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Animal Attack Autopsy Photos

Animal Attack Autopsy Photos

Abstract: The interaction between domestic animals and humans has not been free of conflicts, and dog attacks represent a real problem, not only for the health consequences, but also for the possible criminal, and can affect the legal or financial outcomes. Dogs’ teeth have particular features, and the resulting bite marks are a major point of forensic interest mainly in the absence of witnesses or in cases where postmortem dog interference can be misinterpreted. An appropriate forensic approach should include an exhaustive analysis of the scene, the victim, and the dog. Bite marks must be discriminated from other traumas, and the familiarity of the investigator with different patterns of animal behavior can be of great importance in the correct assessment of the offending specie. A scientific inclusion/exclusion of the dog involved is possible and also recommended because of the possible consequences for the owner of the animal. Since dog bite mark analysis should involve different forensic professionals such as pathologists, odontologists, veterinarians, biologists, and also police investigators, a review focused on this type of evidence from a multidisciplinary point of view is presented. Prevention and mitigating strategies focused on both breed-specific legislation and the legal responsibility of the owner for the dog's behavior are discussed.

However, as the result of the most diverse causes, this interaction has not been free of conflicts. The alarming statistics reported around the world


Have shown that dog attacks today represent a health hazard where prevention strategies have not always been successful. Most of the dogs involved in these events are known to the victim or belong to him.

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When a bite mark is caused by an animal, the following three patterns can be observed: nonfatal bite wounds, fatal bite wounds, and postmortem lacerations of the victim’s body.

This poses the major points and challenges of forensic interest; the nature and location of injuries and the final cause of death are not the only topics of attention.

A careful assessment of wounds can reveal characteristic features of animal activity with typical patterns that may enable identification of the particular species of animal involved.

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Since dog attacks on humans represent a real health problem with obvious challenges for forensic investigation, a review focused on bite mark analysis from a multidisciplinary point of view is presented, and the current strategies for prevention and mitigation are discussed.

The taxonomic order Carnivora (not referring to feeding habits but to characteristic skull shape, jaws, and teeth among others distinguishing features) consists of ~270 extant species that include many of the world’s top terrestrial predators, iconic wild animals, and man’s favorite pets, including dogs and cats. Carnivora has been divided into two superfamilies, Caniformia (dog-like carnivores) and Feliformia (cat-like carnivores). Canidae (dogs and relatives) belongs to the infraorder Canoidea within the Caniformia superfamily. Dogs are still wolves beneath the skin;

Dogs have particular dental and maxillofacial features. Their dental formula is incisors 3/3, canines 1/1, premolars 4/4, and molars 2/3. The incisors are used for nibbling, producing small parallel furrows on bone. Following a space (largest in the maxilla), two long, pointed canines are positioned at the corners or the arch. They are long, slightly serrated and sharp, and they are used to stab and tear and produce puncture wounds. Behind them, there is a diastema followed by a small first premolar. The second, third, and fourth premolars are separated and become increasingly larger. The premolars are used to grasp the prey and will produce striations on the bone. The first molar is the largest molar, followed by progressively smaller molars. They have small cusps and are used for crushing. The fourth maxillary premolars and the first molar are referred usually as carnassials, and they are extremely sharp. Premolars and molars have three aligned cusps or tubercles forming a triangle during biting and interlock allowing grasping and lacerating. The upper teeth distal to the lower teeth allow the so-called scissor bite with which the animal can lock onto its prey. The bites produced by the upper teeth on one side of the limb would be different in appearance from those produced by the lower teeth on the opposite side. When the animal begins to shake its head, the skin and muscle of the bite victim can be seriously torn. The huge force the bite muscle complex can exhibit allows the dog to wrench and tear and cause considerable damage.

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Although there are reports in which many breeds of dogs have been involved in fatal or nearly fatal attacks on humans, the majority of cases involve pit bull-type dogs, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds, most of whom were unrestrained on their owner’s holdings.

The expression “pit bull-type” defines a group of breeds with special features and behavioral characteristics: a tendency to not to make intimidating gestures (growling and baring of teeth) prior to attacking, greater jaw pressures, a capacity to continue grinding their posterior teeth into tissues while holding on with the canines, and an aggressive personality in a relative larger size. All these features make them highly hazardous, especially to vulnerable people.

Dogs incline to drag their preys down and then maul. A dog attempts to disable the victim by hitting at the limbs; once the subject has been down, the animal usually bites the throat, neck, or cranium, and if the attack continues, death will finally result from asphyxiation, exsanguination, or a fractured cranium and its complications.


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Unlike cats, dogs eat before the prey is dead if that is their intention. In fact, when a dog pack is involved, each member of the gang tears at the prey, fight over the parts, and eats the meat in a substantial quantity as quickly as possible.

It is not uncommon for victims of dog attacks to be found naked, which may falsely suggest a rape rather than a dog mauling.

Attacking incidents occur most frequently around the victim’s home. Attacks by pet dogs usually cause injuries to the head and neck region, whereas stray dogs often bite the hands and legs; this is probably because people have different attitudes and behaviors with pets or with stray dogs. Children are frequently bitten in the head and neck area because these anatomic regions are of the same height as the dogs’ mouth.

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In a defensive or anger bite, a dog may attempt to bite and let go showing superficial anterior tooth marks similarly to a human bite. In a predatory bite, a dog can clamp a large portion of tissue using posterior teeth and cause drag marks and lacerations by shaking and pulling. If the fastening is lost, a dog tries to thrust its head forward to seize more tissue, thus creating double or superimposed bites.

Children are especially defenseless to mauls from domestic dogs for different motives. They are small and run quickly mimicking small prey, and they are usually unable to escape from a mauling dog. Children may inadvertently hurt or provoke the animal, and they are also weak to offer defense if a larger dog begins to maul.


Tsokos et al refer that “the small size and plasticity of the infant head also means that a large dog may be able to fit a young child’s cranium into its mouth, and to exert considerable crushing forces, with biting pressures of 200–400 pounds per square inch.”

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When dog bites are nonfatal, the forensic investigation usually has no difficulty because the victim can describe the circumstances and identify the attacking animal. However, the absence of witnesses can cause more complex situations if the event has resulted in criminal or civil litigation. Attacks on disabled persons can be misinterpreted, leading to poor diagnoses and wrongful convictions.

When lesions are fatal, they are usually located in the head and neck region causing death by means of asphyxia or hemorrhage. Septic shock, craniocerebral trauma, envenomation, anaphylaxis, or, less frequently, pulmonary embolism after cellulitis have been described as fatal consequences of a dog attack.

From an ethological point of view (a focus on animal behavior under natural conditions), recognized functional responses and its behavioral parameters (capture rate and handling time) interact to determine the outcome and dynamics of the predator–prey interactions.

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The extent of the damage is related to the vulnerability of the victim: young children, the elderly, and disabled persons have the highest mortality rates because of their weakness, defenselessness, and smaller body sizes.


If the prey is taller, attacking canids try to immobilize it by hitting at the buttocks and limbs; once the victim has been brought down, dogs will attack him or her until he or she stops moving. Dogs produce important damage to the body, and the presence of “self-defense” injuries on forearms is not uncommon if the victim tried to keep away from the dog’s mouth.

It has been suggested that special attention should be paid to the patterns of behavior and the possible medical illnesses of the animals.

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The roles of hunger, prior predation and social facilitation of feeding, defense of territory, social interaction with people, environmental stimuli, estrus, and the number and size of dogs seem to be the primary causes of aggressive behavior. The flailing of limbs, rapid movements, high-pitched cries, and attempts at

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