred uploaded by jwdred virus scan safe to use tags for this mod gameplay cheating fair and balanced smapi tag this mod description

If feeding petting and collecting are all actions that 39 s 75g per animal a base chicken egg is 50g 95g for a large so your profit is 25g and 20g respectively a duck egg is 95g every other day that 39 s two feedings two pettings and 1 collection that 39 s 125g for 5 actions profit of 30g

Feb 2 2023 2 203 mouse said this is an unofficial update with permission to who 39 s greenhouse to fix the entrance and exit problems in 1 5 nothing else the original has been hidden for now it requires pytk because of the custom tile action i used to fix the exit this is a reupload of the one i fixed for someone on discord at the

Mikeymuis i dont if it is working for mobile or tablet loved labels adds a customize able mouse hover label tooltip to make it easier to see if you have petted a pet or farm animal yet animal sitter pay someone to pet your animals for you custom chores similar but have your spouse do it

Smapi io is the official site for smapi the mod loader for stardew valley you can find hundreds of mods compatible with smapi check the mod compatibility list or use the smapi log parser to troubleshoot your mod issues visit smapi io and enhance your stardew valley experience with mods

Animal sitter mod update mum s myriad of quotes about stardew villagers learning about the world from stardew valley

Forums presented by chucklefish stardew valley mods ninuna orbital explorer hi i have the animal sitter mod updated version from pathoschild

3 4 4 comments best eliasntr 3 yr ago since it seems that you 39 re getting rid of petting entirely an alternative i can think of is fastpetting it lets you pet every single animal you have at the press of a single button for free 2 pontanian 3 yr ago tips hat thanks very much appreciated will give it a go now nyihuigamer 3 yr ago


Animal sitter 313 526 auto animal doors 311 auto farm screenshot 157 527 better fruit trees 118 529 released 03 january 2021 for stardew valley 1 5 1 or later

Hi sorry to ask this but there 39 s any way for me to make animal sitter give treats for the husbandry mod

The logic of opening and closing doors has been updated because the 1 5 update modified the trigger logic of animaldoor now use another operation instead after you set the time in the config file hold down the right mouse button until the time changes and a prompt will pop up in the lower left corner p s

Unzip the folder into stardew valley mods run the game using smapi new 2 1 0 commands i understand that going into config json may be daunting so i 39 ve created commands to use in smapi so that you never have to go in there here 39 s an example of adding a brand new category bfav list all bfav commands with help


Animals contents 1 cat or dog 2 horse 3 animal care 3 1 friendship 3 2 mood 3 3 produce 3 3 1 deluxe and large products 3 3 1 1 duck feathers and rabbit feet 3 3 1 2 large eggs and milk 3 3 2 quality 3 4 housing 3 5 food 3 6 animals trapped outside 3 7 wild animal attacks 3 8 animal births 4 selling animals 5 coop animals 5 1 chickens 5 2 ducks

1 901 strobe said updated jwdred 39 s mods thanks to pr from pathoschild ready for 64 bit and sdv 1 5 mail order pigs point and plant replanter animal sitter crab net thanks for updating the replanter mod can it be modified to include the farming profession benefits so automatically replanted crops get the shorter growth time odin moderator

In the adopt 39 n 39 skin package tua 39 s original chicken sprites as chickentype 1 in each folder the premier slot for our modding forebearers white chickens a light brahma chicken a gray silkie and a paint silkie brown chickens a retouched partridge silkie and a red silkie void chickens an ayam cemani because everyone needs to make an

Animal sitter 1 1 1 unofficial 4 pathoschild daily task report 1 4 2 unofficial 5 mizzion sauvignoninstardew 1 9 1 unofficial 5 bigbhole69 tree transplant 1 0 9 zoom mod 1 2 2 unofficial 1 mizzion i wish that my knowledge of modding could assist with helping in updating the mods to this great game


7 patterns solid dutch cali fornian eyeliner leg english blaze 2 unique buns blue eyed white panda total 93 options these are just sprites so they will not work on their own intended to be used with adopt 39 n 39 skin replaces the rabbit 39 s sideways facing sprites gives them a hopping animation and adds like a million color

Elle 39 s new barn animals is a must have mod for stardew valley if you are looking to add some variety to your barnyard created by modder elle this mod introduces a plethora of new skins for each barn animal giving you options to choose from with 22 skins for brown and white cows 18 skins for goats 14 skins for sheep and 18 skins for pigs

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