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Corpse Party Anime 4 You

Corpse Party Anime 4 You

Eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen trifft sich eines Abends in ihrem Klassenzimmer, um den Abschied von Mayu zu feiern, die auf eine andere Schule überwechselt. Dabei erzählt Ayumi beim Kerzenschein gruselige Geistergeschichten. Eine davon handelt von der verfluchten

Als Abschluss ihres Treffens, vollziehen die Jugendlichen das »Sachiko Ever After«-Ritual, bei dem eine Papierfigur von den Freunden zerrissen wird und die einzelnen Papierstücke als Erinnerung aufgehoben werden. Plötzlich gibt es ein Erdbeben und ehe sich die Jugendlichen versehen, sind sie in einer Art Parallelwelt gelandet, in der die verfluchte Grundschule noch steht. Und zu allem Überfluss geistern die Seelen ihrer Opfer noch immer in den menschenleeren Gängen umher … und sie wollen Rache! Nur, wenn sie das Rätsel um den grausamen Mord der vier Grundschüler aufdecken können und den Mörder seine Tat gestehen lassen, können sie diese Hölle wieder verlassen. Quelle: /anime/7976


One evening, a group of teenagers meet up in their classroom to celebrate the departure of Mayu, who is transferring to another school. Ayumi tells spooky ghost stories by candlelight. One of them is about the cursed

Corpse Party Manga(differ) Pg.4 By Yuka Mochida On Deviantart

At the end of their meeting, the youths perform the “Sachiko Ever After” ritual, in which a paper figurine is torn apart by the friends, and the individual pieces of paper are kept as a memento. Suddenly there is an earthquake, and before they know it, they have landed in a kind of parallel world in which the cursed primary school is still standing. And to make matters worse, the souls of their victims still haunt the deserted corridors … and they want revenge! Only by unravelling the mystery of the cruel murder of the four primary school pupils and making the murderer confess his deed can they leave this hell again. Source: www..com/anime/7976

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Du hilfst anderen gerne bei der Suche nach einem Anime oder informierst gern über Anime? Dann empfehlen wir, zusätzlich einen Link zum Anime-Eintrag hier auf mit anzugeben. Damit erleichterst Du dem Empfänger die Suche nach dem Anime und bietest ihm eine ganze Fülle an Informationen!Corpse Party: Tortured Souls (コープスパーティー Tortured Souls -暴虐された魂の呪叫- , Kōpusu Pātī: Tortured Souls – Bōgyaku Sareta Tamashii no Jukyō , lit. Corpse Party: Tortured Souls – The Curse of Tortured Souls) is a four-episode anime OVA based on the Japanese video game Corpse Party. It serves as a sequel to the Corpse Party: Missing Footage OVA.

Shige Nii •

A group of schoolmates from Kisaragi Academy perform a fridship charm called Sachiko Ever After for classmate Mayu Suzumoto, who is about to transfer to another school. Upon completing the charm, they are gulfed by an earthquake and transported to the cursed Heavly Host Elemtary School, separated from one another. Frids Naomi Nakashima and Seiko Shinohara reunite and search for an exit together, but find that all the windows and doors in the building are sealed. While they are resting in an infirmary, Seiko notices that she has lost her paper charm slip and leaves Naomi to look for it. Naomi is th attacked by a ghost and narrowly escapes with her life before countering a girl in a red dress. Wh Seiko returns, Naomi angrily berates her for leaving and drives her away. Naomi later searches for Seiko to apologize, only to find her hanged in a bathroom stall.

The Kisaragi studts learn that Heavly Host is the site of a murder incidt where school teacher Yoshikazu Yanagihori allegedly severed the tongues of four childr. Ayumi Shinozaki and Yoshiki Kishinuma are attacked by one of the victims' ghosts, but are rescued by the ghost of Naho Saoki, a famed blogger who posted the Sachiko Ever After ritual online. Following her advice, they look for the murdered childr's tongues to return them and lay their spirits to rest. Meanwhile, two of the other child victims violtly kill Mayu, while her teacher, Yui Shishido, is struck in the head by the undead Yoshikazu. After the girl in red separates siblings Satoshi and Yuka Mochida, Yuka is pursued by Sakutaro Morishige, who has be driv insane by his discovery of Mayu's remains. Yuka is rescued by Yuuya Kizami, a studt from Byakudan Sior High School, who proves himself to be insane as well wh he stabs Sakutaro to death and declares Yuka to be his own little sister.


Yuuya pursues Yuka until he is knocked unconscious by Yoshikazu. Meanwhile, after three of the four childr's tongues are restored, Ayumi and Yoshiki are transported back to Kisaragi Academy by Yuki, one of the three childr, wh the elemtary school's closed space briefly destabilizes; however, the space has returned to normal, so no more can escape. Yuki shows Ayumi a vision of the murder that reveals the true culprit to be Sachiko Shinozaki, the fourth child and girl in red. Following an argumt with Yoshiki, Ayumi returns to Heavly Host to save the rest of their frids by herself. In Heavly Host, Naho reunites Satoshi with Naomi. Yuka is captured and tortured by a partially skinned Yuuya. Yoshiki arrives and kills Yuuya before sacrificing himself to protect Yuka and Ayumi from Yoshikazu. Satoshi and Naomi find Yuka, who dies from her injuries in Satoshi's arms.

Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko's Hysteric Birthday Bash Review (pc)

Ayumi tells Satoshi and Naomi that in order to return home, they must appease Sachiko and perform the Sachiko Ever After ritual again using their paper slips. Ayumi vanquishes Naho in a confrontation after realizing Naho purposefully lied about how to properly perform the ritual in her blog. Ayumi later counters Yui, who is decapitated by falling debris. Exploring the school basemt, Naomi finds a video of herself hanging Seiko while possessed; she breaks down until Seiko's spirit comforts her. After the trio put Sachiko's spirit to rest, the school begins to collapse and the trio begin the ritual. Satoshi gives his slip to Naomi, who has lost hers, and intds to use Yuka's slip for himself, unaware that it is actually Yuuya's. Naomi and Ayumi successfully return to Kisaragi Academy, but because Satoshi used a slip belonging to someone from a differt school, only his severed arms come with them. Later, a traumatized Naomi secludes herself in her room, her mother not believing the existce of Seiko and the other dead classmates.

The original video animation was announced by game production company MAGES on 2 August 2012 as a sequel to the Corpse Party: Missing Footage OVA(OAD.Orignarl Animation DVD), which was released on the same day as the announcemt.


The series was directed by Akira Iwanaga and writt by Shoichi Sato, with animation by the studio Asread. Seiki Tanaka provided the series' character designs, as well as serving as chief animation director.

Corpse Party: Blood Covered, Vol. 1 (corpse Party: Blood Covered, 1): Kedouin, Makoto, Shinomiya, Toshimi: 9780316272186: Amazon.com: Books

The OVAs received a special screing(ODS.Other Digital Stuff) in Osaka on 15 June 2013, which was attded by members of the staff and cast.

They were released as four episodes on 24 July 2013, and were available either as two DVDs or a Blu-ray box set.


Reviewing the series for Anime News Network, Theron Martin gave the North American Blu-ray release an overall grade of B, writing that if hyperviolt fare on the level of Elf Lied, Ninja Scroll, or Hellsing Ultimate is beyond your tolerance range th give Corpse Party a wide, wide berth. If, however, you revel in such titles th this one is a must-see. He praised the OVA's art and animation, but was less pleased with the story. He concluded that the series' absolutely nails its main selling point – its graphic contt and the visuals supporting it – and that is, indeed, all that really matters.

Gamebyte Reviews: Corpse Party: Blood Drive (switch)

Chris Beveridge also gave the series a B on The Fandom Post, writing that [i]t's plainly not my cup of tea, to be honest, but I can admire what they do and I imagine for your average viewer that doesn't see this oft it'll be pretty disturbing. Commting on the animation, he said the show has a good look about it without being too detailed or too realistic so that it doesn't freak you out completely. He also commted that [t]he character animation comes across well and the backgrounds are largely solid. He concluded by saying that it's likely to be a bit of a cult show in the long run. And rightly so as I can imagine a good number of fans keeping this one handy to introduce people to an area of anime not produced oft these days outside of some htai shows.

The reviewers were split on the lack of an glish dub, with Martin calling it a curious choice, as I would think fare like this would sell well ough in the States (and possibly ev beyond the normal otaku crowd) to warrant an glish dub,


While Beveridge wrote, I can't imagine too many actors wanting to get in on this

Corpse Party (2021) Review

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