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Pokemon Anime Alola Characters

Pokemon Anime Alola Characters

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ムーン,  Hepburn: Poketto Monsutaa: San & Muun) in Japan and Pocket Monsters: Sun & Moon (Hangul: 포켓몬스터 썬&문,  Revised Romanization: Poket Monseuteo Sseon & Mun) in South Korea, int. SM, is the seventh series of Pokémon the Series, which follows the seventh generation of Pokémon. It was revealed by the television network TV Tokyo on September 12, 2016, which released information about this series, like the logo and the new, more cartoony art style.


In this series, Ash Ketchum arrives in the Alola region with his Pikachu to continue his quest to become a Pokémon Master. Much like the previous four series, Ash leaves his previous team of Pokémon with Professor Oak except for Pikachu. During his stay in Alola, Ash enrolls in the Pokémon School on Melemele Island, living with new teacher Professor Kukui and studying with new classmates Sophocles, Mallow, Lana, Kiawe, and Lillie. The series focuses on Ash's experiences in Alola with his new friends, as well as his progress in the island challenge to collect Z-Crystals and qualify as a Z-Move user.

Pokémon Sun And Moon Pokemon Alola, Pokemon, Pokémon Heroes, Alola Pokemon Characters

The Japanese starting date was on November 17, 2016, and the ending date was on November 3, 2019. The Korean starting date was on December 20, 2016, and the ending date was on January 14, 2020. The U.S. starting date was on March 17, 2017, and the ending date was on March 7, 2020. It was however previewed in the United Kingdom on November 20, 2016, and in the United States on December 5, 2016, as a sneak preview.

Satoshi to Pikachu ga, butai Alola chihou' de daibouken! Koudai na umi to sumikitta aozora, soshite dai shizen. Samazamana basho ni seisoku suru kosei yutaka na -tachi. Son'na -tachi to Satoshi ga zenshin, zenrei, zenryoku o sosoide kurihirogeru, akaruku tanoshii monogatari!

Satoshi to Pikachyuu ga, butai Aroora chihou' de dai bouken! Koudai na umi to sumikitta aozora, soshite dai shizen. Samazamana basho ni seisoku suru kosei yutaka na -tachi. Son'na -tachi to Satoshi ga zenshin, zenrei, zenryoku o sosoide kurihirogeru, akaruku tanoshii monogatari!

Pokémon: The 10 Best Sun & Moon Anime Characters

Ash and Pikachu go on a big adventure in the stage Alola region! The vast sea, the clear blue sky, and the great outdoors. Unique Pokémon that inhabit various places. A bright and fun story in which these Pokémon and Ash put his whole body and soul into it!

What awaits Ash and Pikachu in the Alola region, surrounded by wide, clear skies and blue seas…? New Pokémon, new friends, and new experiences…Series-wide: Ash Ketchum | Pikachu | Team Rocket Trio | Team Rocket Trio's Pokémon | Team Rocket Organization Major Characters: Misty | Brock | May | Dawn | Paul | Iris | Serena | Lillie | Goh Original Series: Ash's Pokémon (Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto) Supporting Cast | Gym Leaders | One-shot Characters Advanced Generation: Ash's Pokémon (Hoenn) | Supporting Cast | Gym Leaders and Frontier Brains | Villains Diamond and Pearl: Ash's Pokémon (Sinnoh) | Supporting Cast | Gym Leaders | Villains Black and White: Ash's Pokémon (Unova) | Supporting Cast | Rivals | Gym Leaders | Villains XY: Ash's Pokémon (Kalos) | Supporting Cast | Rivals | Gym Leaders | Mega Evolution Special | Villains Sun and Moon: Ash's Pokémon (Alola) | Supporting Cast | Kahunas and Guardian Deities | Aether Foundation | Villains Journeys: Ash's Pokémon (Journeys) | Supporting Cast | Galar | One-shot Characters Horizons: Lead Characters | Pokémon | Antagonists | Supporting Cast Movies: Movies 1 to 19 | I Choose You! (Ash Ketchum) | The Power of Us | Secrets of the Jungle

Lillie is the resident bookworm, highly knowledgeable about Pokémon from her studies, but terrified by the thought of touching them due to a deeply rooted trauma she suffered in the past. With the constant support of her friends and their Pokémon, however, she slowly but surely works to overcome her fear.

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The eldest pupil in class, and oftentimes the most mature. He is the only student who possesses a Z-Ring by the time Ash joins the class. He works on his family farm on Akala Island, using his Sky Ride Charizard to make deliveries.

Marowak first appeared when it stole the Wela Crown during a festival on Akala Island. After being defeated in battle by Turtonator, it decided to join Kiawe.

A Pokémon that finds Mallow after she reconciles with the spirit of her late mother. Mallow decides to care for it until it can change into its Sky Form and look after itself.


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Ash first runs into her while she is fishing a Bruxish out of the sea, meeting her formally at school later. Her primary Pokémon is a Popplio, but also has a Lapras who serves as her ride Pokémon in the sea.

Sophocles' second Pokémon. It was given to him as a farewell gift by Ash when his classmates thought he was moving away.

The resident expert of Pokémon in the Alola Region, he specializes in the study of Z-Moves. Main teacher of Ash (who's staying at his house for the duration of this series, for now) and the Alola crew.

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A cousin of Professor Oak, Samson is the Principal of the Pokémon School. He specializes in researching the local variations of Kanto Pokémon that have developed in Alola.

A girl who lives on Ula'Ula. She has a Shiny Mimikyu named Mimikins who is an actual ghost of a deceased Mimikyu.


A Pokémon that once belonged to Gladion and Lillie's father Mohn. After being found, it joins Gladion in his quest to find its old trainer.

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A shiny Ultra Beast who cared for Mohn when he fell through the Ultra Wormhole. After Mohn recovered his memory, the family allowed it to stay with them.

A wild Bewear that has decided to adopt Team Rocket, whether they like it or not. She carries them off to her den and takes care of them, and will inevitably track them down to do so again if they decide to leave. They eventually give in and officially make Bewear's den their hideout, with hope that maybe they will be able to catch her eventually. They ultimately failed, leaving the Pokémon they caught in Alola (Mimikyu and Mareanie) with her instead.

The baby cub of Bewear. Having been lost by Bewear before the series started, Stufful would later be revealed to have been cared for by the Aether Foundation.

Create A Alola Characters Tier List

Rowlet's foster family of Pikipek-line Pokémon. The flock appears as a Toucannon being the parent, a Trumbeak as the older sibling, and a group of Pikipek as the younger siblings. Even after being caught by Ash, Rowlet still visits his family from time to time.


An old Pokémon prowling Hau'oli City who looked after the orphaned Litten that was eventually caught by Ash. Stoutland is a vagrant and outcast with no trainer or permanent home.

A lone Pokémon living in the forests of Melemele Island. Highly intelligent and acts as the owner of a juice bar in the wilds.

Since The Anime Didn't Show It, Who Would You Have Liked To See As Ash's Alola Elite 4 Or Who Do You Think He Would've Picked? Any Character Goes.

A group of Meltan that made their way to the Alolan islands only to start wrecking havoc by eating any piece of metal they come across. One of these Meltan is eventually caught by Ash, and some become helpers to the Ultra Guardians after being tamed by Lusamine's Clefable.

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