Karakter Anime Dagashi Kashi
Hotaru Shidare (枝垂 ほたる Shidare Hotaru) is the main heroine of Dagashi Kashi. She came from the city to a suburban town where the Shikada's Candy Shop is located. Hotaru is very passionate about dagashi, and that she is willing to inherit her father's sweets company and make the best sweets in the world. Hotaru was able to run an entire 600 meters on only one caramel, which is pretty much impossible, because such a feat requires 32Kcals instead of the 16 that she consumed. Because of this, Hotaru is also known as the Japanese Female Usain Bolt.
Hotaru always plans out to make Kokonotsu Shikada succeed the shop but it fails every time. She gets overly excited about candy and often makes Kokonotsu participate in strange activities involving candy (ex. a candy eating challenge in bondage), and also gives the impression of being overly dramatic. She's shown to be quite a database since she is very informed about different types of candy and the unique purposes behind each one. She has a deep love of dagashi as she is willing to eat Watapachi despite having a mouth ulcer.
Being the daughter of a candy developer, Hotaru has grown to love candy enough to have a passionate attachment to it. It's been said that Hotaru's family is very wealthy; also shown by how they had a mansion built near Kokonotsu Shikada's town for Hotaru to stay at during the time that she's there.
Dagashi Kashi (tv Series 2016–2018)
Her family also owns a private jet which she can use to go somewhere by herself (ex. going to a candy factory).
Hotaru originally lived in the city before traveling over to the suburban town. She first appeared in the Shikada Candy Shop and she is greeted by Kokonotsu Shikada who found her cute, at first.
She later asks Yō Shikada (Kokonotsu's father) to work for her family company, but he refuses; saying that he wouldn't leave the shop unless Kokonotsu agrees to inherit the shop. From that point on, Hotaru decided to stay and has been inviting Kokonotsu to participate in schemes that will convince him to inherit the shop.
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When she saw a boy holding a Gorigori-kun, she immediately thought of him as a shoplifter and quickly realized her mistake and found another problem: she cannot eat an entire piece of Kinako-bou. What Hotaru did was eating six pieces at once but she coughed; she also had Ramune to drink.
Hotaru then talked to Kokonotsu Shikada about how adults have their own responsibilities and even requested to him to be an adult with her. By doing so she gave him a glass of Namaiki Beer and she was drunk of the non-alcoholic contents of it.
On her way home, Hotaru got into a bicycle accident where she tried to eat a popsicle while riding her bike which resulted in her falling into mud. She was then found by Saya Endō who helped Hotaru get cleaned up at her house. After Hotaru was finished showering at the Endō residence, Tō Endō walked in on her naked and passed out afterwards. Saya then told Hotaru that he was her older brother; Hotaru then held him (still naked) and started rambling about how thankful she is for his little sister's help.
Anime Dagashi Kashi Mangaka, Anime, Rambut Hitam, Manga, Karakter Fiksi Png
At one point, Hotaru turned off the shop's air-conditioner to prepare dagashi in the summer heat and did not acknowledge Kokonotsu Shikada's advice to turn it back on since some of the dagashi will go bad even though it's already broken.
Hotaru assisted Yō Shikada to ambush Kokonotsu as lifeguards to show the shop's situation to make him help out the shop more but it backfires.
She tried to teach a lesson to Kokonotsu and Saya Endō on how great dagashi are but Kokonotsu thought of it as another scheme of hers to inherit the shop and Saya supported her reason.
Qoo News] Tv Anime Dagashi Kashi 2 Will Open January 2018
Hotaru then played Menko (not to be confused with Manko) with Kokonotsu Shikada and Saya Endō to kill time and Hotaru practiced it vigorously when she used her Second Dance technique to flip two cards and she trained for two years to perfect it. When she saw Saya flipping three cards in one try, she and Kokonotsu were shocked and she starts to address her as Saya-shi.
One night, Hotaru and Yō were exchanging powder even though the powder is actually Bin Ramune and she tried to give it a good look to Kokonotsu even though she treats it like an actual drug.
Hotaru gave thanks to dagashi shop owners who can create nostalgic memories; she was also happy that someone like Kokonotsu Shikada decided to take over the shop although he's not taking it over.
Jual Dagashi Kashi Terlengkap
Hotaru then asked Kokonotsu if he likes boobs; when he gave his answer, she walked out of the place and when he said his true desires, she threw a Tamago Ice to him. She had an argument with Kokonotsu to tell wether it is like a bomb or a boob. To end the discussion, she ate a piece and it exploded in front of her face covering with the melted ice and she realized why it is like a bomb.
Hotaru met Kokonotsu while she was looking for Yō Shikada. He thought that she was cute and was stunned by her appearance. Hotaru thinks of Kokonotsu as her rival when it comes to sweets, but she also has a friendly view of him since they often hang out in the candy shop. Her and Kokonotsu seemed to have developed feelings for one another, which is hinted at when she asks him about marrying her.
When Hotaru met Yō, she will follow what he says to have Kokonotsu run the shop but it always backfires as seen in Chapter 10 of the manga. If they are not planning schemes to make Kokonotsu to inherit the shop, they eat dagashi together and exchange information about it.
Dagashi Kashi 2nd Season (anime)
Hotaru is close friends with Saya, often calling her Saya-shi or Master Saya. In addition, Saya is always concerned for Hotaru; shown when she visited Hotaru when she was sick. Although their personalities seem to be opposites, they still get along very well.
Hotaru met Tō naked with no shame and she did not think of him as a bad person at all. At the moment he gives her advice to stop eating dagashi because of her mouth ulcer, she doubted him but she is willing to do it.is a Japanese manga series writt and illustrated by Kotoyama. It was serialized in Shogakukan's shōn manga magazine Weekly Shōn Sunday from June 2014 to April 2018 and has be collected into elev tankōbon volumes. A light novel adaptation titled Dagashi Kashi: Mō Hitotsu no Natsu Yasumi, writt and illustrated by Manta Aisora, was published in a single volume by Shogakukan in December 2015 under their Gagaga Bunko imprint.
An anime television series adaptation produced by Feel aired in Japan from January to March 2016. A second season produced by Tezuka Productions aired from January to March 2018. This series is licsed by Crunchyroll in the glish-speaking regions.
Anime 'dagashi Kashi' Merilis Informasi Seiyuu Para Karakter & Lagu Temanya
Shikada Dagashi, a countryside shop selling cheap candy and snacks (dagashi) has be run by the Shikada family for nine gerations, but Kokonotsu does not want to take over the shop from his father, Yō, instead aiming to become a manga artist. Hotaru Shidare visits the shop one day hoping to recruit Yō to her family's company, the sweets manufacturer Shidare Corporation, but Yō refuses unless Hotaru first can convince Kokonotsu to take over Shikada Dagashi.
An ecctric girl who is very passionate about sweets and snacks. Her father owns a famous snacks company and she came to Shikada store to recruit Yō as their company's planned shop chain's manager. As Yō will not leave as long as Kokonotsu is unwilling to succeed him as Shikada storekeeper, she quickly strikes a deal with him: she will convince Kokonotsu to take over the store in return for his employmt. From th on she tries to persuade Kokonotsu using many differt ways such as games, stories, and riddles. She is not good at chance games, so uses her other skills to make Kokonotsu consider taking over the shop. In the final chapter, she asks Kokonotsu if he wants to marry her. The relationship betwe them remains ambiguous.
Kokonotsu (also known as Coconuts) and his father Yō live in a countryside town where they run a small sweets store. He aspires to be a manga artist, an ambition that puts him at odds with his father who wants him to inherit the store which has be run by the family for eight gerations. He constantly finds himself manning the cash register, more oft than not a result of his father's trickery. After Hotaru's arrival, he also has to put up with her antics as well. He is nicknamed Kokonatsu (ココナツ , Coconuts). His giv name is a Kun'yomi pronunciation of the Japanese numeral 九 , Kokonotsu (ここのつ , Ninth); it works as a pun, referring to his being the ninth geration of the family that will run the store. At the final chapter, he got confessed
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