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Can Animals In Animal Crossing Die

Can Animals In Animal Crossing Die

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has become the world’s coping mechanism of choice amid the COVID-19 quarantine, and it’s become a hotbed for everyone’s frustrations. Just take a quick glance at Twitter and you’ll find hundreds of angrytweets about ugly problem villagers and furtive questions on how to remove them.

Unfortunately, there’s no surefire way to do this. New Horizons has added many mechanics to craft your island into exactly what you envision it as, but there are some things they just won’t release control over—it can become a strong source of anxiety quick. As a fan of the series since the Gamecube era, I’m well attuned with the song-and-dance to make villagers leave, from digging holes around their houses to hitting them with nets. I’m taking a much more peaceful approach to deal with my own problem villagers, instead opting to ignore them for days on end until they get the message (still working on this with Claude the rabbit, he just can’t take a hint).


I’ve had a lot of time to ponder something that’s floated around in my head since I was 12, something I’ve long argued about with friends: which species in Animal Crossing are the best? After going through every single non-special NPC in the game, I’ve made some definitive decisions on which of God’s beautiful creatures are, well, the most beautiful, and which you’re probably going to want to send packing on their move-in date.

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You had a wolf phase that either ended gracefully by the end of elementary’s halcyon days or went partially malignant in your late high school career. Nintendo knows this, and that’s why they made the wolf one of the rarest villager species in the original Gamecube game. They knew just how badly you wanted them. And how could you not? With the addition of Audie in New Horizons, the wolf has solidified itself as the best animal crossing villager species with a pleasing silhouette and few enough members that each becomes a desirable member of any island.

When deer finally arrived in New Leaf I was ecstatic. As a Southerner, I’ve always felt sympathy for the most elegant and tragic species on the planet, and remember my mom skipping the VHS right before Bambi’s mom dies so she wouldn’t have to deal with my wailing. The game does the species justice, and contains some of my absolute favorite villagers in the whole series, with decent variety despite a pretty small pool to choose from. They’re simply great, dearie.

The rarest of all villagers are completely worth it, and they’ve been with us since the genesis of the franchise. Not that many players at the time even knew the molluscs existed outside of the fishable oceans—I was completely unaware until New Leaf, when they finally got their third member, the adorable takoyaki-themed Zucker (one of the only instances where I’m able to get past how uncomfortable the food themed villagers are). The only complaint you could possibly have of them is there’s just too few, but it makes encountering them on a wild mystery island tour oh so sweet. I screamed when I encountered Zucker on just my third try.

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If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it—that must have been the design philosophy behind all of Animal Crossing’s tigers. Going through the list, you’ll be nodding and thinking “yep, that’s a tiger, ” stripes and all. Despite this, all of them are quite cute, from Claudia’s psychedelic neon coloring to Bianca and Rowan’s very classic looks. They may not push the design sense to its utmost reaches, but I bet you’re happy every time you encounter one of these striped friends.

Our feline friends are by far the most versatile of species. There’s a cat for everyone, and several (like Bob, Rosie, and more recently Raymond) have become quite popular in the Animal Crossing fandom. Rightfully so—they’re various and manage to be cute without getting gimmicky, and they all read true to what you might expect from a cat, from the snooty glamour of Olivia to the cuddly sweetness of Kiki. Few would dismiss the cats as a weak entry—unless they’re more of a dog person, I guess.

New Horizons made a mistake by removing the sheeps’ signature scarves. Nevertheless, the sheep have some of the strangest and most colorful designs in the series, and I’m always a fan of a clown villager. Hi, Pietro.

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High highs to low lows—the rabbits really run (or hop) the gamut for some of the best and worst villagers. Still, their upright, twitching ears and short stature make them a favorite for many, and even the odd, mature looking rabbits elicit a laugh from me. There’s something charming about the bizarreness of Coco, a progenitor of over half of Animal Crossing’s creepypasta fare, and Snake and Tiffany are hilariously strange. The designers clearly weren’t taking it too seriously on these rabbits, and an island wouldn’t be complete without a town weirdo.


It’s rather odd to label this species as “ostrich” given over half of its representatives are meant to be birds other than our planet’s largest living bird—we’ve got Flora the flamingo, Gladys the highly endangered red-crowned crane, Julia the peacock, and Phoebe the… phoenix? Nevertheless, the ostriches (or just “big birds” if you prefer) have an interesting silhouette and bright, fun coloring that earns their rightful place in the top ten of Animal Crossing species, which, honestly, they probably wouldn’t have received if every one of their representatives was actually an ostrich.

There’s a je ne sais quoi about our avian friends in Animal Crossing. The shape of the bird villagers may limit the breadth to mostly songbirds, but nearly all of the ones available are adorable in a plucky (or pecky) sort of way. Animal Crossing might not be quite to the point of introducing non-binary villagers (though allowing players to Switch between male and female is a big step), but many of the birds are almost indiscernable when it comes to everyone’s least favorite social construct. They certainly earn some points for that.

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Good on the Animal Crossing designers to make me love an animal that I feel pretty neutral about in real life. The rhinos are adorable and they do a lot with the relatively limited outline of a rhino—odds are you’ve seen the patisserie-themed villager Merengue, whose horn is a strawberry. Rhinos rule.

I’ve noticed over the years that the squirrels are oddly divisive. Love them or hate them, I’m definitely a fan. Their main appeal is just how small they are, and their designs play off this by being hyper cute or full of sweetly grumpy attitude. Part of my fondness may stem from Pecan being the very first villager I ever spoke to back on the Gamecube. Weirdly, that experience stays with you, nutty.


Seemingly everyone has a fond memory of an elephant villager from New Leaf. They’re pleasant with an elegant design and are some of the only villagers taller than your player character, making them unique and helping to diversify the overall demographic of your island. You’ll find yourself wishing you could just be friends with Margie and Tia in real life.

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The pigs are a pretty low risk animal—it’s hard not to make them cute or charmingly silly. Think of all the fictional pigs we collectively love: Peppa, Porco Rosso, Miss Piggy, Pumbaa, Porky. You don’t have to try very hard at all to make them appealing, and they don’t even have to be all too pretty (though a little lipstick goes a long way, or so the saying goes). I’m always down for an ugly-cute villager and the pigs have plenty to offer. Also, Ganon (along with Medli) is irrefutably the best amiibo villager in New Leaf—let’s hope they patch those in at some point.

It took much rumination in deciding how I truly felt about the bears versus the cubs. In the end, Chicago wins. These hulking teddy bears are very cute, even when they’re a little gruff, with Pinky and Chow rounding out the list as pandas. It’s no surprise, really. Bears are pretty standard when in the realm of stuffed toys.

You really can’t go wrong with a penguin. They’re chunky, round, and big-eyed. This video of the penguins of the Two Oceans Aquarium hopping down stairs has warmed my heart and kept me cooing during the ongoing COVID-19 quarantine. From the cranky emperor Hopper to the classic roundness and vacant eyes of Roald and Cube, the penguins are among the most huggable and doofy of the villagers and put a smile on my face every time.


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Despite not having my favorite silhouette and at times being rather difficult to read visually, the horses have some fun looks and are rather distinct given how their designs play with different eye shapes and placements, different hairstyles, and the oh-so-popular unicorn villager Julian. I’m also a sucker for the ‘80s shoujo princely look Colton sports, and Savannah is a very lovable zebra. The horses manage to transcend their odd shape to be a well-rounded cast of islanders.

The designers successfully captured the

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