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India Animals Covid

India Animals Covid

And they say further surveillance of wild pangolins is needed to understand their role in the risk of future transmission to humans.

Two groups of coronaviruses related to the virus behind the human pandemic have been identified in Malayan pangolins smuggled into China, said lead researcher Dr Tommy Lam of The University of Hong Kong.


Although their role as the intermediate host of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak remains to be confirmed, sale of these wild animals in wet markets should be strictly prohibited to avoid future zoonotic [animal to human] transmission, he told News.

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Bats also contain coronaviruses, which are closer still to the human virus, except in one key area - the part that helps the virus invade cells.

This tells us that viruses that look pretty adapted to humans are present in wildlife, said co-researcher, Prof Edward Holmes of the University of Sydney. Bats are certainly involved, pangolins may be, but it is very possible that other animal species are involved as well.

Exactly how the virus jumped from a wild animal, presumably a bat, to another animal and then humans remains a mystery. The horseshoe bat and the pangolin have both been implicated, but the precise sequence of events is unknown.

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Finding the virus in smuggled Malayan pangolins raised the question of where they contracted the virus, said Dr Lam. Was it from bats along the trafficking route to China or in their native habitats in Southeast Asia?

Conservationists say it would be devastating if the discovery led to further persecution of the endangered mammal. The animal's scales are in high demand for use in traditional Chinese medicine, while pangolin meat is considered a delicacy.

This is the time for the international community to pressure their governments to end illegal wildlife trade, said Elisa Panjang of Cardiff University, a pangolin conservation officer at the Danau Girang Field Centre in Malaysia.

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China has moved to ban the consumption of meat from wild animals in the wake of the outbreak. Similar moves are being considered in Vietnam.

Prof Andrew Cunningham of Zoological Society of London (ZSL) said it was important not to jump to conclusions from the paper. The source of the detected coronavirus really is unknown - it might have been a natural pangolin virus or have jumped from another species between capture and death.

And Dr Dan Challender, of the University of Oxford, said pangolins are known to host various strains of coronaviruses. Identifying the source of SARS-CoV-2 is important to understand the emergence of the current pandemic, and in preventing similar events in the future, he said.After the novel coronavirus broke out in Wuhan, China in late December 2019, it didn't take long for conspiracy theorists to claim it was manufactured in a nearby lab.

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Scientific consensus, on the other hand, is that the virus — SARS-CoV-2 — is a zoonotic disease that jumped from animal to human. It most likely originated in a bat, possibly before passing through another mammal.

While the virus was certainly not engineered in a laboratory, this doesn't mean we haven't played a role in the current pandemic. Human impingement on natural habitats, biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation are making virus spillover events much more likely, a major new studyfrom scientists in Australia and the US has found.

The number of emerging infectious disease outbreaks has more than tripled every decade since the 1980s. More than two thirds of these diseases originate in animals, and about 70% of those come from wild animals. Many of the infectious diseases we're familiar with — Ebola, HIV, swine and avian flu —are zoonotic.

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Contrary to what conspiracy theorists say, the novel coronavirus was not created in a lab in Wuhan, but the pandemic is linked to human behavior Image: AFP/N. Celis


Aided by a hyper-connected global population, SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes, COVID-19, has also demonstrated how quickly modern outbreaks can become pandemics.

While the speed at which COVID-19 has spread across the world has shocked many, scientists have long been warningof such a pandemic.

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By disrupting ecosystems, we have created the conditions that allow animal viruses to cross over into human populations, says Joachim Spangenberg, ecologist and vice-president of the Sustainable Europe Research Institute.

As people move further into the territories of wild animals to clear forests, raise livestock, hunt and extract resources, we are increasingly exposed to the pathogens that normally never leave these places and the bodies they inhabit.

We're getting closer and closer to wild animals, says Yan Xiang, professor of virology at the University of Texas Health Science Center, and that brings us into contact with these viruses.

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After the Amazon, the tar sands in Canada are responsible for the second fastest rate of deforestation on the planetImage: picture-alliance/dpa/Global Warming Images/A. Cooper

As you increase human population density and increase encroachment onto natural habitats, not just by people but by our domesticated animals, you're increasing the rolls on the die, David Hayman, professor of infectious disease ecology at Massey University in New Zealand, told .


But, as well as increasing the likelihood of transfer, ecosystem disruption also has an impact on how many viruses existin the wild and how they behave.

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In the last century, tropical forests, home to around two thirds of the world's living organisms, have been halved. This profound loss of habitat has ripple effects throughout the entire ecosystem, including on the parts we tend to forget — infections, says Hayman.

In some cases, scientists have observed that when animals at the top of the food chain disappear, the animals at the bottom of the food chain, like rats and mice that carry more pathogens, tend to fill that space.

It's not just about how many species we have in an ecosystem, says Alice Latinne at the Wildlife Conservation Society, it's about which species.

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Each species plays a different role in the ecosystem and sometimes, if you just replace one species with another, this can have a huge impact in terms of disease risk. And sometimes we can't predict it, she told .

Latinne draws on the example of the emergence of Nipah virus in Malaysia in the late 1990s, where deforestation drove fruit bats from their forest habitat to mango trees on pig farms. Bats often carry pathogens that don't bother them, but in this case when the pigs came into contact with bat droppings and saliva, they became infected. The pigs then went on to infect farmers.

Evidence linking disruption of ecosystems to increased risk of novel infection transfer is why, Spangenberg says, experts talk about the importance of the One Health concept; the idea that the health of animals, the ecosystem and humans are all interlinked, and when one is out of balance, others follow suit.


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So-called wet markets selling produce, meat and live animals provide another incubator for the emergence of infectious disease. Scientists believethere's a strong possibility SARS-CoV-2 emerged at a wet market in Wuhan, China.

Cramming stressed, sick animals into cages together is, in many ways, the perfect setting to incubate new pathogens, Spangenberg says, and an excellent way to transfer diseases from one species to another. For that reason, many scientists, including Spangenberg, say the world needs, at the very least, to introduce strict regulations for live animal markets.

But as Mrema also pointed out, millions of people — particularly in low-income communities — rely on the food and income sources these markets provide.

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That's part of what makes solutions to preventing disease outbreak complex, according to Hayman. Animal exploitation is one part of it, he says. But poverty, access to jobs, how people are treated in remote areas, the way people engage with food also contribute to conditions that lead to spillovers.

Even just on an economic level, Latinne believes, we will be forced to change — because the cost of disease emergence and spillover from wildlife will be much higher than the economic benefit of our exploitation of the environment.

We are part of nature — we're part of the ecosystem where our health is linked to the health of wildlife, the health of livestock and the health of the environment, Latinne says. We have to find a better way to live together safely.

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If you know where to look at Peru's infamous rainforest market, you'll find all sorts of endangered animals for sale as bushmeat or as pets. But some are trying to stop the trade before it's too late. (18.06.2019)A novel coronavirus has been reported as the causative pathogen of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan city, China in December 2019. Due to the rapid spread of the virus worldwide, it has been announced as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Hospitalized patients in Wuhan were associated with the Huanan seafood wholesale market where live animals, such as poultry, bats, snakes, frogs, rabbits, marmots, and hedgehogs are sold in that market which suggests a possible zoonotic infection. It was suggested that bat is the natural host of SARS-CoV-2, but the intermediate host is still unclear. It is essential to identify the potential intermediate host to interrupt the transmission chain of the virus. Pangolin is a highly


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