Rdr2 All Animal Locations Map
This Red Dead Redemption 2 guide contains map locations and strategies for hunting the coveted Legendary Animals and Legendary Fish in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). The Legendary animals in RDR2 are important if you want to craft specific items. Any legendary animals that you have found will be marked by a pleasant image of the animal wearing a crown on the RDR2 map, courtesy of the artistry of Arthur Morgan.
Each Legendary Animal and Legendary Fish is the apex of their species, and are found in a specific location in the world. Legendary Animals and Fish won't just walk up to you - they'll require a good deal of tracking, hunting, and baiting to appear. Sometimes they will result in a difficult and deadly encounter - especially when hunting Legendary predators.
Once killed, it's important to hang on to the body: Skinning it will yield a Legendary Pelt, which can be traded with the Trapper at any of his locations to craft special and unique Outfits. Legendary beasts can also yield fangs and other items that can be traded to a Fence to procure rare Talismans which boost your powers.
Red Dead 2 Legendary Animals Map Locations: The Rdr2 Beasts Worth The Hunt
Know what you're looking to hunt? Click the links in the table to learn more or continue scrolling below to learn even more about each of the Legendary Animals and Fish in RDR2.
Don't forget to check out our RDR2 Interactive Map which details the locations of all Legendary Animals and Fish, as well as Points of Interest, Collectibles, and so much more.
There are 16 Legendary Animals (RDR2) to hunt throughout New Hanover, Ambarino, Lemoyne and New Austin. Use the map and links below for a guide to each.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Animal Map Locations: Where To Find Woodpecker And More
There are 13 Legendary Fish to catch throughout the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. You can obtain a map with the locations of all of the fish by speaking to Jeremy Gill and starting the Stranger quest A Fisher of Fish on the pier along the north-east shore of Flat Iron Lake.We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019.
. Tracking, hunting and skinning them is about more than just proving your hunting prowess, though. You’ll get some fancy new duds and some valuable Trinkets once you take their remains to the Trapper and a Fence.
This guide will give you some tips on hunting the 16 Legendary Animals, show you their locations (or tell you which mission leads you to them), and then talk about what you can make from their parts.
This Fan Made Red Dead Online Map Now Shows You Exact Locations For Bounties
Of the 16 Legendary Animals, you’ll be able to easily get to 11 of them early in the game. Three more are in a hidden area of the map, another is tied to a story mission in Chapter 4, and the final one requires you to reach the ninth rank of the Master Hunter challenge.
These 16 Legendary Animals are generally bigger and tougher than non-Legendary animals, so a little preparation will help. It’s important to note, though, that both kill quality and the weapon you use
When you arrive in a Legendary Animal’s location, you’ll get an alert in the top left corner of your screen. From there, the process is similar to hunting anything else — and it might be a little easier, in fact.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Hunting
The first step is just finding them. You’ll get a roadside-diner-placemat-map from Hosea when you complete “Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego” during Chapter 2, but it’s far from detailed. It’s enough to get you close, but you’ll have a lot more luck if you use our maps below. Hosea’s map is in your Satchel under the Documents tab, then look for Maps and choose the Legendary Animal Map.
Legendary Animal clues will be marked with a yellow cloud you can see in Eagle Eye and a question mark icon on your radar. Rockstar Games via
Trigger your Eagle Eye, and you’ll hopefully see a yellow particle cloud highlighting a clue. You might also see a small white question mark on your radar and map. Inspect that clue, and you’ll get a highlighted path to a second and then a third. After the third, the path will lead you directly to the Legendary Animal.
Rdr2 Hunting Guide: 12 Essential Tips
Generally, when you get the alert on your HUD, you’ll be right over the spot where Arthur draws the animal on his map — but not always. If you think you’re in the right place, but you can’t see the clue, wander a little. The icons Arthur draws aren’t always precisely placed, so you can’t rely solely on that. Make some sweeping loops around the icon and keep an eye out for that question mark icon on your radar (and use our maps below).
There are two Legendary Animals in New Hanover. We’ll include two maps below — one zoomed out and one zoomed in — for each to help you find them.
You’ll find the Legendary Beaver at a large beaver dam and lodge on the river just west of the Van Horn Trading Post and a little south of the Elysian Pool. (This is a great spot to hunt for beaver in general.)
Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Animal Locations
The Legendary Moose is in the far northeast corner of the map on the western shore of Roanoke Valley (and just east of the Doverhill Nikolai Tesla Easter egg).
There are five Legendary Animals in Ambarino. We’ll include two maps below — one zoomed out and one zoomed in — for each to help you find them.
This is the bear that you hunt with Hosea during “Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego” in Chapter 2. You don’t have to kill it immediately after that mission and can return to this hunt later.
Red Dead Online: Best Squirrel Hunting Locations
You’ll find the Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear to the northwest of O’Creagh’s Run — it’s a little southwest from the O in Ambarino on your map.
The Legendary White Bison is along the northern shore of Lake Isabella in the far west of Ambarino a little west of the A on your map.
The Legendary Wolf hangs out around the geyser near Cotorra Springs. You’ll find it a little southwest of the Wapiti Indian Reservation (or the R in Ambarino on your map), a little west of Bacchus Station, and a little northwest of Fort Wallace.
All Animal Locations Guide
The Legendary Elk is pretty close to the Legendary Wolf. You’ll find it to the east of Fort Wallace and south of Bacchus Station.
There is only one Legendary Animal in West Elizabeth. We’ll include two maps below — one zoomed out and one zoomed in — to help you find it.
The Legendary Buck is in the far western edge of West Elizabeth, northwest of Strawberry an about halfway between Owanjila lake and the W in West Elizabeth.
Legendary Animals Location In Red Dead Redemption 2 Hunting [map]
There are five Legendary Animals in Lemoyne. We’ll include two maps below — one zoomed out and one zoomed in — for each to help you find them. Two of them are gated, though, so we’ll include those details in their sections.
The Legendary Coyote is at the northern end of the Scarlett Meadows area of Lemoyne. It hangs out to the north-northeast of the second camp location and a little south of the L in Lemoyne on your map.
The Legendary Boar is on the northern edge of Bluewater Marsh about halfway between Saint Denis and the Van Horn Trading Post.
Red Dead Redemption 2: Legendary Animals Guide
You won’t be able to hunt the Legendary Bullgator until the “Country Pursuits” mission during Chapter 4. You’ll find it northwest of Saint Denis in the swamps south of Lagras.
This panther won’t appear until you have achieved the ninth rank of the Master Hunter Challenge, and it’s easily the most difficult hunt on the list.
The maps above will show you where to go. When you get there, but before you start looking for clues, we strongly suggest making a manual save. The Legendary Giaguaro Panther will sneak up on you and likely kill you. When you return, you’ll receive a message that says:
Rdr2 Animal Map
You can either wait it out in-game (and it could take days), or you can make a camp, sleep as long as you can, save manually, exit
We still had to hunt the Legendary Giaguaro Panther half a dozen times before we killed it. Here’s how you can do it without making our mistakes:
’s final three Legendary Animals are located in an area that you won’t access until very late in the game — and that means major spoiler territory. To keep you away from spoilers, we’re going to talk about those at the end of this guide, after an image that warns you in no uncertain terms of what’s ahead.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Hunting Requests Animal Locations And Tips: Your One Stop Guide
Once you have hunted some Legendary Animals and turned in their pelts to the Trapper, you’ll be able to make yourself eight fancy new outfits. These aren’t the only outfits that the Trapper can make you, but we’re going to focus on the ones that require Legendary Animal pelts.
Each of
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