Animal Feeds Factories In Kenya
GMO IMPORT BAN: Martin Gatheca a dairy farmer in Naivasha, Nakuru county says he has been forced to reduce the number of his dairy cows from 300 to 150.
It follows a directive by President Uhuru Kenyatta on 8 September, 2021 after he declared drought in parts of the country a national disaster.
A gazette notice dated June 10 noted that all the imports shall be used for the manufacture of animal and chicken feed only and shall have been imported on or before October 31, 2022.
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“The exemption from import duty applies in respect of imported raw materials used in the manufacture of animal and chicken feed imported between the 1 November, 2021 and 31st October, 2022 by licensed millers approved by the government, ” it said.
The imports are yellow maize, soya bean meal, soya bean, cotton seed cake, sunflower seed cake, white sorghum, fish meal, dry distillers grains with solubles and rapeseed cake.
The companies selected include Belfast Millers Limited, Bidco Africa Limited, Farmers Choice Limited, Pembe Flour Mill Limited, Mombasa Maize Millers Limited, Economy Farm Feeds Product (K) Limited and Isinya Feeds Limited.
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Others are Treasure Feeds Limited, Sigma Feeds Limited, Rift Valley Products Limited, Organic Proteins Limited, Muringa Limited, Maisha Flour Mills Limited and Kitale Industries Limited.
The imported yellow maize shall be 99.1 per cent not genetically modified, have a moisten content not exceeding 13.5 per cent and its aflatoxin levels shall not exceed 10 parts per billion (ppb).
Imported soya bean, soya bean meal, sunflower cake, white sorghum or fishmeal shall also be 99.1 per cent not genetically modified and accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the Kenya Bureau of Standards.
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Duty exempted yellow maize will not exceed 341, 950 metric tonnes, soya bean meal (178, 300 metric tonnes), soya bean (86, 250 metric tonnes), cotton seed cake (28, 000 metric tonnes), sunflower seed cake (127, 800 metric tonnes), white sorghum (47, 00 metric tonnes), fish meal (46, 750 metric tonnes), dry distillers grains with solubles (62, 250 metric tonnes) and rapeseed cake (90, 450).
Last year in December, National Treasury has effected a directive by President Uhuru Kenyatta to remove duty on imported materials used in the manufacture of animal and chicken feed.
Then, Treasury CS Ukur Yatani had allowed 18 millers to import the raw materials duty-free between November 1 and October 31, 2022.
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In his address during the 2021 Mashujaa Day celebrations, Uhuru directed the National Treasury and Agriculture ministries to come up with intervention measures to address the high cost of feed.
“To secure a reduction in the prices of animal feeds, I order and direct the Agriculture CS, jointly with the National Treasury, to issue within seven days, a framework that will facilitate the reduction of the cost of animal and chicken feed, ” he said.
The ministry of Agriculture had recommended a waiver of duty on yellow maize to allow importation by processors as an intervention to lower the cost of livestock feed.
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Other measures suggested included removal of import duty on raw materials like sunflower and cottonseed cakes and leasing of government land for local production of the two products.
Sign up for the free Star email newsletter and receive the latest Kenya news daily. PS: Please sign up again if your subscription recently stopped unexpectedly.With the increased demand for animal protein in Kenya there is plenty of space to grow for both the livestock and aquaculture sector. However, the opportunities for the development of the sectors heavily depend on the availability and quality of feed. The FeedTechKenya impact cluster on animal feed tries to bridge the gap between feed demand and supply. In addition, it aims to increase the quality of locally available feed.
On 1 December 2019, the first impact cluster in Kenya has been formally approved by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). The livestock sector in Kenya, as well as the East Africa region as a whole, is developing at a fast pace. The demand for protein-based food is increasing for various reaons, including population growth and changing consumption patterns. Whereas the increase in demand gives rise to a window of opportunities for growth, the development of the livestock sector is constrained by the slower development of the animal feed sector.
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There are 305 registered feed companies in Kenya in total, of which 115 solely manufacture feed, 96 supply raw materials and 94 engage in both activities. The number of registered feed producers has almost doubled over the last five years, while production only rose by 30%, indicating the presence of inefficient practices within the feed sector. Currently, the total annual feed production in Kenya lies around 900, 000 tons.
Various issues are causing the feed sector to be unable to keep up with the pace of the livestock sector. These include a lack of raw materials, limited availability of new feed protein sources, non-optimal transport, storage, production and application practices, as well as the lack of feed quality testing facilties. These obstacles do not only apply to the feed production side, but also to farmers that utilize feed. Farmers are often not aware of the benefits of using high-quality feed and do not realize the fact that high-quality feed is, in the long run, cheaper than mixing their own feed. Moreover, they are insufficiently aware of the danger of poor storage and feeding practices.
“Both feed producers as well as feed users could increase their performance by applying world’s best feed practices” Iris Boom, Larive The impact cluster
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The FeedTechKenya impact cluster comprises of a consortium of leading Dutch and Kenyan parties active in various areas of the feed value chain. A wide variety of parties enables the creation of integrated solutions to transfer best feed production and feeding practices to the Kenyan Feed sector. The consortium includes Aeres Training Centre International, Almex Extrusion Techniques, Ottevanger Milling Engineers, Unga Farm Care ltd, Insectipro and Nutreco Africa. Larive International and Lattice Consulting initiatited and coordinated the partnership. The consortium will conduct studies, perform trials with insect-based feed, demonstrate best feed production and usage practices to feedmillers and farmers, and transfers knowledge and expertise. All with the aim to develop the Kenyan feed sector and boost production.
“ We identified the need for a feed-sector based project, and are very happy with the arrival of this first impact cluster in Kenya. The livestock and aquaculture sector contribute to over USD 3.1 billion to the Kenyan economy. It is important to facilitate the growth of such an important sector by tackling the issues in the feed sector”. Ingrid Korving, Agricultural counsellor of the Netherlands Embassy in Kenya
The Production of Black Soldier Flies for animal feed production. The flies create an important new supply of feed protein sources. Insectipro has created a unique new business and jumps in the current demand for alternative feed ingredients.
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If you have questions for FoodTechAfrica contact Iris Boom at In case of questions for the Agricultural Counsellor feel free to contact us via For the latest updates follow us on twitter @NLAgriKenya.
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