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What Are Italy'S Native Animals

What Are Italy'S Native Animals

Italy may not be the first destination you think of when considering a wildlife holiday but we will highlight some of the amazing animals that choose this beautiful and diverse landscape as their home. Nature watching is an enjoyable and tranquil activity that allows you to slow down and witness some of the spectacular happenings in the animal world.

The elusive and wild cat of Italy is probably the most impressive wildlife sighting you may see on your holiday. Claimed to be extinct for almost 100 years, the stunning lynx was spotted in Italy in 2000; it was breaking news at the time as many enthusiasts celebrated the finding. The lynx is nocturnal and solitary, unless with young, and there have been recordings of the big cat in the north and central Italy. The lynx usually hunts hares, rabbits and deer.


Marmots are part of the squirrel family, but unlike their close tree-dwelling relative, they live under the ground, creating an extensive structure of burrows and tunnels. They hibernate during the winter and come out of their seasonal sleep during the Italian spring. They are recognisable from their loud whistle which they sound when a predator is nearby. Marmots are herbivores and eat grasses and flowers.

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The grey wolves also stay in the Italian mountains, living in packs of around 10-15, which is much smaller than European wolves. They’re nocturnal and usually hunt deer or wild boars. The protected animals are an amazing site to see, majestic and encaptivating.

The Corsican hare is a species and relative of the hare family that is only found in Italy. They can usually be spotted by themselves or in pairs eating grasses and berries. The hare can reach over 30 miles per hour, with its large limbs propelling them forward.

The golden eagle has approximately a two-metre wingspan, with powerful force and incredible talons. This species is monogamous and will stay with the same mate for their whole life, building large nests for the upbringing of their young, which the pair will return to year on year. The nests are usually situated in remote, quiet settings, away from human interruption. They eat birds, fish and rabbits. Keep your eye on the sky for a sighting of this beautiful bird.

Italy Nature & Wildlife

The Sardinian long-eared bat has only recently been identified and classified as its own species. Although closely related to other bats, they have entirely different genetics. Typically to bat behaviour, they are nocturnal, living in colonies in the caves and woodlands, and use echo location to catch their prey.

Ibex are a popular subject for viral videos as their gravity defying moves cause amazement amongst viewers, jump over an astonishing 2 metres. The wild goats of Italy live in herds, on mountains or areas with steep cliffs. They can live in these locations as their hooves are formed in a shape which sucks them to the ground, making them comfortable and agile. Their chosen habitat may seem odd to us, but the Ibex live there as their main predators find it difficult to hunt on the terrain.

Wild boars are plentiful in Italy, so much so that they can cause frustration to vineyard farmers. The relative of the domestically farmed pig has an insatiable appetite for the delicious and ripe grapes. One boar can consume a massive amount of produce, in a very short time. Wild boars have impressive tusks, which are used during the mating season when the males are fighting their opposition. If you take a slow drive, down a quiet country lane, you are highly likely to spot one.

Wild Animals In Italy [wildlife In Italy]

We have a fantastic range of luxury villas in Italy that will make the perfect base while you are on your wildlife exploration adventure. So, slow the pace down, grab your binoculars, pack a picnic and wait to see what amazements the wonders of nature provide.The Italian wolf, which inhabits the Apnine Mountains and the Western Alps, features promintly in Latin and Italian cultures, such as in the legd of the founding of Rome.

The fauna of Italy comprises all the animal species inhabiting the territory of the Italian Republic and its surrounding waters. Italy has one of the highest levels of faunal biodiversity in Europe, with over 57, 000 species recorded, represting more than a third of all European fauna.

This is due to various factors. The Italian pinsula is in the ctre of the Mediterranean Sea, forming a corridor betwe ctral Europe and North Africa, and it has 8, 000 km (5, 000 mi) of coastline. Italy also receives species from the Balkans, Eurasia, and the Middle East. Italy's varied geological structure, including the Alps and the Apnines, Ctral Italian woodlands, and Southern Italian Garigue and Maquis shrubland, also contribute to high climate and habitat diversity.


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The fauna of Italy includes 4, 777 demic animal species, which include the Sardinian long-eared bat, Sardinian red deer, spectacled salamander, brown cave salamander, Italian newt, Italian frog, Apnine yellow-bellied toad, Italian wall lizard, Aeolian wall lizard, Sicilian wall lizard, Italian Aesculapian snake, and Sicilian pond turtle. In Italy, there are 119 mammals species, 550 bird species, 69 reptile species, 39 amphibian species, 623 fish species and 56, 213 invertebrate species, of which 37, 303 insect species.

During the Pleistoce glaciations, the Italian territory remained largely free of ice, which allowed the flora and fauna to survive, something that did not happ in the ctral-northern areas of the contint, and the retreat of the great glaciers has left glacial relict fauna in some mountain locations.

The Italian territory extds over about 10° of latitude, therefore, while remaining in the context of temperate climates without extremes of heat, cold or aridity, the climatic differce betwe the north and the south of the country is not at all negligible, going from the nival climates of the Alpine peaks to the cool semi-contintal temperate climate of the Po Valley, to the Mediterranean climate of the ctral-southern coasts and the islands.

Italian Animals Display Posters (teacher Made)

Italy is predominantly hilly and mountainous in nature of the territory, which has caused a proliferation of ecological niches, close in space but very diversified.

Italy consists of a 1, 000 km (620 miles) long pinsula extding out into the ctral Mediterranean, together with a number of islands to the south and west. The Apnines run north-south through the pinsula connecting the Alps in the north to Etna and the Peloritani mountains in Sicily in the south. The geology is diverse.


Northern Italy is dominated by the Alps and an extsive valley of the Po river which is extsively agricultural and industrialised. Ctral Italy includes the regions of Tuscany, Umbria, Marche and Lazio. It is dominated by the Apnines, from which a few major rivers flow. There are few natural plains. A process of land reclamation has replaced the coastal swamps and marshes with agricultural land.

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Southern Italy includes the regions of Abruzzo, Molise, Apulia, Basilicata and Campania. Agriculture and industry are less developed. The main islands are Sicily, Sardinia and the Aeolian Islands.

Because of the lgth of the Italian pinsula and the mostly mountainous hinterland, the climate of Italy is highly diverse. In most of the inland northern and ctral regions, the climate ranges from humid subtropical to humid contintal and oceanic. In particular, the climate of the Po Valley geographical region is mostly contintal, with harsh winters and hot summers.

The coastal areas of Liguria, Tuscany and most of the South gerally fit the Mediterranean climate stereotype (Köpp climate classification). Each region has a distinct fauna.

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An ecoregion is an ecologically and geographically defined area with characteristic species. Most of the Italian territory is included in the Mediterranean Basin. Important Italian terrestrial ecoregions include the Illyrian deciduous forests, the Italian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests, the South Apnine mixed montane forests, the Tyrrhian-Adriatic sclerophyllous and mixed forests, Apnine deciduous montane forests, the Dinaric Mountains mixed forests and the Po Basin mixed forests. There are also many cave systems significant for biodiversity.


Unique mammals include the Corsican hare, the Sardinian long-eared bat, the Apnine shrew, the Udine shrew the Calabria pine vole, and the Sardinian deer.

Demic amphibians and reptiles include the spectacled salamander, the Sardinian cave salamander, the Italian cave salamander, the Monte Albo cave salamander, the Sardinian brook newt, the Italian newt, the Italian frog, the Apnine yellow-bellied toad, the Sicilian gre toad, the Aeolian wall lizard, the Sicilian wall lizard, the Italian Aesculapian snake, and the Sicilian pond turtle (Emys trinacris).

Wildlife In Tuscany

Demic fishes include the Bergatino loach, the Italian barbel, the brook chub, the Arno goby, the Garda carp, the carpione del Fibro, and the Timavo sculpin. demic birds include the Italian sparrow. There are 288 demic species of lepidopterans in Italy.

Some of the species are Alpine marmot, forest dormouse, Etruscan shrew (the smallest mammal in the world), European snow vole, and Schreiber's long-fingered bat. Notable large mammals are the Eurasian lynx, Italian wolf, Marsican brown bear, Pyrean chamois, Alpine ibex, common get, fallow deer, mouflon, rough-toothed dolphin, crested porcupine, and Mediterranean monk seal.

Notable birds are the hoopoe, roller, white-backed woodpecker, black woodpecker, European gre woodpecker, Alpine chough, snow finch, rock partridge, Bonelli's eagle, goshawk, eagle owl, lammergeier, Egyptian vulture, griffon


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