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Youtube Animal Jam 2

Youtube Animal Jam 2

“As soon as I began playing Animal Jam (Play Wild) in 2016, I fell in love with the game and so I searched all about it on YouTube to expand my knowledge. I then found other Animal Jam youtubers and as I started to watch them, I thoroughly enjoyed their creative ideas and I dreamt one day that I could be like them.When I became older, I finally managed to create a channel and that was just the beginning!”

“I would say no, not personally, sometimes I have come across drama but I prefer to avoid it. If I do get involved however, I like to try sort it out and maintain positivity all around!”


“My favourite part about the community is that everyone is so caring and kind - not to mention the incredible talent and creativity here! The least favourite part is probably the few that decide to scam because that can hurt others feelings, however people can change and that is something I love most as well!”

My Old Animal Jam Youtube Channel. Ah The Nostalgia.

“Hmm... in my opinion, I don’t think there’s any changes I would want to the game as each update brings the unexpected. However, something I would like to see for the future is more Animal Jam (Play Wild) based jambassadors as I don’t think there have been any before for that game!”

“There are many people I look up to, however my biggest inspirations have been Cre8ivity and Tiffany AJ - their content always made me happy!”

“Well, I wanted a username that no one else had and something that would be unique and easy to remember. I thought of galaxies because they are very cool and then randomly thought of mints as I had one earlier that day!”

“This ones quite difficult, but I’ll have to go with my first ever skit - The Secret Rare Party. I loved filming and editing it and I was so pleased to see people liked it (considering it was my first, and most popular video!) because the most important thing is making the community happier. :)”

Thank you so much Galaxy for allowing us to do this interview! If you would like to see more content from her, make sure to follow her Instagram: @galaxymintz and subscribe to her channel Galaxymintz! Jam on!

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This transformative compilation of assets and news reports constitutes a fair-use of WildWorks’ copyrighted material as provided by section 107 of the US copyright law. “Animal Jam Archives” by The Game Archives (not affiliated with any game companies) is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC (CC BY 4.0) License, permitting non-commercial sharing with attributions.Woohoo! Read the title! I finally got the channel after hours, and hours of over complicating things... But awesome so far! I should be able to get a microphone, and a screen recorder. Check out my channel, well, after I start making channel art and add a profile pic and upload a couple videos. But, I must get membership for Otterx.. Hey, guess what animal jam did? They made the otters TRAVEL! WHYYYY?! So sad. :( Evil AJ. My channel is Otterx AJ, and I would start making cute dramatic stories..

Ugh, looks so lonely and empty! Now, time to learn how to use Photoshop. Well, until someone helps me draw something. Maybe I should draw something.. Well, I have to record using my Otterx account, even though it barely has any items on it.. Well, time to buy some membership! Anyway, I am also making an Instagram account, but since I am lazy, I don't think I will update it much.

Almost all jammers know about the Diamond Shop. Its a store that sells items, many of them once a member gift. Many jammers hate the diamond shop because Animal Jam adds some of there betas, items you can't buy there. So lots of pros and cons.


First of all, you can buy DENS! Those dens are exclusive, and they mostly cost 5-7 diamonds... Cheap? Nope! The best ones to buy are the 7 diamond ones.. THOSE ARE HUGE! Though the Cosmo den is pretty cool too... I personally LOVE the Beach house. IT HAS AN ISLAND!!! Hehe.

Lovely animals.. There are 2 more, the snow leopard and the polar bear! I love the otter and arctic wolf! The animals with the blue background can go in water and on land! How cool is that? I'm getting membership on Otterx soon, 6 month membership, so I'm gonna buy an otter! Yayyy!!!!

The gold armor is where you can buy a variety of armors, which to me, are a bit overpriced. The cloud, tail thing and glove is where you can buy scraps and tidbits of random objects, and the stereo thing sells music. Boy, you sure need a lot of diamonds to buy everything! Jam on!

Ever wanted to play a random animal jam looking game? Well I know a few! Currently, there are 2, but they are releasing Play Wild, basically a mobile animal jam, but much more 3D! I was beta testing it, B) #SWAG a little buggy but still a magnificent game! Well the first ever released was Tunnel Town. Just raise bunnies XD So cute!

Next game is AJ jump. Your just a regular nutty kangaroo, and you want to hop on random floating ledges in the sky... And there are monkeys chucking gems at you. Fun. And then, you can hop on bed springs, or get loaded into a cannon! If your patient enough to get above, you can get loaded into a rocket. Lovely game eh? You can buy it in the Google Play Store or Appstore for $1.99.


Last of all, Play Wild! I absolutely love that game XD The backgrounds are amazing and blah blah blah.. Its basically like a pocket edition of animal jam! I recommend this app, because you can connect with friends and all that. You can customize, chat, trade, decorate and play games... Well, so far. I was just a tester! Hehe, get the game yourself when it comes out! Well, Jam on!

So in Mt. Shiveer, I think about everyone noticed the dinosaur in the ice. But what about the other little things? Like the seal engraved in the ice? Or the cave with ice crowded at the entrance? I suppose this post would possibly come up with an explanation for all these mysterious things. Well, when I first saw the dinosaur in the ice, I shouted NESSIE! Sadly, no one agreed :(

And whats up with the seal cave? Some secret meeting place? *GASP* An that's not all. There's another cave, but no seal above. I have a feeling, its going to be an entrance to the territory above. I think its gonna be a great new place! I think it should be a grasslands, you know, a prairie, for all those roleplayers and lions, and cheetahs... It would look PAWESOME!

Well, that's all for today. My new account's username was FINALLY accepted. Yaassss XD *celebration dance* Add me if you want, the account might be temporary. Oh and a trading tip. If you want a non member wooden floor, fair trades are:

Remember the Gecko video? If you don't go to Sarepia forest, go right to the plant place and go up, to a hut that looks like a cinema inside you go!! I think its hilarious XD Oh, and remember to grab a bag of floating popcorn! Do this with a couple of buddies, and its perfect :D


Oh and a quick notice: I'm possibly changing my AJ account. Why? Because I wanna try out this glitch XD But if it doesnt work, I'll stay on the one I have now. The picture up above shows New Jammer, but its really supposed to say Otterx :P Anyway, other videos you can see in the theater are these, click the shelf that says Videos!

There's quite a lot of videos there! :O And by the way, when your done watching, play The Claw. I'll teach you a little trick. You know the arrow key that signifies down? After paying the 5 gems, press on the down key as fast as you can, over and over. Most of the time, you get a plushie! Look at this cute little fella I got! :3 Jam on!

Why is it that Mira is surrounded by phantoms?? O.o It kinda looks like she's controlling them... *Dramatic music* And whats with all the phantom books, and the phantom itself??? Why is animal jam keeping specimens? Its a bit strange why the phantom is sorta deformed, and if its dead, why is it in a glass jar to look at? Shouldn't animal jam be more.. er.. Child friendly? And according to some stories, Zios, when he created Mira, the phantoms weren't allowed to be near her... So why is she surrounded by phantoms?

Here's another creepy thing in the Chamber of Knowledge. Why in the world, is there a trapdoor on the

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