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Pokemon Anime Paul

Pokemon Anime Paul

This article is about the character from Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl. For the English voice actor credited as Ed Paul, see Ted Lewis.

Paul (Japanese: シンジ Shinji) is a recurring character who appeared in the Pokémon anime. He is a Pokémon Trainer from Veilstone City who was first seen at the end of Two Degrees of Separation!, though his full introduction was in When Pokémon Worlds Collide!. He is Ash's main rival in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.


In A Pyramiding Rage!, it was revealed that, while Paul was still a beginning Trainer, he watched Reggie lose to Pyramid King Brandon, thus costing him a victory of the Kanto Battle Frontier. Afterwards, Paul became determined to become more powerful. Like his brother, Paul traveled through Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto, participating in their respective League Conferences, but failing to win any of them, before returning to Sinnoh.

Paul Pokémon Paul Gif

Paul debuted briefly in Two Degrees of Separation!, although he was formally introduced in When Pokémon Worlds Collide!, where he challenged Ash to a three-on-three battle. After the battle resulted in a tie, Paul released one of the three Starly he caught, writing it off as weak, and walked off.

In Different Strokes for Different Blokes, he defeated Ash in a Single Battle after meeting him along the way when exploring Bewilder Forest. He caught his Ursaring in the forest. During the episode, he insulted Ash and especially his Turtwig by calling it pathetic, sparking their rivalry. At this point, Ash realized Paul's strategy of disregarding Pokémon and then releasing them if they did not meet his expectations. He also commented that he would not lose to Paul again.

In Shapes of Things to Come!, Paul then battled the Oreburgh Gym Leader Roark and managed to win the Coal Badge. Although he stayed to watch Ash's first battle against Roark in the next episode, he walked off. His style of indiscriminately releasing weak Pokémon was shown again as he gave the Azumarill he used against Roark to a kid in the Pokémon Center after it failed to help him in the battle.

Ash Gegen Paul

In Top-Down Training!, Paul challenged the Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia to a Full Battle. After his first four Pokémon were easily defeated by Cynthia's Garchomp, he surrendered.

In Tag! We're It...!, he was a participant in the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition, where he was partnered with Ash. Despite winning the quarterfinal match, he was disappointed with his Chimchar and released him, which Ash quickly caught. Eventually, Paul and Ash managed to win the tournament. Paul then revealed how he captured Chimchar: one day, he ran across him and saw him activating his Blaze Ability to ward off a horde of Zangoose that were violently attacking him. Paul was impressed and decided to catch Chimchar, but he never managed to recreate that powerful Blaze while under his ownership. After winning the tournament, he wrote off the tournament as nothing more than an opportunity to boost his battling skills, giving his Soothe Bell prize to Ash.

In Pika and Goliath!, he watched Ash's Pikachu battle Sho's Raichu. After watching Pikachu lose to Raichu, he approached Ash and said Pikachu needed to evolve to even come close to being an equal to Raichu. Later on, he witnessed Pikachu defeat Raichu in Ash's rematch against Sho.

Pokemon Dp (anime) Paul/shinji Sprite By Zender1752 On Deviantart

Prior to Lost Leader Strategy!, Paul returned to his hometown Veilstone City, where he challenged the new Gym Leader Maylene to a Gym battle. His Pokémon had a type advantage over Maylene's Fighting-type team. This, coupled with the fact that Maylene was feeling out of sync with her Pokémon, resulted in an embarrassing match in which she failed to knock out a single one of his Pokémon. As Maylene awarded him with the Cobble Badge, Paul noted that she was the weakest Gym Leader he had ever battled, which greatly upset her.


In Chim - Charred!, Paul battled Ash after arguing with him over Ash's true skills as a Trainer. After using his Gliscor to defeat Gligar with relative ease, he then pitted his Ursaring against Chimchar. Chimchar struggled for much of the battle, but ended up making a comeback and defeating Ursaring after finally activating Blaze. The battle ended prematurely when Chimchar's Blaze couldn't be controlled since it was activated out of resentment and a determination to defeat Paul. Paul was impressed as this version of Blaze appeared much more powerful than the one that initially drove him to catch Chimchar in the first place.

In Aiding the Enemy!, Paul used his Honchkrow in a Single Battle against Ash and his newly evolved Grotle, defeating Ash with ease partly due to Grotle being unable to adapt to its loss of speed. This was seen by his Torterra, who later helped Ash's Grotle handle the changes in its evolution.

Paul (pokémon Anime) / 无题 / April 8th, 2023

In Pursuing a Lofty Goal!, he participated in the Squallville PokéRinger with his Honchkrow, and made it to the finals but lost to Ash's Staraptor, which was newly evolved.

In A Pyramiding Rage!, Paul challenged Brandon to a Full Battle, hoping that he would be able to do what his brother failed to. However, he lost to Brandon without defeating any of his Pokémon. Brandon informed him that this loss was because he could not control his emotions.


Following Reggie's suggestion in A Pyramiding Rage!, Paul battled Ash in a Full Battle in Pedal to the Mettle! and Evolving Strategies!. It was revealed that Paul had evolved his Magmar into Magmortar since his battle with Brandon. Despite Ash's Chimchar evolving into Monferno and three of Ash's Pokémon using the Counter Shield strategy, Paul won the match easily with only two of his Pokémon fainting, one of which, Ursaring, having defeated half of Ash's team nearly single-handedly.

Pokemon Anime Favourites: Paul By Nerdyshydork On Deviantart

In Double-Time Battle Training!, it was revealed that Paul had earned the Mine Badge from Canalave Gym and, by doing so, had collected the eight Badges required to enter the Sinnoh League.

In Fighting Ire with Fire!, Paul encountered Ash for the first time since their Full Battle. He also met his admirer Barry for the first time; however, Paul wasn't impressed by him and refused his offer for a battle, suggesting he battle Ash instead since he was denying all challenges to go into serious training. He later watched the battle between Ash's Monferno and Barry's Empoleon and when Pikachu, Piplup and Empoleon were nearly crushed by one of Team Rocket's damaged mechas, he saved the three with the help of his Electabuzz. He then witnessed Monferno evolving into Infernape, who then saved Electabuzz and the other Pokémon from getting crushed. Paul was impressed by Infernape, and gained a little respect for Ash at how well he had raised him. When asked by Ash if they could have another Full Battle, Paul confirmed they would in the Sinnoh League, and that Reggie was looking forward to seeing it.

Paul entered the Lily of the Valley Conference in An Old Family Blend!, where he was shown in the stadium along with all of the other competitors. He passed the preliminary round in League Unleashed! and defeated Barry in the third round in Casting a Paul on Barry! with his superior tactics and the superior power of his Pokémon.


Barrys Großer Kampf!

His next battle was against his rival Ash in Familiarity Breeds Strategy!, continuing into A Real Rival Rouser! and Battling a Thaw in Relations!. After a fierce battle, Paul was finally defeated, and he and Ash parted on good terms, Ash having earned Paul's full respect. It also seemed Paul had decided to change himself somewhat, as when Electivire was defeated, he thanked it for a job well done; up to this point, this was something Paul practically never did, even if his Pokémon won. Afterwards, Paul stated that his next intention was to return to Snowpoint City and re-challenge Brandon.

Privately commenting to Dawn and Brock on the battle between Ash and Paul, Cynthia predicted that they would both be entering the Champion League soon.

Paul made a cameo appearance during the ending credits of Zoroark: Master of Illusions, in which he was seen visiting ancient ruins with statues of Dialga and Palkia.

Paul From Pokémon: The Most Underrated Rival In Anime

In Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!, Paul appeared at Professor Oak's Laboratory in order to learn more about Pokémon from Professor Oak. During the visit, he reunited with Ash. Knowing that Ash was in the Masters Eight of the World Coronation Series, Paul used his Gyarados, Garchomp, and Metagross (reflecting the Pokémon owned by Lance, Cynthia, and Steven, respectively) to battle against Ash's Lucario, Dragonite, and Gengar, and ultimately lost. As Paul left, Professor Oak revealed that Paul had received an offer to become a Gym Leader.


In The Fiery Road to Mastership!, Paul appeared with Reggie, watching Cynthia's Masters Eight Tournament match against Iris. In the next episode, they watched Ash's match against Steven. Paul expressed a greater interest during Ash's battle against Steven's Metagross, seemingly pleased that his training with Ash had been effective.

Paul underwent quite a bit of character development throughout Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl. Early in the series, Paul was very reserved and apathetic.

Pokemon Paul Remake By Vikworks On Deviantart

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