Randaris Anime Yuri On Ice
So. Recently, a friend of mine asked me, “Hey. You’re a figure skater, you know figure skating. Do you think I could be a skater, like Yuuri or Viktor?”
I’ve been looking up skating tips and tricks and, sure enough, she isn’t the only one who wants to learn how to skate because of Yuri!! on Ice.
Figure skating – even skating in general – isn’t too big, so to see so many people interested in it is absolutely lovely. But, maybe you don’t want to just skate. You want to do the same beautiful moves that Yuuri, Yurio, and Viktor do in each episode.
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This isn’t so much a quiz as it is a kind of form, to find out how you’d fair if you tried out figure skating. But! Remember, figure skating takes a lot of work, and it isn’t everyone’s thing. However, millions of people love skating, so even if you can’t figure skate, skating itself is always a super fun option!
The rules/how this works is fairly simple. I’ll ask a question and explain what it has to do with figure skating, and you answer it. Keep track of your answers! Each answer is worth a certain amount of points based on how crucial it is to figure skating, so it’s best to write your answer and its number, as well as the question it’s under on a piece of paper so you can add up your score at the end. Speaking of scores, I’ll list a score sheet afterward to show you where you lie in terms of figure skating.
Having taken dance classes before, especially ones that bring out the grace in you like ballet, modern, or contemporary dance can definitely help you improve your figure skating. Both sports have a huge focus on balance, grace, and strength. This is why many professional figure skaters and coaches offer ballet classes or have taken them themselves. I myself am a dancer and was before I started skating.
Yuri!!! On Ice
Being a figure skater requires a lot of dedication. In Yuri!! on Ice, you’ll notice how out of breath Yuuri – or any of them, really – are after they perform or skate. That’s because figure skating requires strength, speed, and so on, stuff you build up the more you jog, stretch, or practice. If you’re not too keen on working to ready your body and build up stamina for figure skating, you might end up injuring yourself.
When learning to skate, especially figure skating, it’s important to recognize that you can and will fall, especially when starting out. Everyone, even the pros, fall all the time. It’s just natural. However, if you’re squeamish when it comes to sports injuries, you might want to be careful. Figure skating, just like any other sport, will result in occasional injuries, no matter how good you are. If you’re ready to overcome this fear, that’s wonderful, and I wish you good luck!
Flexibility is something that can be taught. Some people are born flexible and others, not so much. But everyone can get their splits if they work hard enough. The reason flexibility is important going into figure skating is tied to the strength behind your flexibility. If you have the splits, for example, your leaps and jumps will look a lot better and come a lot easier to you due to how strong and flexible your legs are. Once again, it
Yuri!!! On Ice: Welcome To The Madness Ova (anime)
Be taught! So if you’re willing to work on it, many moves can and will come a lot easier when you learn them on ice.
A healthy diet is obviously good for your health, right? And in the sport of figure skating (as well as basically ever other sport) good health is required. Protein, vitamins, and more, are essential to making your body be in the best shape it can possibly be in. The weaker your body is – especially your muscles and bones!! – the more likely you are to get sick, injure yourself, or just not be in good enough shape to skate at all.
Balance is similar to flexibility. It can kind of be taught, but unlike flexibility, if you’re not naturally well-balanced (or at least decently well balanced) things may be difficult for you if you’re trying to do jumps, turns, and so on. Out of all the things figure skating demands, balance is probably the most important one (well, balance and strength). Like I said though, it can kind of be taught, but only to a certain extent if it’s not you’re not predisposed to it.
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(I felt guilty writing this, trust me… but if your balance is poor or just about average, jumps and turns can seriously injure you if you attempt them before your balance has improved. I just don’t want you guys hurt, I promise!!)
Skating is the least of your worries! I know, I know, that seems silly seeing as how it’s called “figure SKATING”, but it really is true. Skating is NOT hard. I learned when I was 6 or 7, so if fetus me can do it, you sure as heck can too! All ages can learn to skate, so please don’t feel shy going to lessons or looking up YouTube videos and trying it yourself! The only reason this is even a question is to help even out things and better determine answers. Trust me, it’s not that hard at all.
This is the last question because it’s the simplest: in order to learn to figure skate, one must have the tools required to do so. Skates and an ice rink are really all you need. Actually, there are two ice rinks in my area and they both have a thing where you can rent skates (since skates aren’t really all that cheap), so this is a great thing to check your local rink for. That, and a snack stand. Hot chocolate…
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That being said, if you don’t have an ice rink or a place to purchase skates, learning will require you traveling to your lessons at the rink. Keep that in mind!
If you have more questions about what to ask your local rink about and/or what you need to start figure skating, whether seriously or as a hobby, send me a message on tumblr (namifly.tumblr.com) and I’ll help you out as best I can!
Now, look at the numbers you’ve written down and how many points they equal, then add them up. Don’t worry, I’ll wait!
Yuri On Ice
If you scored 16 points – Figure skating might not be your thing for a variety of reasons. It sounds like you either aren’t into it that much and would much rather just watch from afar, or you’d like to simply just skate. No turns, jumps, or anything. And that’s perfectly okay! Whatever makes you happy is most important. You do you!
If you scored 17 to 24 – You’d like to try figure skating, but you’re nervous about it because you haven’t done anything like it before. That’s totally fine! Pretty much everyone starts out this way. You might need to work harder than others and take extra classes or lessons, but that’s absolutely fine and you shouldn’t feel bad at all. There’s nothing wrong with working as hard as you need to. You can do it!!
If you scored 25 to 48 – You’re well on your way already! You might have some quirks you need to work on, but heck, don’t we all? Try running or jogging and build up your stamina, or stretching and working on your flexibility. Throw in some sessions with a coach or lessons in general. This way, you can work on anything that’s holding you back and you can move onto bigger things! You should definitely give things a shot!
Anime Yuri!!! On Ice Hd Wallpaper By Redixx
If you scored 49 to 80 – You have great potential that could easily be unleashed via more practice, coaching, and hard work! Sharpening the skills you already have is very important in any sport. So, take your beautiful self and get started! Find a coach, attend classes! What are you waiting for?
And, that’s it! Now, keep in mind this is just for fun. If you got a lower score, please, don’t be discouraged! That doesn’t mean you should just quit. In fact, the lower the score is, the more I want you to give it your best shot. I do not want anyone to give up. It doesn’t matter how good you are at anything in the world if you don’t have the heart and the passion to go through with it. If you’re determined to learn how to figure skate, do all you can to learn and improve. You’ve got this!
Another thing I want to address is age. I know a lot of people worry that they’re far too old to learn to skate.
Anime Yuri!!! On Ice Hd Wallpaper
Some say the older you are, the harder it will be. And, in certain cases, it’s true. Why? It’s for the exact reason you see little kids doing gymnastics or learning to skate. The younger you are, the more time you have to develop skills, as well get
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