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Moba Anime Characters

Moba Anime Characters

If you love playing video games, there’s a good chance you also love watching anime. You might be one of those people whose free time revolves around his desktop computer, alt-tabbing between an online game client and a web browser with the latest episode of Toei Animation’s One Piece.

In the past, some companies have crossed the thin line between anime and video games, making dream collaborations possible, most recently Arena of Valor and Sword Art Online.


These collaborations started us thinking about other anime and game crossovers, and then we started thinking, “What anime characters best represents each MOBA anyway?”

Jump Assemble Review: Where Moba Meets Shonen Anime Characters

League of Legends has everything you’re looking for in a MOBA game — a good balance of skill while still being beginner-friendly, eye-candy champions, visually-appealing skin lines, and overall a fun title to play co-op with your friends! If League of Legends was an anime character, it would be the

Anime character is its complexity and difficulty, a MOBA game that has a higher skill cap than League of Legends or any other MOBA game.

Dota 2 might seem very hard especially for newbies, but once you learn the ropes, it will reward you with the most satisfying mechanics and clutch plays. Just like the above-mentioned

A Look Inside 300 Heroes, China's Most Ip Infringing Moba

Girls Rin, Kurisu, and Chitoge, Dota 2 will warm up to you if you spend time and effort in getting to know it better.

What do Inuyasha, Naruto, and Tanjiro all have in common? They’ll be there, quick as a flash of lightning whenever you need help! As the frontrunners in mobile MOBA, Moonton’s Mobile Legends: Bang Bang can be compared to these three male anime protagonists because of its availability, speedily saving gamers from boredom and idleness with just a few taps anytime, anywhere!

While Mobile Legends might look like the type of game for players who are casual and easygoing, MLBB has its fair share of hidden demons not just from its complicated heroes like Fanny and Ling, but also coming from its rather toxic community. These

New Steam Moba Is Genshin Impact Meets League Of Legends

“AoV is dead.” Contrary to what multiple Reddit threads claim, Arena of Valor is very much alive and thriving as seen from their record-breaking esports tournaments and solid collaborations.

We like to think of AoV as a kuudere, the silent type, that one anime character sitting at the back of the classroom, staring outside the window, his mind travelling outside the four corners of the academic chambers.

AoV’s strong presence can be felt in certain countries, such as China, Thailand, and Vietnam, parallel to Angel Beats’ Kanade Tachibana (


Jump: Assemble: New Mobile Moba With Anime Characters

) and Hyouka’s Hotarou Oreki who are both very active and reserve their energy for their respective school clubs, the Afterlife Battlefront and the Classic LiteratureClub.

As the youngest MOBA title on this list, League of Legends: Wild Rift is the cute chibi character that everyone wants to protect. Wild Rift is still in its open beta phase, with plenty of room to grow in terms of champions, skins, and events.

Additionally, Wild Rift has reworked some of our favorite League of Legends champions and cosmetics and has made them cuter and more charming when viewed on handy devices. As a “byte-sized” game, Wild Rift is perfect to play as these very petite anime characters Kanna, Platelet-chan, and Shiro.MOBA games are certainly not in short supply on Android, and now there’s one more you can add to the list with Extraordinary Ones, an anime MOBA that launched globally today on the platform.

Your Favorite Mobas Reimagined As Anime Characters

Extraordinary Ones is like other mobile MOBA games in a few ways but also brings its own unique features. This gives the game a fresh feeling that makes it interesting and fun to play.

For starters, when the match begins you have spring boards that will launch you down your chosen lane to give you a boost towards the first tower you’ll need to defend.


You’ll need to stand on these boards for a second or so before they launch you, but the fact that they’re there is a cool feature add that a lot of players are likely to enjoy.

Anime Style 5v5 Moba Extraordinary Ones Officially Launch In South East Asia

If the visuals didn’t paint enough of a picture, this is a MOBA that caters to anime fans. You’ll find elements from various anime games in the design. The health bars for example give off a heavy Persona 5 vibe.

Meanwhile, when it comes to the characters all of them are stylized with anime visuals. The game is even going to be doing collaborations with different anime franchises, beginning with My Hero Academia.

In fact the My Hero Academia characters are already available in game in the Southeast Asia version. It doesn’t stop there either. Future collaborations will include characters from Durara, X Killer Seven, Next Gen, and Mob Psycho 100.

Extraordinary Ones: 5v5 Moba

From launch there’s more than 34 heroes to choose from. There will be more added after launch too, with at least one new hero being added every week.


Each character will have a fairly unique play style too, letting you choose a hero that best fits the type of role you want to play. Whether that be a jungler, an ADC, support, marksman, etc.

The game features both ranked and non-ranked play, and there’s an AI training mode that lets you play against bots too. This is the mode you play if you want to get in some practice time. Which is highly recommended if you’re trying out a new hero.

Jump Assemble: Release Date, Platforms, Gameplay, Characters

Extraordinary Ones is free to play, with optional in-game purchases or things like boost packages, premium currency, skins, dye packs and more.

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