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Fat Of Animals

Fat Of Animals

The animal kingdom is home to a wide variety of animals that have different shapes and sizes. Interestingly, several animals that one would assume were fat because of how large they appear do not possess high body fat reserves. In the case of these animals, their massive body structure contains mainly muscle and bone and surprisingly less fat than one would expect.

While one of the heaviest terrestrial animals on the planet – the African bush elephant is the largest, while the African forest elephant is the 3


These cutworms have over 72% body fat – the highest among living animals. Grizzly bears feed on them for their high calories before hibernating for the winter.

Super Fat Animals To Motivate You

The largest animal alive today at a staggering 200 tons, the blue whale is also one of the fattest. On average, these whales have about 35% body fat, but some specimens have around 50%. The reason behind the blue whale’s impressive bulk can be attributed to its diet of krill. Blue whales filter feed on about 4 tons of krill daily.

In the late summer and autumn, while preparing for hibernation, the brown bear puts on a lot of weight. Their body fat percentage becomes about 30-40%, and they weigh about 900-1500 lbs. during this period.

Most of the fat in the camel’s body is stored in its hump. These fat deposits serve as a source of sustenance when food is scarce.

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With 40% of their body weight consisting of body fat called blubber and reaching about 8, 800 lbs., southern elephant seals are the fattest marine mammals that can live on land. Its excess fat helps it remain warm while navigating the cold waters of its environment while swimming.

Interestingly, the hippo may appear quite bulky, but most of that bulk is made of bone and muscle. Hippopotamuses only have a thin layer of fat underneath their skin, which makes up only 18% of these animals’ total weight.

With its high blubber content making up to 45% of its total body weight, this whale was dubbed the right whale by 19th-century whalers who believed they were “the right whale to hunt”. The North Atlantic right whale’s fat reserves let it remain buoyant while swimming and even after they were killed.

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The domestic pig weighs about 300-700 lbs. and has a body fat percentage of 9.3-24.3%. As this animal is reared for its meat, the fat percentage tends to be adjusted depending on the breed.

These bears live in the cold and must build fat reserves over time to sustain themselves. Polar bears eat seals like ringed seals, which have high-fat reserves themselves. Their body fat percentage is in the range of 49%.

Like elephants and hippos, rhinos possess much less body fat than it would appear. Most of the white rhinoceros’ bulk comes from their bones and muscles. At the same time, their huge stomach and large intestinal tracts make them appear chubbier than they are.Facebook Icon The letter F. Facebook Email icon An envelope. It indicates the ability to send an email. Email Twitter icon A stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting. Twitter Snapchat icon A ghost. Snapchat Pinterest icon The letter P styled to look like a thumbtack pin. Pinterest Link icon An image of a chain link. It symobilizes a website link url. Copy Link


Animal Fats Increase Risk For Type 2 Diabetes

Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Brown bears can get pretty heavy. Tin Man Lee / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

The animal kingdom boasts wild diversity in size, shape, and features of animals, but some are defined by their weight. Fat's not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to these massive creatures. Fat is a necessity of life, and in some of these cases, it's useful for survival.

According to National Geographic, pigs can sometimes weigh up to 700 pounds, their weight generally ranges from 300 pounds to 700 pounds. Despite their hefty weight, pigs are typically only 2 feet tall.

Do Animals In The Wild Ever Get Really Fat?

With an ideal of 40% body fat , as per Discovery magazine, the elephant seal is one of the most relatively fat animals on the planet.

Southern elephant seals can stay underwater for up to two hours thanks to their blubber deposits, according to National Geographic. They can also weigh up to 4.5 tons and be up to 20 feet tall.


Over 11 feet high, these ancient beings can grow to weigh up to 6 tons, according to the World Wildlife Fund . They're herbivores, just like most of the biggest animals , partially because there are plenty of plant resources for them to chow on.

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Weighing up to a little under 6 tons, these elephants can live for up to 60 years in the wild, according to National Geographic.

The research center at the Smithsonian National Zoo reported that female elephants will typically eat up to 330 pounds of food and 50 gallons of water a day and large males will eat nearly twice that.

According to National Geographic, A blue whale's tongue alone can weighas much as an elephant and it is only part of this 200-ton creature.According to BBC, the blue whale is the animal with the highest percentage of body fat on land and sea.

Can Wild Animals Become Overweight?

Fitting the definition of obese at times, hibernating brown bears pack on the pounds during the summer months so they can stay warm during the winter months. As per National Geographic, these creatures typically weigharound 800 pounds .


Every year, Alaska's Katmai National Park holds its Fattest Bear competition, where fans can vote for which bear gained the most amount of weight that season. 2018's winner was 409 Beadnose .

Contrary to the popular myth, camels' humps are used to store fat , not water. According to Live Science, humps can store up to 80 pounds of fat as an emergency food supply in case the camel can't find sustenance for a long period of time. When fully grown, these creatures typically weigh over 1, 300 pounds.

Five Fat Animals For Your Enjoyment

Reportedly growing up to weigh about a ton or more, this Southern Asian species of cattle is a large bovine whose population is reportedly declining.

These water-lovers spend most hours of their day submerged and they leave the water at dusk to feast on grass, according to National Geographic . Their weight can be up to 8, 000 pounds.

Typically weighing between 1.6 and 4 tons, the white rhino has been classified by some as the largest land mammal after the elephant .


Is It Time To Bring Animal Fats Back Into Your Kitchen?

As per National Geographic, as with many large animals, this species hasno natural predators, but when they feel threatened, they're apt to charge directly at whatever's spooked them.

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