Anime Characters Measurements
You may not have noticed, but a lot of advertising for anime and video games revolves around boobs, almost as if the marketing plan is trying to build up escape velocity to break free of the gravitational pull of the female cast’s breasts. And since nitty-gritty bits of numerical data regarding a series’ world and characters are the icing on the cake for super fans, you can usually expect the producers to release official statistics regarding the bust measurement and also often the cup size of the more top-heavy characters.
One new anime, though, has decided to raise the bar, and twice actually, since not only do its official character bios reveal the cast’s underwire measurements, but in perhaps the most bizarre bit of trivia ever, the weight, in kilograms, of the characters’ breasts.
Whenever I hear about an upcoming video game or anime with the word “valkyrie” in the title, I’m compelled to look into it, since I stubbornly refuse to give up hope that software developer tri-Ace will someday give us
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. Right off the bat, though, I should be clear that the new mixed-media franchise Valkyrie Drive has nothing to do with
▼ And in the case of the character Mirei, incredibly elastic boobs that are stubbornly committed to going their own way, like they’re twin siblings who absolutely refuse to go to the same college.
But hey, what do you expect when one of the franchise’s producers is Kenichiro Takagai, the man behind the Senran Kagura series and its busty ninja schoolgirl antics? Of course, it’s not that
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With some Norse mythological trappings. It also adds the element of girls making out with each other, as hinted at by the story preview from the official website for Valkyrie Drive – Mermaid, the franchise’s anime leg which is set to premiere in October.
“One day, a girl named Mamori Tokonome is suddenly transported to the man-made island of Mermaid, where she is attacked as soon as she wakes up. Another recent arrival, Mirei Shikishima, protects her, but their attackers do not relent. When all hope seems lost, Mirei presses her lips to Mamori’s. Enveloped in a white light, Mamori’s body transforms into a sword, which Mirei takes up to mount a counterattack.”
Okay, so between the character designs, action, and limitless potential for lesbian fan service, it’s pretty clear this is aimed at male anime fans. So it’s not really a surprise that the official character bios include the girls’ measurements and cup sizes. For example, here’s the tale of the tape for Mirei, which lists her at 168 centimeters (66.1 inches) tall and with a weight of 65 kilograms (143 pounds). Her bust/waist/hip measurements are given as 111, 65, and 94 centimeters, respectively, and her breasts are listed as extremely large H-cups.
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On the bottom is the character’s underwire measurement, 83 centimeters for Mirei, which is an unusually high level of detail for an anime character bio to provide. Still, you can kind of see the logic here, as it’s just a different way of hitting the viewer over the head with Mirei’s boobs’ massiveness.
This…is honestly pretty baffling. Sure, it’s pretty common knowledge that in a lot of guys’ minds, bigger breasts = better breasts, and
Chesty artwork is likely to be an effective way of catching the eyes of the young male anime fans it’s obviously aimed at. But has any guy ever looked at a woman with a hot body, then said to his friends, “Whoa, dude, check that chick out! Her boobs must weigh
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Perhaps weirdest of all is that unlike bust measurements, which analytical types can compare to those of their favorite real-life swimsuit models or adult video actresses, I’m guessing most people don’t have a frame of reference for how much breasts weigh when separated from the rest of the body. Excepting violent psychopaths who regularly dismember their victims and put their trophies on a scale, of course, but is that demographicHave you ever struggled with getting the proportions right for your characters? Maybe the head looks too large for the body, or the legs are too long like a scarecrow’s?? Or maybe you can’t quite put your finger on it, but something just isn’t right about the body?
Note: In today’s article, we mention a lot of measurements, and these should be measured very carefully and accurately at first, until you learn to draw them by eye. Be sure to have a ruler ready!
In anime and manga, the body is always measured with the same system – called toushin (pronounced “toe-shin”). This is written with the kanji for head 頭 and the kanji for body 身, and quite literally refers to the ratio of head to body.
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In reality, humans tend to be 7 to 8 heads tall, but in the anime world we see characters anywhere from 2 heads to 9 heads tall!
In the above image, you can see the two most common head to body ratios for anime and manga characters. 6 heads tall is the most common height for a regular character, and 3 heads tall is the ratio we see for “chibi” style characters that we sometimes see in advertising, or in comedy manga.
Can you see how the body is split up vertically into 6 “heads”, and 3 “heads”? This is what’s going to help us with our proportions! When deciding on the height of your character, you can either mark out X equal sections like these, and have the first section give you the size for your head, or you could decide on the head size first, and then mark out X even sections the same length as the head. Remember to make sure the sections are measured accurately!
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Here we have another example – this “4 toushin” character is a more realistic looking child (rather than a “chibi” style character). As a child grows up, their body grows a lot more than their head, which is why we see the toushin go up as a character ages.
Here’s a rough guide to help you decide what head to body ratio to give your characters, depending on their age. The more toushin a character has, the more tall and grown-up they will look!
You might be thinking, it’s all well and good knowing how large the head should be in comparison to the body… but how does that help with the proportions of the body??
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Once we have decided how many heads tall the character will be, and planned out their height, we now split this height exactly in the middle, to create sections A and B on the image below. The character’s crotch and wrists should sit directly on this middle line. Below this line, we have the legs, which are in turn, split exactly in two, into sections C and D. The thighs and calves should be the same length.
So simply measure out a small area for the feet at the bottom, and split the remaining area in two – and there you have the measurements for your legs! Remember, the arms should also be split evenly, with the upper and lower arm exactly the same length.
Now we have the head to body balance, and the length of the legs sorted, how can we get the proportions for the torso right?
Bust/waist/hip Measurement Characters
Draw in the shape of the head and neck, and then split the remaining section, from the base of the neck to the crotch, into 3 even sections.
There we have it! A failsafe method for getting the proportions of your character right every time! Remember, deciding on the character’s toushin, and carefully measuring their height based on the size of their head is the key to a well-balanced, natural character.Last time, we introduced the concept of “head-to-body” ratio, and talked about how important it is when deciding a character’s height in anime. Today we’re going to be taking a closer look at the leg proportions, and how to use them correctly when changing a character’s height. We’ll also be looking at how anime proportions compare to real life proportions, and how to estimate the “real” height of your character in cm.
We’ll be using Japanese women’s average height as a guide – the average high school girl is 157cm tall, and the average woman in her 20’s is around 159cm tall in Japan. Let’s get into this in a bit more detail below!
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Japanese illustration is of course mostly based on Japanese proportions, and what Japanese people consider as “average”, so when thinking about the height of our characters, keep these average heights in mind and use them as a guide:
For characters over 5 heads tall, it’s easy to find the right length for their legs – simply halving the entire height (including the head), will give you the middle point of the body, and you should start drawing the legs there. When we reach super tall heights like 8 heads and over, we should adjust the balance of the legs a little, and make them just a bit longer than half the height. This will give the character even more of an impressive presence.
Here are some examples of
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