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Farm Animal Means

Farm Animal Means

Livestock are the domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting in order to provide labour and produce diversified products for consumption such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool. The term is sometimes used to refer solely to animals who are raised for consumption, and sometimes used to refer solely to farmed ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, and goats.

The USDA classifies pork, veal, beef, and lamb (mutton) as livestock, and all livestock as red meat. Poultry and fish are not included in the category.


The breeding, maintance, slaughter and geral subjugation of livestock, called animal husbandry, is a part of modern agriculture and has be practiced in many cultures since humanity's transition to farming from hunter-gatherer lifestyles. Animal husbandry practices have varied widely across cultures and time periods. It continues to play a major economic and cultural role in numerous communities.

Meaning, Types And Characteristics Of Farm Animals

Intsive animal farming increases the yield of the various commercial outputs, but also negatively impacts animal welfare, the vironmt, and public health.

United States federal legislation defines the term to make specified agricultural commodities eligible or ineligible for a program or activity. For example, the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999 (P.L. 106–78, Title IX) defines livestock only as cattle, swine, and sheep, while the 1988 disaster assistance legislation defined the term as cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry (including egg-producing poultry), equine animals used for food or in the production of food, fish used for food, and other animals designated by the Secretary.

Deadstock is defined in contradistinction to livestock as animals that have died before slaughter, sometimes from illness or disease. It is illegal in many countries, such as Canada, to sell or process meat from dead animals for human consumption.

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Animal-rearing originated during the cultural transition to settled farming communities from hunter-gatherer lifestyles. Animals are domesticated wh their breeding and living conditions are controlled by humans. Over time, the collective behaviour, lifecycle and physiology of livestock have changed radically. Many modern farmed animals are unsuited to life in the natural world.

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The term livestock is indistinct and may be defined narrowly or broadly. Broadly, livestock refers to any population of animals kept by humans for a useful, commercial purpose.

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Micro-livestock is the term used for much-smaller animals, usually mammals. The two predominant categories are rodts and lagomorphs (rabbits). Ev-smaller animals are kept and raised, such as crickets and honey bees. Micro-livestock does not gerally include fish (aquaculture) or chicks (poultry farming).

Traditionally, animal husbandry was part of the subsistce farmer's way of life, producing not only the food needed by the family but also the fuel, fertiliser, clothing, transport and draught power. Killing the animal for food was a secondary consideration, and wherever possible their products, such as wool, eggs, milk and blood (by the Maasai) were harvested while the animal was still alive.

In the traditional system of transhumance, humans and livestock moved seasonally betwe fixed summer and winter pastures; in montane regions the summer pasture was up in the mountains, the winter pasture in the valleys.

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Animals can be kept extsively or intsively. Extsive systems involve animals roaming at will, or under the supervision of a herdsman, oft for their protection from predators. Ranching in the Western United States involves large herds of cattle grazing widely over public and private lands.

Similar cattle stations are found in South America, Australia and other places with large areas of land and low rainfall. Ranching systems have be used for sheep, deer, ostrich, emu, llama and alpaca.


In the uplands of the United Kingdom, sheep are turned out on the fells in spring and graze the abundant mountain grasses untded, being brought to lower altitudes late in the year, with supplemtary feeding being provided in winter.

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In rural locations, pigs and poultry can obtain much of their nutrition from scavging, and in African communities, hs may live for months without being fed, and still produce one or two eggs a week.

At the other extreme, in the more Western parts of the world, animals are oft intsively managed; dairy cows may be kept in zero-grazing conditions with all their forage brought to them; beef cattle may be kept in high dsity feedlots;

Poultry may be reared in barns and kept in cages as laying birds under lighting-controlled conditions. In betwe these two extremes are semi-intsive, oft family-run farms where livestock graze outside for much of the year, silage or hay is made to cover the times of year wh the grass stops growing, and fertiliser, feed and other inputs are bought onto the farm from outside.

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Livestock farmers have oft dealt with natural world animals' predation and theft by rustlers. In North America, animals such as gray wolves, grizzly bears, cougars, and coyotes are sometimes considered a threat to livestock. In Eurasia and Africa, predators include wolves, leopards, tigers, lions, dholes, Asiatic black bears, crocodiles, spotted hyas, and other carnivores. In South America, feral dogs, jaguars, anacondas, and spectacled bears are threats to livestock. In Australia, dingoes, foxes, and wedge-tailed eagles are common predators, with an additional threat from domestic dogs who may kill in response to a hunting instinct, leaving the carcass uneat.

Good husbandry, proper feeding, and hygie are the main contributors to animal health on farms, bringing economic befits through maximised production. Wh, despite these precautions, animals still become sick, they are treated with veterinary medicines, by the farmer and the veterinarian. In the European Union, wh farmers treat the animals, they are required to follow the guidelines for treatmt and to record the treatmts giv.


Where the condition is serious, governmts impose regulations on import and export, on the movemt of livestock, quarantine restrictions and the reporting of suspected cases. Vaccines are available against certain diseases, and antibiotics are widely used where appropriate.

What Is Animal Husbandry?

Animals living under intsive conditions are particularly prone to internal and external parasites; increasing numbers of sea lice are affecting farmed salmon in Scotland.

According to the Special Report on Climate Change and Land, livestock diseases are expected to get worse as climate change increases temperature and precipitation variability.

Since many livestock are herd animals, they were historically driv to market on the hoof to a town or other ctral location. The method is still used in some parts of the world.

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Local and regional livestock auctions and specialized agricultural markets facilitate trade in livestock. In Canada at the Cargill slaughterhouse in High River, Alberta, 2, 000 workers process 4, 500 cattle per day, or more than one-third of Canada's capacity. It closed wh some of its workers became infected with coronavirus disease 2019.

The Cargill plant together with the JBS plant in Brooks, Alberta and the Harmony Beef plant in Balzac, Alberta represt fully three-quarters of the Canadian beef supply.


In other areas, livestock may be bought and sold in a bazaar or wet market, such as may be found in many parts of Ctral Asia.

Animal Farm Lit Terms

In non-Western countries, providing access to markets has couraged farmers to invest in livestock, with the result being improved livelihoods. For example, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has worked in Zimbabwe to help farmers make their most of their livestock herds.

Humans and livestock make up more than 90% of the biomass of all terrestrial vertebrates, and almost as much as all insects combined.

However, economic implications of livestock production extd further: to downstream industry (saleyards, abattoirs, butchers, milk processors, refrigerated transport, wholesalers, retailers, food services, tanneries, etc.), upstream industry (feed producers, feed transport, farm and ranch supply companies, equipmt manufacturers, seed companies, vaccine manufacturers, etc.) and associated services (veterinarians, nutrition consultants, shearers, etc.).

Meaning, Classes And Functions Of Animal Feeds

Livestock provide a variety of food and non-food products; the latter include leather, wool, pharmaceuticals, bone products, industrial protein, and fats. For many abattoirs, very little animal biomass may be wasted at slaughter. Ev intestinal contts removed at slaughter may be recovered for use as fertilizer. Livestock manure helps maintain the fertility of grazing lands. Manure is commonly collected from barns and feeding areas to fertilize cropland. In some places, animal manure is used as fuel, either directly (as in some non-Western countries), or indirectly (as a source of methane for heating or for gerating electricity). In regions where machine power is limited, some classes of livestock are used as draft stock, not only for tillage and other on-farm use, but also for transport of people and goods. In 1997, livestock provided ergy for betwe an estimated 25 and 64% of cultivation ergy in the world's irrigated systems, and that 300 million draft animals were used globally in small-scale agriculture.

Although livestock production serves as a source of income, it can provide additional economic values for rural families, oft serving as a major contributor to food security and economic security. Livestock can serve as insurance against risk


And is an economic buffer (of income and food supply) in some regions and some economies (e.g., during some African droughts). However, its use as a buffer may sometimes be limited where

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