Animal Fat Hunterborn
Wearable lantern use animal fat to craft lantern oil lanterns and candles render animal fat into tallow if you have hearthfire hunterborn will detect it and automatically provide goat horns and mudcrab legs no patch needed if you have skyre hunterborn will detect it and give you an alternative to the gatherer perk
Hunterborn troll fat to animal fat zedit patcher hunting in skyrim skinned models for hunterborn immersive needs hunterborn patches imp 39 s more complex needs imcn patches jgd 39 s patch collection this list is not necessarily all inclusive listed mods are definitely required but there may be more needed as well
Hunterborn animal fat how do i get animal fat i have killed several animals and only had the option to get the normal stuff like pelts and meat i ve tried googling this but i can t find a concise answer one person mentions a hunting knife but i can t find a way to craft or buy one if anyone could help i d so appreciate it
Hunterborn is a large mod that adds quite a bit of functionality you can skin animals and harvest items from their bodies you get tons of fat bones pelts alchemy ingredients and meat from these animals the alchemy ingredients can be used to make some pretty powerful potions some of them allow potion effect combinations that werent
This is a patch for chesko 39 s mod that adds a craftable wearable lantern as a light source the hunterborn patch is very simple it adds animal fat as a new harvestable item and the fat can be converted into lamp oil at a cookpot it also adds a new recipe for lantern oil using dwarven oil combined with bone meal
Take your immersive survival playthrough to the next level with enhanced animal harvesting crafting and new skills skyrim se only nexusmods com
Hunterborn is a mod for skyrim and skyrim special edition that alters the process and rewards from looting animal corpses once hunterborn is enabled the player can skin an animal gather ingredients butcher the meat then dispose of the animal to remove the body this mod adds a number of new alchemy ingredients from various creatures
Wearable lantern use animal fat to craft lantern oil lanterns and candles render animal fat into tallow if you have hearthfire hunterborn will detect it and automatically provide goat horns and mudcrab legs no patch needed if you have skyre hunterborn will detect it and give you an alternative to the gatherer perk
Animal fat if you 39 d prefer that hunterborn 39 s animal fat is not distributed type set shb animalfatdisabled mnps to 0 in the console to disable it goat rocks when looting goats hunterborn adds a small chance of finding rocks and occasionally semi precious gems which presumably they ate to disable this type set shb goatrocks
Hunterborn changes the simple routine of kill and loot on animals into something more immersive this mod has its origins in realistic wildlife loot but i wanted something more in depth for the actual process of dressing down a kill skinning it for its pelt taking material from it for alchemy and finally butchering its meat based on the animal s weight not just a single cut of venison
Hunterborn is a mod for the elder scrolls v skyrim and the elder scrolls v skyrim special edition hunterborn was created by dragonsong to increase realism in hunting for skyrim allowing the dragonborn to hunt more animals and harvest different parts of an animal 39 s body for example an animal 39 s skin can be harvested and turned into leather or leather strips unique items such as amulets
Allows you to use hunterborn animal fats to craft dirt blood soaps also adds charcoal recipe to the smelter which allows for easier soap crafting why surprisingly this patch didn 39 t exist so i created it using the ck requires dirt and blood dynamic visual effects at skyrim special edition nexus mods and community by jayserpa
A highly detailed review of the mod hunterborn nexusmods com skyrim mods 33201
Cured skeever hide is an alchemy ingredient added by the hunterborn mod it can be obtained from a tanning rack while holding a skeever pelt and either animal fat or wood shavings retrieved from categories
Animal fat to lantern oil adds crafting recipe for wearable lantern 39 s lantern oil from hunterborn animal fat hunterborn scrimshaw expanded sse adds a smaller more lore friendly set of recipes to hunterborn 39 s scrimshaw menu and moves a variety of the recipes to the cooking pot where they make more sense
All credit to unuroboros for making the hunterborn mod please endorse his mod hunterborn se netmc for the alchemy botany fix plaguehush for the jerky recipes illgirni for the bound hunting knives adds the mcm menu back into hunterborn se and fixes all the bugs of the original more features more creatures better skyrim
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Here s another german word for you tierpark that s an animal game park for which falkenstein has one with everything from camels to bears it s open montag bis sonntag that s monday to sunday from 10am 6pm no big deal if you re not fluent in german yet at falkenstein s festivals everyone speaks the same language fun
Hunterborn se 1 6 1 released pc sse mod here on the nexus se site some minor bugfixes mostly nuisance stuff hopefully that carcass pickup bug the optional leather tanning patch now uses tree bark gotten from foraging for wood instead of wood chips there is a new scavenging scrounging sub system inside of forage sort of like a
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Permissions and credits adds a new crafting recipe for wearable lantern 39 s lantern oil from animal fat from hunterborn to the cooking pot misc category 4 animal fat 1 lantern oil credit to chesko for wearable lanterns and unuroboros for hunterborn se adds crafting recipe for wearable lantern 39 s lantern oil from hunterborn animal fat
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Campfire 39 s deadwood branches and kindling have been added to the list of items found when foraging for firewood animal fat tinder recipe has been updated and will work with campfire 1 4 fur plate recipes have been added for all hunterborn pelts poor pelts will produce hide lace when used with campfire 39 s survival skill create item
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