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Amazing Looking Animals

Amazing Looking Animals

Let’s face it—animals are cool! They are unique, and there are some pretty amazing animals in the world to explore.Switch off your TV and look at the many different wild animals, letting them amaze you with their strange ways of being closely related to the most unlikely species.

Not many animals have a claim to being boring—not even people like you or me are boring (that’s right, people are animals too). So, let’s find out about some other cool creatures that share this ball spinning around the sun today.


The okapi is a type of antelope with extraordinary markings on its legs and a very strangely shaped body. It looks like it’s part zebra, part giraffe, and part cow, but the coolest thing by far is its tongue.

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This shaggy hairiest breed is more dog than wolf, though it may look like a fox too. The maned wolf has unique “socks” on each of its legs, making its legs look really elongated, and it also has a triangular head like a fox.

Yet, the maned wolf doesn’t yap like a fox or howl like a wolf; instead, it barks like a dog. Its secret power lies in its skunk-scent glands that leave a foul smell to warn off other predators.

Heading to the ocean, the blue dragon (Glaucus Atlanticus) is one tough fish. It can eat larger venomous prey animals, and it keeps its stingers as weapons to use against its own predators (talk about taking trophies).

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Don’t be fooled by the slow loris’s cute appearance, as this is one mean little furball. The slow loris is a type of primate, but it’s the only venomous primate. It secretes a poisonous substance from a gland on its arms, which it uses to deter predators.

The slow loris also has two tongues—talk about a mouthful. The jagged tongue is used like a toothbrush, while the long tongue sucks nectar from flowers like a straw. Another cool fact is that these little primates have twins and can breed from nine months old.

Staying with fluff balls, I simply adore the Angora rabbit with its lush fur coat and long hairy large ears. Angora rabbits’ wool is highly sought after for weaving dense textiles and knitting cashmere-like jerseys and coats.

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The blobfish may have been labeled the ugliest fish, but it also has strong family instincts, which is why I’ve noticed the female or male may sit on their clutch of hatchlings, from the pink eggs and newborn blobfish, to ward off predators.

When diving or taking a submersible to the ocean bottom, you will see the blobfish swimming by with their mouths open, simply scooping whatever swims inside—lazy chef, right?

The pacu fish is a relative of the piranha family, but it has another creepy but cool characteristic to look out for. While the piranha has a sharp tooth to cut through fish and other aquatic animals, the pacu fish has a set of square teeth that look so much like human teeth; you’ll think they swallowed a set of dentures!

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The large cat native to Madagascar is something different indeed. Fossas have the build of a cat, but they sport a long tail like a monkey. They have semi-retractable claws, unlike a cat’s, so they can walk down a tree, where a cat would have to jump down. Fossas are quite solitary animals.

The axolotl is a truly amazing creature that’s amphibian and a salamander. I find the axolotl a very colorful and cute creature with the body of a late-stage tadpole with sensors that scan the deepest waters for predators and prey.

Like most amphibians, the axolotl lives a decade, and it is able to regenerate limbs, such as their legs, and it can even recover from brain damage.

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Native to South American countries, the glass frog is see-through from beneath; you can see its organs and even its beating heart. Taking transparency a step further for daddies all over, the glass frog watches over the eggs his mate will lay, taking responsibility for the clutch to hatch and keeping them safe.

Nature can be scary and dangerous, but these insects know how to blend in and stay safe—they look like sticks. The stick insect family are all wonderfully camouflaged as sticks, some even sporting leafy attachments to really blend in.

When you hear the word “bear, ” you probably think of a fish-catching beast that’s ready to devour you, but the sun bear is an omnivore with a difference—they also like insects. Equipped with a ten-inch-long tongue, the sun bear can lick right into fallen tree trunks to get to its favorite delicacy—insects.


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Native to Australia, the lyrebird is an oddity with its ability to mimic other animals, even copying the sound of predators to scare off other predators.

Another cool fact about the lyrebird is its remarkable tail, which features two extended feathers, much like a peacock. These feathers fold in behind him, forming a heart shape, when the male performs his mating dance.

Staying in Australia, we find the amazing wombat with its cute and chubby body and a stomach pouch that it carries its young in—just like a kangaroo.

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I was shocked to discover that these cute animals can reach a meter in length, making them formidable animals indeed. Despite their chubby-sized bodies, they can reach speeds of 40 miles per hour.

Ocean reefs keep growing and require maintenance, like a hedge that needs to be pruned. Luckily, the parrotfish is up for the task.

While chewing on the reef, a single parrotfish can produce as much as 320 kilograms of sand from the coral bone (that they regurgitate), helping to form nutrient-rich sand and silt that plants grow in. To do this chewing, the parrotfish needs a hardened beak, much like a parrot’s, to chew on the coral.

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Known as the flying lemur, the Sunda colugo has the longest glide distance of all flying lemurs. It does all this thanks to the gliding membrane that stretches from their mouth to their wrists and back to their body before stretching down to their ankles for a full-body glide surface.

Ever milked a snake? While this may sound gross, researchers have to do just that to obtain venom so they can make anti-venom, which saves lives.


Well, in the snake milking world, the king brown snake is the Jersey cow of milking. It produces the most venom in a single milking, a whopping 1.3 grams each time.

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Owls may look so funny that you’d believe them to be a hoot. When they need a closer look at something they are interested in, an owl can twist its neck around 270 degrees. This means they can see behind them and even around to the front, eliminating blind spots.

Okay, so the next creature may not exactly sound impressive if you think they roll poop for a living, but dung beetles are the Incredible Hulks of the insect world. In human terms, a single dung beetle can move the equivalent of 80 tons.

It’s time for some fireworks, at least, the fireworks jellyfish kind. The Halitrephes jellyfish is a native of Baja California, off the Mexican coast, and it’s actually translucent, except when light is shone on it.

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The pangolin is a type of anteater that is fully scaled. It looks like a medieval tank, and it’s a very shy creature that shuns human contact, and for a good reason.

Pangolins are the most trafficked animal on the endangered species watchlist, and their scales and meat are sold for thousands of dollars on the illegal trade market around the world.

The snail is a mystery. These slimy critters are constantly taking their homes with them since their shells are permanently attached to their backs.

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Of course, every home needs renovation, and snails can heal from crushing injuries in their shells. When the need to rest hits, a snail can hibernate for up to 3 years, during which time they heal from injuries.


Called the ship of the desert, the Arabian camel can down 30 gallons of water in 15 minutes, which they store as water-rich tissue in their humps for when they don’t have access to water.

An iconic member of the cat family has to be the Bengal tiger. While the Bengal tiger is originally from the Bengal region in India, they are often seen in zoos across the world due to its impressive markings.

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Bengal tigers often terrorize local villagers, which is why people customarily wear masks with eyes at the back of their heads to frighten off the cats.

These gentle yet powerful primates are native to the Congo basin, but they are an endangered species because of deforestation and hunting. The hands and feet of mountain gorillas are often cut off as trophies by poachers as these resemble a human’s hands.

The orangutan is a large primate that has mastered something incredible—toolmaking! These primates can use sticks for fishing, and they also use weapons when there is a conflict between two family groups.

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I like to think of the humpback whale as the Josh Groban of the sea because seeing them breach really does “lift me up.” These whales, with their barnacle-covered skins, can

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