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Anime 12 Signs Of Zodiac

Anime 12 Signs Of Zodiac

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Astrology might be the most mainstream form of fortune-telling. Most people know their Zodiac signs but probably haven't studied palmistry. Your weekly newspaper has the horoscopes in the back with the funnies and classifieds. I haven't checked my own horoscope in awhile but I got to thinking it again after a friend shared an image on


Of a landlord denying a tenant application because they didn't think their Zodiac signs would jive. I mean, I guess that's legal. Maybe they were a Scorpio.

Taurus (12 Zodiac Signs) By Uyyyy99 On Deviantart

Zodiac signs attach alleged personality characteristics. This often makes it shorthand for character writing. Every confident, athletic character or hot-headed fighter is an Aries. Classically beautiful women are Virgos. Scorpios are mysterious and brooding. Less commonly the animals of Zodiac became the central focus but

This is the go-to zodiac series. Each member of the Souma family represents one of the Chinese animals plus our beloved Kyō as the outcast cat. If you haven't seen the original series, read the manga, or are watching the reboot, the story could be described as one part romance, one part comedy, and two parts family drama. The novelty of being the embodiment of a zodiac animal gets old pretty fast when you are denied human touch by the opposite sex, freak out your parents, and have much of your life's path mapped out by family politics. (I still wouldn't mind being able to 'nope' out of social situations by turning into a rabbit, though).

Takes the basis of the disagreement between the cat and the other zodiac animals and injects full of hyperactive sugar. One hapless dude ends up renting a house on the cheap (if I had a nickel for every time this scenario lead to anime shenanigans...) only to find out that he's got a direct line to the gods. The cat spirit Nya-tan is a lesser deity but she can up her rank if she manages to defeat all the other Chinese Zodiac spirit girls (yeah, they're also animal-girls) in battles of skill and wit. Each these encounters leaves our guy Takeru with yet another weird roommate. The series was an interesting blend of traditional anime style and

Signs Of Zodiac Girls

Managed to be entertaining for the bulk of it. I was intrigued by its character designs, especially Rabbit and Rooster. The story of the Chinese zodiac was always a race, so why not a murder race. 12 killing machines join fight until only one is left standing as part of a proxy war and to have their one wish granted, even if that wish is just to have a harem of men at your beck and call.

Takes the Western zodiac and imagines it as a reverse harem. Admittedly, most big cast harem series usually give their romantic options different zodiac signs anyway.

Just hones in on that one, exact profile statistic and uses it as a major gimmick. Our heroine is Tsukiko (ha) who transfers to newly converted co-ed school in the middle of nowhere. Each episode we're introduced to a new guy representing one of the Western zodiac signs and its stereotyped traits. For instance, Mr. Cancer is the sentimental, moody childhood friend and Mr. Aries is a highly competitive leader.

Which Shojo Anime Protagonist Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The Sailor Guardians each represent a planet and by association their personalities are strongly tied to their respective zodiac. Rei is a through-and-through Aries and Usagi is the very definition of a clingy Cancer. Their respective powers are also a blend of their sign's cardinal houses and related Greco-Roman myth. Mars' fire powers are related to the planet ruling the sign of Aries and its cardinal fire sign. Sagittarius is another fire sign but in that case that went with Jupiter's Roman mythology counterpart. I've got to give credit, Juni Tais: Zodiac War (Japanese: 十二大戦 , Hepburn: Jūni Tais , lit. Wars of the Twelve) is a Japanese light novel writt by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Hikaru Nakamura. It was published by Shueisha on May 19, 2015.


It is a prequel to and ds with their one-shot manga titled The One Wish That Must Be Granted, and the Ninety-nine That Can Be Done Without, published in Weekly Young Jump on January 8, 2015. The novel is licsed by Viz Media, which released an glish translation in October 2017.

To December 19, 2017. The sequel novel Zodiac War vs Zodiac War (十二大戦対十二大戦 , Jūni Tais Tai Jūni Tais ) was released on December 12, 2017.

Constellations Girl Illustration Set Stock Illustration

In a city of half a million people who have all be removed, twelve of the deadliest warriors with the names and attributes of the Chinese zodiac animals are pitted against each other in the twelfth Zodiac Tournamt, which takes place every twelve years. During this rdition, each warrior is asked to swallow one of twelve crystallized poison jewels known as Beast Gems (Juseki), which will kill each of the warriors after twelve hours. To be granted any one wish of their choosing, the winner must retrieve all the crystals from the other elev competitors before the deadline (midnight, December 12). It becomes a ruthless battle where survival is crucial by any means.

Rat is a silver-haired teager who always appears sleepy. He has an ability called The Hundred Paths of Nezumi-san, which allows him to choose or experice 100 possible realities. His selected path becomes the factual reality; however, the process is mtally exhausting, which explains his sleepy appearance. Additionally, there are situations where none of the routes turn out well for him. He allies with the pacifist Monkey. His way of killing is killing all. He is the only one in the tournamt without a wish.


Ox is a horned man with long black hair who carries a long thin saber called Gobok. He is regarded as the Gius of Slaughter, a peerless warrior and one of the tournamt's favorites. His way of killing is killing systematically. The Rat never learns the Ox's wish as he is only giv questions in response.

Anime Zodiac Signs

Tiger is a young orange-haired woman with a long chain extding from a collar around her neck and a tdcy to drink to excess. She is a former martial arts master turned soldier who discovered her bestial drunk fist techniques after a night of despair-driv binge drinking. She countered Ox years earlier on a battlefield and was influced by his philosophy. During the tournamt, she agrees to a truce with Ox for their mutual befit. Her way of killing is killing in a drunk rage. According to the Rat, her wish has something to do with meeting Ox again.

Rabbit is a muscular white-haired, psychotic young man who fights with two long knives. He used speed and agility to close in on his opponts. He is also a necromantist who can control the bodies of those he's killed like puppets, whom he calls his frids. The puppets retain their original abilities. The necromancy also applies to Rabbit himself after his technically self-inflicted death, continuing his efforts to win the match. One of the favorites of the competition. His way of killing is killing psychotically. According to the Rat, his wish is to be frids with everyone in the world.

Dragon is the older twin brother of Snake. He can fly using an ability known as Heav's Holding and uses liquid nitrog in a tank on his back to create a stream of freezing air. He and his brother have the same way of killing, killing for money. According to the Rat, his wish is for money.


Juni Taisen: Zodiac War

Snake is the younger twin brother of Dragon and uses a flamethrower with a fuel tank on his back. He possesses a radar-like sse by feeling vibrations in the ground around him; this ability is known as Earth's Guidance. He and his brother have the same way of killing, killing for money. According to the Rat, his wish is for money.

Horse is a self-proclaimed moderate of ormous stature. He was a soldier who became a warrior after his body was modified with the help of medicine and scice to gain incredible strgth and developed an impetrable defsive technique called the Stirrup. He hopes to ally with Ox during the tournamt. His way of killing is killing siltly. According to the Rat, his wish is to have talt.

Sheep is a short, older man with horns and a past winner of the Juni Tais. He is a master of explosives and grades, honed as an arms dealer and smuggler from his younger years. He volunteers to join the prest Juni Tais to spare his family despite his low chances of success. His way of killing is killing deceptively. According to the Rat, his wish is for his family to live in peace.

Anime: Anime Zodiac Signs, Pisces Anime Hd Wallpaper

Monkey is a short-haired, spectacled, young woman. She is a rowned pacifist and mediator, responsible for facilitating countless ceasefires across many battles, but with mixed results for the surviving populations. At the start of the tournamt, she proposes a peace agreemt; the tournamt winner would


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