Anime Girl Fighting Outfit
Sometimes you start a fight, and other times a fight finds you. In those not so rare cases in anime these characters find themselves fighting in their formalwear, rather than traditional battle armor. From hunting bounties in a fancy suit to to thwarting evil in a colourful sailor outfit, these are the styles that make it look great.
In the world of anime, when it comes time to fight, which is often, ya gotta look good doing it. Welcome to , and today we will be ranking our picks for the Top 10 Anime Battle Outfits. For this list we’re prioritizing the formalwear characters bring to informal brawls, rather than traditional battle-armour.
We’re kicking off our list in style with a jacket that is synonymous with the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise. Series protagonist Edward Elrich, is the youngest state-certified alchemist in the military history. Essentially a combat scientist Edward always sports his signature red hooded cloak, instead of the regulation blue uniform as it blends perfectly with his mechanized automail appendages. If you cross his path and he takes off the jacket, you know to head in the other direction.
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Now this is one deadly cyborg. Squad leader of the fictional Public Security Section 9, Kusanagi is the protagonist for all iterations of the Ghost in the Shell franchise. Normally Kusanagi sports a Japanese police uniform, but is more well known for her iconic dark pants, leather jacket, and white bra. While there are a few variations on this outfit, the overall look is always bad-ass.
Oh nostalgia, how we love thee. Goku sports orange, red, and golden gi, the traditional martial arts clothing, over a dark blue undershirt. On the front and back of the gi are kanji, Japanese lettering for Master Roshi, Kami, and King Kai. While wearing this, Goku becomes the unofficial leader of the Z-Fighters, the greatest warriors humanity has to offer. This outfit is easily recognizable by any anime fan, as it will always bring back memories of the good times that were had watching Dragonball Z.
Our next entry isn’t too thrilled with all of her costume changes. The main protagonist of the series, Ryuko is on a quest to find her father’s murderer. Her main outfit consists of her Senketsu, a living piece of clothing made of Life Fibers, which takes the form of a navy blue sailor uniform. This further changes when Ryuko syncs with Senketsu, as he changes to a skimpy suit of armor with red stripes. This outfit doesn't leave much up to the imagination.
Chinese Pink Short Medium Haired Girl With Light Blue Eyes Wearing A Black Futuric Fighting Outfit And Medium Sized Chest Sits In The Tower Roof In The Sunset
Alphard Alshua, the most prominent villain in the Canaan series, is the leader of the Snake terrorist organization. Never showing any remorse of the people she kills, her stone-cold expression is made even more menacing by her enticing outfit. Sporting a black tube top, dark purple trench coat and black pants, she will kill you in a heartbeat if you try to get too close. Hey, gotta have your own style while you terrorize innocent people.
Another blast from the past. As if you don't already know, the Sailor Moon series follows a group of magical girls called the Sailor Senshi as they protect the earth and punish evil. Each Senshi is outfitted with their own fuku, much like a school uniform, that is unique while at the same time, sharing similarities with one and other. Each one has a unique colour scheme, indicative of the celestial body they are named after, and when they come together it makes quite the rainbow.
If you’re looking for a master of armor, you found her. Erza Scarlet, one of the S-Class mages of the Fairy Tail guild, and wields an interesting magic called Requip magic. This form of magic allows her to change weapons and armor almost instantaneously during a fight, while being able to access her inventory of over 100 different sets. Her most powerful set, known as the Heaven's Wheel Armor, allows her to summon over 200 swords at once.
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Step aside newcomers, its one of the most iconic pieces of armor in all of anime. This is the armor of the elite and most often worn by the villainous Vegeta, but it is given to all warriors of the Planet Trade Organization. The most common models are white and blue, have two shoulder guards as well as either skirt armor, or a crotch guard. Lets just say that if you are a villain in this series and you don't have this armor, you probably won't be taken seriously. Unless you’re an android of course.
Now these are the signs of superiority. The Captain's Kimono specifically relate to the kimonos worn by members of the Gotei 13, a military branch populated by shinigami. Each member of the Gotei 13 wears a traditional captain's uniform, under which they wear a kimono stating their division. On top of that the current leader, Shunshui Kyoraku wears a straw hat and a flowered ladies kimono over his uniform. True shinigami wear pink! Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions. Scout Regiment “Attack on Titan” (2013) Gilgamesh “Fate Stay/Night” series (2006-) Revy “Black Lagoon” (2006) Alucard “Hellsing” (2001-02) Akatsuki Cloak “Naruto” series (2002-)
The best part of a video game is creating your avatar, and no one does it better than Kirito. Known as The Black Swordsma, his attire consists of black pants, silver buckle, as well as a black trench-coat and a black undershirt. Why don’t we just throw in some black boots too? There they are. This kid sure does love black. While his outfit does have some variations, it never goes too far from his comfort zone. He will always be The Black Swordsman. Do you agree with our list? What is your favorite anime battle outfit? For more battle ready top tens published every day, be sure to subscribe to .
Clothing: Magicians Outfit For Females
Anime top 10 list countdown battle action armor outfits edward elrich fullmetal alchemist goku dragonball kill la kill ryuko fairy tail erza sword art online Brandon Stuh
Step aside newcomers, its one of the most iconic pieces of armor in all of anime. This is the armor of the elite and most often worn by the villainous Vegeta, but it is given to all warriors of the Planet Trade Organization. The most common models are white and blue, have two shoulder guards as well as either skirt armor, or a crotch guard. Lets just say that if you are a villain in this series and you don't have this armor, you probably won't be taken seriously. Unless you’re an android of course.
Now these are the signs of superiority. The Captain's Kimono specifically relate to the kimonos worn by members of the Gotei 13, a military branch populated by shinigami. Each member of the Gotei 13 wears a traditional captain's uniform, under which they wear a kimono stating their division. On top of that the current leader, Shunshui Kyoraku wears a straw hat and a flowered ladies kimono over his uniform. True shinigami wear pink! Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions. Scout Regiment “Attack on Titan” (2013) Gilgamesh “Fate Stay/Night” series (2006-) Revy “Black Lagoon” (2006) Alucard “Hellsing” (2001-02) Akatsuki Cloak “Naruto” series (2002-)
The best part of a video game is creating your avatar, and no one does it better than Kirito. Known as The Black Swordsma, his attire consists of black pants, silver buckle, as well as a black trench-coat and a black undershirt. Why don’t we just throw in some black boots too? There they are. This kid sure does love black. While his outfit does have some variations, it never goes too far from his comfort zone. He will always be The Black Swordsman. Do you agree with our list? What is your favorite anime battle outfit? For more battle ready top tens published every day, be sure to subscribe to .
Clothing: Magicians Outfit For Females
Anime top 10 list countdown battle action armor outfits edward elrich fullmetal alchemist goku dragonball kill la kill ryuko fairy tail erza sword art online Brandon Stuh
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