Android Library Animation
Here at we pay special attention to application responsiveness. It’s also very important for apps we create to be intuitive for our users. Great animations play a huge part in how users perceive apps.
In Android's early days, we didn’t have much choice in the available solutions. Now there are hundreds of awesome libraries that make our life as app developers easier.
It’s an easy way to make your application more responsive. You can customize the button in many ways to achieve the effect desired in your application.
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You can also use the morph effect for transitions between two activities or fragments. This is a very good-looking effect that will help your users better understand changes happening on the screen.
Keep in mind that this API is quite old and limited so you won't be able to achieve every effect you need.
The Transition framework makes it easy to animate various changes in your application’s UI by simply providing the starting layout and the ending layout.
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You can describe what kind of animations you would like to use (fade in, fade out, translation) and the transition library will figure out how to animate from the starting layout to the ending layout.
Transitions API can also be used for activity transitions. You can define enter and exit transitions. You can also specify the shared elements between the two activities.
MotionLayout is a powerful layout that will let you create complex animations without a single line of code. It's fully declarative — you define transitions and interactions in XML.
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In the gif below, you can see the debugging overlay. It will show you the paths of widgets and the animation frame rate.
It might be a little bit difficult to design complex animations with keyframes. Luckily you can use a cycle editor for that.
Sometimes it's very useful to animate icons. For example, you might need to create a progress bar animation consisting of several images, or maybe you would like to create an animation where one icon morphs into another.
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We have good news for you. You can delegate creating an animation to your designer! Shape Shifter will generate a drawable XML.
Take a look at ShrinkBehaviour as a reference. It demonstrates how to create a behavior that will shrink your FAB when the bottom panel slides in.
You can also create more complex behaviors — take a look at the SwipeToDismissBehaviour. This example illustrates the usage of ViewDragHelper, a powerful class that makes managing drag gestures much easier.
My First Android Library, Part I
Is a bottom sheet panel. Bottom sheet panel is a view that can be dragged by the user to reveal its content.
In the gif below, you can see the debugging overlay. It will show you the paths of widgets and the animation frame rate.
It might be a little bit difficult to design complex animations with keyframes. Luckily you can use a cycle editor for that.
Sometimes it's very useful to animate icons. For example, you might need to create a progress bar animation consisting of several images, or maybe you would like to create an animation where one icon morphs into another.
Floating Action Button Using Fab Option Library In Android
We have good news for you. You can delegate creating an animation to your designer! Shape Shifter will generate a drawable XML.
Take a look at ShrinkBehaviour as a reference. It demonstrates how to create a behavior that will shrink your FAB when the bottom panel slides in.
You can also create more complex behaviors — take a look at the SwipeToDismissBehaviour. This example illustrates the usage of ViewDragHelper, a powerful class that makes managing drag gestures much easier.
My First Android Library, Part I
Is a bottom sheet panel. Bottom sheet panel is a view that can be dragged by the user to reveal its content.
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