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Anime Academy Discord

Anime Academy Discord

Ein für Anime und Manga begeisterte. Verbinde dich mit vielen anderen Leuten und unterhaltet euch über eure Lieblingsanimes oder Mangas. Natürlich gibt es weitere Kanäle wo man sich auch über Bücher - Autos und Kleidungsstile austauschen kann!

Der Server ist aus dem Onlinechat anime.academy entstanden und wird gerade für die Öffentlichkeit bereit gemacht, daher könnten einige Einstellungen noch nicht passen.


Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️

We Have A Discord Server!

Skylab is a non-toxic community for artists, writers, and gamers. We debate art topics/movies/anime. We host art events/competitions with cash prizes monthly and stream anime/manga. Skylab also creates beautiful ReShades for PC games.

Anime Ai 愛 is a brand new anime/manga community with loads of fun, like custom emojis, lots of text channels & chill people! Hop in! ♥

Join our german server! its about anime, manga, chatting with many people and meet friends! Join unserem deutschen server! Es geht um Anime, Manga, Chatten mit vielen Leuten und Freunde treffen!


Anime & Manga

Welcome to our friendly manga and anime community server! Join us as we chat about the latest releases, timeless classics, and our favorite characters. Currently recruiting staff since the server is new and I could need some help moderating it in the future :) Join us today and let's embrace our inner otaku together!

We are a server with over 600 members that talk about all kinds of things. From the trending anime shows or manga series, to the newest gaming or music news! You're also free to join just to chill and enjoy the community. Welcome to Fallen World!


Hi! We're a local AZ panelist group! We're those ones that run the weird hentai panel. Tags: anime, manga, weaboo, nsfw, gamer, cosplay, anime conventions, hell yeah, otaku, waifu, we like to think cory in the house was the best anime to date

Anime Academy Chat

✨ Anime and manga tracking feature! ✨ Anime/manga news ? Unique custom bots ? Inclusive and friendly community ? Giveaways ? Anime gallery and more! A fun, SFW, community based server where you can discuss all the anime/manga/light novels to your hearts content, or even just talk about your day. We don't mind! https://myanimechat.net/Anime Academy Created for the fun of creating bots. Join the Support Server to suggest any commands/features that we should add or if you find any bugs you can also tell us and we will figure it out. 🌸 Commands 🌸 Default prefix is ; Change the prefix with ;prefix [yourprefix] 🧁 Info Commands -Lists all commands Help -Shows help menu Info -Shows Information Invite -Gives Invite Link Ping -Shows bot's uptime Whois -Gives Information on user 🍨 Commands Afk -Set an afk status for yourself while you are away Anime -Sends Random Anime Scrapanime -Sends Anime Info Activity -Sets an activity in vc Avatar -Show user's avatar Banner -Show user's banner Say -Bot repeats message 🎧 Music Clear-Queue -Clears all songs out of current queue Filter -Enables and disables filters Plive -Shows a list of livestreams you can play Loop -Enable or disable the repeat function Lyrics -See the lyrics of the song Np -Get now playing Pause -Pause the music Play -Play a song from youtube Queue -See the full song queue Resume -Resume the music Search -Searches for music Shuffle -Shuffle the music queue Skip -Skips the now playing song S -Clears the music queue and disconnects Volume -Turns up or down the volume 🍰 Emotions Blush -Sends Blush Gif Boop -Boops mentioned Person Cry -Sends Crying Gif Cuddle -Cuddles mentioned Person Feed -Feeds mentioned Person Hug -Hugs mentioned Person Kiss -Kisses mentioned Person Pat -Pats mentioned Person Poke -Pokes mentioned Person Slap -Slaps mentioned Person Sleep -Sends Sleep Gif Smug -Sends Smug Gif Tickle -Tickles mentioned Person Wink -Sends Wink Gif Wob -Sends Love Gif 🎉 Giveaway gcreate -Sends questions to start giveaway gdelete -Deletes a giveaway gedit -Edits a giveaway gend -Ends a giveaway glist -Lists all active giveaways greroll -Rerolls giveaway winners gstart -Starts giveaway ‎ 🌟 Moderation Prefix -Sets the prefix Ban -Bans mentioned user Unban -Unbans user Kick -Kicks mentioned user Purge -Delets messages in channel or from user


Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

I think this is a really well made bot!! All commands are useful and I think the creator/designer of it did extraordinarily! Good job! However, I think I would love to see some really unique things, but I will definitely continue using this bot :D


Join The Grimm Eclipse Academy Discord Server!

✨ Anime and manga tracking feature! ✨ Anime/manga news ? Unique custom bots ? Inclusive and friendly community ? Giveaways ? Anime gallery and more! A fun, SFW, community based server where you can discuss all the anime/manga/light novels to your hearts content, or even just talk about your day. We don't mind! https://myanimechat.net/Anime Academy Created for the fun of creating bots. Join the Support Server to suggest any commands/features that we should add or if you find any bugs you can also tell us and we will figure it out. 🌸 Commands 🌸 Default prefix is ; Change the prefix with ;prefix [yourprefix] 🧁 Info Commands -Lists all commands Help -Shows help menu Info -Shows Information Invite -Gives Invite Link Ping -Shows bot's uptime Whois -Gives Information on user 🍨 Commands Afk -Set an afk status for yourself while you are away Anime -Sends Random Anime Scrapanime -Sends Anime Info Activity -Sets an activity in vc Avatar -Show user's avatar Banner -Show user's banner Say -Bot repeats message 🎧 Music Clear-Queue -Clears all songs out of current queue Filter -Enables and disables filters Plive -Shows a list of livestreams you can play Loop -Enable or disable the repeat function Lyrics -See the lyrics of the song Np -Get now playing Pause -Pause the music Play -Play a song from youtube Queue -See the full song queue Resume -Resume the music Search -Searches for music Shuffle -Shuffle the music queue Skip -Skips the now playing song S -Clears the music queue and disconnects Volume -Turns up or down the volume 🍰 Emotions Blush -Sends Blush Gif Boop -Boops mentioned Person Cry -Sends Crying Gif Cuddle -Cuddles mentioned Person Feed -Feeds mentioned Person Hug -Hugs mentioned Person Kiss -Kisses mentioned Person Pat -Pats mentioned Person Poke -Pokes mentioned Person Slap -Slaps mentioned Person Sleep -Sends Sleep Gif Smug -Sends Smug Gif Tickle -Tickles mentioned Person Wink -Sends Wink Gif Wob -Sends Love Gif 🎉 Giveaway gcreate -Sends questions to start giveaway gdelete -Deletes a giveaway gedit -Edits a giveaway gend -Ends a giveaway glist -Lists all active giveaways greroll -Rerolls giveaway winners gstart -Starts giveaway ‎ 🌟 Moderation Prefix -Sets the prefix Ban -Bans mentioned user Unban -Unbans user Kick -Kicks mentioned user Purge -Delets messages in channel or from user


Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

I think this is a really well made bot!! All commands are useful and I think the creator/designer of it did extraordinarily! Good job! However, I think I would love to see some really unique things, but I will definitely continue using this bot :D


Join The Grimm Eclipse Academy Discord Server!

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