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Animal Fat Soap Making

Animal Fat Soap Making

In this quick tutorial, we will show you how to make your own homemade soap using animal fats such as deer tallow. 

Sounds counterintuitive to make a soap out of something we usually want to wash off our hands, but tallow soap is a sustainable and natural way of making soap that has been around forever. 


In its broadest sense, soap is the result of a chemical reaction that occurs when fat is mixed with the alkali in sodium hydroxide (lye) in a process called saponification.  

Making Soap From Scratch: Ingredients, Safety, And Basic Steps

Using tallow fats from animals you have either hunted or farmed yrouself is a great way to utilise more of an animal as it uses up a lot of the fat that would normally end up getting thrown away. Animal fat soaps will lather up just like any other soap but they are much better for your skin than a store bought soap filled with chemicals and artificial fragrances. 

The two most basic ingredients for tallow soap is animal fat and lye. You’ll also require some type of liquid and something to make it smell nice (unless you are after a very plain, unfragranced soap).

When it comes to choosing your fat, you can literally use any type of fat – either animal, vegetable, plant or even a mixture of these. 

How To Render Tallow For Use In Soap Recipes

For example beef fat will be creamier than deer fat, and goat fat will give you a more bubbly lather. It’s worth experimenting with different kinds of fats to see which is your favourite. You can also mix animal fat with plant based fats such as coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, nut oils etc. 

It’s the same with the liquid you choose. You can use just plain water, or, if you’re into experimenting, you can try using milk (dairy or plant-based), beer, wine, juice, purees etc. Again, just be aware that whatever liquid you do add will react differently with the lye, and will change the result. Milk produces a creamier soap, but is a little trickier to make, as milk tends to scorch at a high temperature. Unless you’re after burnt milk soap, heat the milk very gently. 

One thing people are often worried about when making tallow soap is that it will smell like fat when you lather it. If made correctly, the soap should be odourless (if no essential oil fragrances are added). If there is any fat smell at all, it should be extremely mild. However, if you can’t get your head around that, then you can add in some aromatics. Which ones you choose is really up to your creativity. The simplest thing to do is add a few drops of essential oils, but you could also experiment with herbs, flowers, perfumes, honey or other natural fragrances. The sky really is the limit. 

Cold Process Lard Soap Recipe

The amounts of lye, water and fragrance you need will depend on how much fat you have. The easiest way to figure out how much of each ingredient you need is to use a soap calculator. There are a plenty of them online like soapcalc.net or the-sage.com/lyecalc

Remember that lye is a caustic chemical, so always handle the lye with caution. Wear eye protection and gloves. And always add the lye to the water not the other way around. If you add the water to the lye you may get an eruption.

As a safety precaution, keep a bottle of vinegar close by. That way, if the lye gets on you or any surface, the vinegar will neutralise it. 

Lard And Tallow Soap, Unscented — Two Creek Farm

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Oatmeal & Honey Soap Recipe

Learn more about the vision and goals of I Am Hunter, and how you can be a part of bringing this vision to life.Once you render it into tallow, soap, candles, and the best french fries you’ve ever put in your mouth all become very real possibilities.

Tallow has had a bad reputation for years, which is rather silly,  because it’s an excellent choice for soap making. It’s mild for the skin, produces a gentle lather, and makes a very hard bar that won’t turn into goop in your shower.

But the real reason I’m drawn to it for soap making, is because lard and tallow make the most sense for homesteaders.

How To Make Soap From Scratch Using Wood Ash And Fat

I’m often drawn to the “gourmet” soap recipes I see on Pinterest with their elegant swirls of color and fancy flavors. But when I click on the recipe, I usually end up skipping right over it because it calls for a bazillion different types of (expensive) oils I don’t have and really don’t feel like ordering.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against fancy soap recipes, but for me, making soap is more about function versus a fun hobby for my spare time.


Lard (rendered fat from pigs) and tallow (rendered fat from cattle) were the traditional fats for our homesteading ancestors because they were plentiful and cheap. Because we raise and butcher our own hogs and steers for meat, we also tend to have a bounty of pig fat and beef fat. It only makes sense to put it to good use, otherwise, it’d just go in the trash. What a waste.

Why I Use Lard Or Tallow In My Soap (and Why You Should, Too)

Most tallow soap recipes you see include a bit of tallow with a handful of vegetable oils as well. Because tallow lacks a bit of cleaning power on its own, so it’s often combined with other oils. However, the purist in me insisted on creating a 100% tallow bar, just like my homesteader ancestors would have used. I’ve also included a tallow/coconut oil recipe, just in case you’re looking for the benefits of tallow in a slightly more modern bar.

If you raise your own pork and beef, the easiest, most logical source of tallow or lard is the animals you butcher. If you butcher yourself, the very best fat for soap and food recipes is the leaf fat found around the kidneys. Once you remove the kidneys from the inside, follow these directions for rendering the fat to remove the impurities. This will leave you with luscious, limitless tallow or lard. You can use the fat from other parts of the animal, but it may produce an end result with a slightly more “beefy” scent/flavor.

If you get your meat from a butcher shop, ask them to save leaf fat for you. They are usually happy to give it to you or sell it for a minimal fee, as it’s not exactly a hot commodity at the moment.

No Animal Fat Soap Base At Rs 130/kg

Yes, you have to use lye when you make soap. Otherwise, you’d be washing yourself with a giant blob of fat, which wouldn’t work well, for obvious reasons. Lye provides the necessary chemical reaction to turn fat into soap.

This is a hot process soap recipe that uses a crockpot. If you’ve never made crockpot soap, please carefully read this post FIRST, it contains very important safety information. Lye doesn’t have to be scary, but you do need to be respectful of it. ALWAYS wear protective eye gear, gloves, and long sleeves when working lye, and handle it in a well-ventilated area.


If you want to use a different amount of tallow, or have a smaller/larger mold, that’s an easy fix. Just run your fat amounts through a soap calculator first (like this one) to make sure you are using a proper amount of lye.

How To Make Soap From Fat And Ashes

In an area with good ventilation (I do this under with my oven fan on), carefully stir the lye into the measured water. ALWAYS add the lye to the water– do NOT add the water to the lye, as it can result in a volcano-like reaction.

Stir this lye/water mixture until it has dissolved and let it sit for a few minutes. There will be a chemical reaction between the lye and water, and the water will become very hot, so be careful handling the container.

Trace is when the mixture turns to a pudding-like consistency and holds its shape when you drip a bit on top. Like this—>

Gathering Summary: Rendering Animal Fat For Soap Making With Sheree Tompkins, June 19, 2013 « The Essentialist

Now put the lid on the crockpot, set it on LOW, and allow it to cook for 45-60 minutes. It will bubble and froth, which is fine. Just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t attempt to bubble out of the pot. If it attempts an escape, just stir it back down.

Once it has cooked for a while and passes the “zap” test (see this post to understand what the zap test is), pour/scoop it into a mold and allow it to set for 12-24 hours.


Remove the solid soap from the bar, cut into bars, and allow to cure for 1-2 weeks. You can technically use the soap right away, but the dry time will produce a nicer, harder bar of soap.

Vegan Soap And How It's Made

You’re ready to add a small flock to your

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