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Animal Jam Meet Cosmo Hard Mode Prizes

Animal Jam Meet Cosmo Hard Mode Prizes

Meet cosmo is a land adventure available to all jammers and it is the third adventure available in the adventure base camp it was initially released for testing for members only on august 22 2013 but it was later released to all jammers on november 7 2013 the hard difficulty mode was released on september 12 2013 this adventure introduces a new weapon against the phantoms the boomseed

This is the adventure meet cosmo on hard mode and i will show all jammers what is in every treasure chest click here to see meet cosmo normal mode prizes ht


Adventures were first introduced during the members only testing period on june 18 2013 the testing period lasted until july 11 2013 and had exclusive rewards for completing the adventures adventure rewardsare items you get upon completing an adventure we do not list the rewards that are simply random den clothing items or gems

Just helping you guys out on what prizes to get on the meet cosmo adventure on animal jam classic recorded with screencast o matic com

Meet cosmo is a non member formerly member land adventure it was the third adventure available in the adventure base camp on november 7th non members were able to play this adventure it introduces the premise for the hive and a new weapon plant the boomseed it is basically relevant to the phantom portal except a little more difficult

Edit2 prizes top left 750 gems top center beehive top right greenhouse windowbottom left wall garden bottom right cosmo 39 s hammockedit well if you

In adventure items meet cosmo category page this category is for the exclusive prizes won from meet cosmo other prizes that can also be won or bought elsewhere do not apply because they are not exclusive to this adventure b beehive blue glowing mushrooms boomseed tree

Meet cosmo adventure prize guide in meet cosmo you meet cosmo the koala alpha free the trapped koalas beat up the phantoms and show them who 39 s boss and save jamaa so the normal mode prizes are top left is 750 gems top middle is beehive top right is window bottom left is wall garden and last bottom right is cosmo 39 s hammock

It is available in both normal and hard difficulty modes elephant passage this animal passage is located deep in the last cave near the bottom it is only available in the hard difficulty mode and can only be accessed once the tiger passage is unlocked raccoon passage this animal passage is located deep deep in the last cave near the bottom

Meet cosmo is a nm adventure that was released on august 11 2013 in this adventure jammers are introduced to cosmo the koala alpha and are to a new weapon to help defeat the phantoms boomseeds first jammers must speak with cosmos the koala alpha next he will ask jammers to help water his garden once this is completed he will ask jammers to help him make a new plant boomseeds he


The mystery below is an adventure available to all jammers it was released on november 30 2017 and is currently accessible through the adventure menu and forgotten archive the original adventure was modified and a hard mode was released on may 24 2018 first the player will be met with cosmo and graham at a zios gate click on a mushroom looking fungi to get light blossoms a fruit

First help cosmo make his formula for boomseeds the first 3 ingredients he needs are nectar chomper seeds and honey you can find the chomper seeds and nectar inside of cosmo s den the chomper seeds are upstairs the nectar is found in a plant downstairs you can find the honey in a tree near the bottom of cosmo s garden

This is the adventure meet cosmo on normal mode and i will show all jammers what is in every treasure chest at the end click here to see meet cosmo hard mode

Beehive meet cosmo wall garden meet cosmo cosmo s stone wall meet cosmo hard mode boomseed tree meet cosmo hard mode glowing mushroom patch the hive cavern mushrooms the hidden falls hidden chest trial potted plant the trials of zios ancient pillar the trials of zios hidden chest


Is my way of pricing adventure items fair i increase the price by one dim for each adventure hard mode progression so the items from return of the phantoms are each one dim the phantom portal ones are 2 dim meet cosmo normal mode ones are 3 dim meet cosmo hard mode are 4 dim and so on i know they are not worth a ton but i am thinking

Welcome to the adventures guides page click on any of the adventure icons below for a full walkthrough guide scroll down further to learn more about animal jam adventures adventures are exciting quests that take you can complete to win gems and prizes they can be very challenging so it s helpful to have a tips guide in case you get stuck

The phantom portal prize guide in this adventure you have to find the corks plug in the phantom pipes find the alpha stones and save jamaa from the phantoms the prizes for the normal mode top left is cave crystals top middle is green alpha stone top right is adventure crate bottom left is 500 gems and bottom right is a phantom pipe

Hey jammers jellybelly915 here this is my 6th adventure tutorial on meet cosmo hard mode i hope you guys find this video invaluable for future reference


Level needed level 2 passage fox in this adventure you are trying to help the monkeys by gathering alpha stones here are the prizes the phantom portal hard level needed level 3 passages fox lion the same as the normal mode but with a harder twist to it here are the prizes

Meet cosmo the hive normal mode hard mode prize hi i am not a good animal jam adventureer

Here 39 s the second half of meet cosmo hard mode

View animal jam classic speedruns leaderboards forums and more on speedrun com animal jam classic 2010 meet cosmo hard 9 m 45 s 333 ms hsblue 10 m 38 s


I 39 m not doing all the side queststhanks for watching hope you enjoyed please subscribe to help this channel grow other things twitter twitter com

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