Pp Candy Anime
DVD Anime Süßigkeiten komplette Serie (1-115 Ende) englischer Untertitel Mandarine* - ursprünglichen Titel anzeigen Ursprünglicher Text DVD Anime Candy Candy Complete Series (1-115 End) English Subtitle Mandarin*
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Candy Candy (tv)
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Very happy with this DVD! Quality is good, subtitles very clear, sound is ok. It was packed with care and delivery time as promised.Terry: The son of the Duke Grandchester and the American actress Eleanor Baker. At the beginning, he looks like a rebellious boy and wins everybody's hate but Candy sees that he is a good person and falls in love with him. But, first because of Elisa, then because of Susanna's feelings towards him, they can't stay together.
Neue Set Dvd Anime Candy Candy Komplette Tv Serie Volumen. 1 115 Ende Englischer Untertitel Alle Region Free Dhl Express
Anthony Brown: Candy meets him while she is a maid at the Leagons' mansion and they fall in love with each other. But during a fox-hunt he falls from the horse and dies...
Annie Brighton: Candy's best friend. She grows up with her at Pony's Home and then she is adopted by the family Brighton. First, she wants to hide from the society that she grew up in an orphanage and hurts Candy but later she understands her foolishness and apologizes to Candy. She wants to become a lady. She is shy and, to my mind, egoistic but a nice girl. In the manga and the OVAs, we see that she's blond.
Alistair (Stear) Cornwell: a cousin of Anthony and Elisa's. In the manga we see that at the beginning he loves Candy but later he falls in love with Patty, a girl he meets at the St-Paul's College. He wants to become an inventor but none of his inventions works correctly... Especially he loves planes. After the beginning of the World War he goes to join the army as voluntary and dies there. But as his body isn't found, there is still hope for him...
Candy Candy (sealed Toei Tv Anime)
Archibald (Archie) Cornwell: Stear's brother, Annie's love. At the beginning, he's in love with Candy but when he realizes that Annie loves him and Candy can't love him, he decides to stay with Annie and tries to love her. He's kind but gets angry easily. Especially in the manga, they say he is very elegant but I often find his clothes very ridiculous...
Patty: Stear's girlfriend, Candy and Annie's friend. She's shy like Annie but unlike her she hasn't made Candy suffer, she isn't selfish.
Elisa Leagon, the cousin of Anthony, Stear and Archie, is a crafty and intelligent girl who is happy seeing Candy suffering. Both of them fall in love with the same boys and she does everything to take Candy away from them. But, despite her efforts, she can't win their love and obtains nothing...
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Neil, Elisa's brother. He's cowardly and selfish like Elisa but he can't do anything alone, he only manages to help Elisa in her plans.
Albert is a good friend of Candy. We don't know a lot of things about him until the end of the story where he turns out to be Uncle William who adopted Candy and the Prince of the hill. He loves nature and animals and he likes being free...
Miss Pony and Sister Maria are Candy's two mothers. They are responsible for the orphanage and take care of all the children as if they are their mothers. Candy goes next to them each time she feels bad as it's the only place she can be in peace.
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Archibald (Archie) Cornwell: Stear's brother, Annie's love. At the beginning, he's in love with Candy but when he realizes that Annie loves him and Candy can't love him, he decides to stay with Annie and tries to love her. He's kind but gets angry easily. Especially in the manga, they say he is very elegant but I often find his clothes very ridiculous...
Patty: Stear's girlfriend, Candy and Annie's friend. She's shy like Annie but unlike her she hasn't made Candy suffer, she isn't selfish.
Elisa Leagon, the cousin of Anthony, Stear and Archie, is a crafty and intelligent girl who is happy seeing Candy suffering. Both of them fall in love with the same boys and she does everything to take Candy away from them. But, despite her efforts, she can't win their love and obtains nothing...
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Neil, Elisa's brother. He's cowardly and selfish like Elisa but he can't do anything alone, he only manages to help Elisa in her plans.
Albert is a good friend of Candy. We don't know a lot of things about him until the end of the story where he turns out to be Uncle William who adopted Candy and the Prince of the hill. He loves nature and animals and he likes being free...
Miss Pony and Sister Maria are Candy's two mothers. They are responsible for the orphanage and take care of all the children as if they are their mothers. Candy goes next to them each time she feels bad as it's the only place she can be in peace.
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