Galaxy Eyes Dark Matter Dragon Anime
Medium tcg and ocg name number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon en numéro 95 dragon matière des ténèbres aux yeux galactiques fr nummer 95 galaxieaugen dunkelmateriedrache de numero 95 drago materia oscura occhi galattici it no 95 갤럭시아이즈 다크매터 드래곤 ko número 95 dragão da
Card appearances page for number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon in rank 42 kaito tenjo plays this card against yuma tsukumo he uses galaxy eyes full armor photon dragon to xyz summon it its effect activates increasing this card 39 s atk to 4000 kaito then uses this card 39 s other effect banishing fifteen dragon type monsters from his
Main article number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon this card 39 s written lore in the manga was not shown was too small to read or was partially or completely obstructed the lore listed here is a reconstruction based on how it was used character descriptions of the card and or its ocg tcg lore it may not be accurate or complete
3 level 9 monsters you can also xyz summon this card by using a galaxy eyes xyz monster you control as the xyz material xyz materials attached to that monster also become xyz materials on this card cannot be used as an xyz material for an xyz summon when this card is xyz summoned you can send 3 dragon type monsters with different names from your deck to the graveyard your opponent
Tcg card number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon please refer to this page for the yu gi oh tcg official rules for number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon please go to search for decks containing this card if you would like to search for decks that contain number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon
3 level 9 monsters you can also xyz summon this card by using a galaxy eyes xyz monster you control as the xyz material xyz materials attached to that monster also become xyz materials on this card cannot be used as an xyz material for an xyz summon when this card is xyz summoned you can send 3 dragon type monsters with different names from your deck to the graveyard your opponent
Number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon makes that problem go away with a simple activation requirement detach an xyz material that s all you need and dark matter dragon will get to make up to two attacks on monsters in the next battle phase with 4000 atk hitting two monsters will seriously dent your opponent s life points if it
Yugioh number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon we may earn a commission from our shopping partners you can also xyz summon this card by using a galaxy eyes xyz monster you control as the xyz material xyz materials attached to that monster also become xyz materials on this card cannot be used as an xyz material for an xyz summon
Number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon you can also xyz summon this card by using a galaxy eyes xyz monster you control as the xyz material xyz materials attached to that monster also become xyz materials on this card cannot be used as an xyz material for an xyz summon when this card is xyz summoned you can send 3 dragon type
Language name card text french numéro 95 dragon matière des ténèbres aux yeux galactiques 3 monstres de niveau 9 vous pouvez aussi invoquer par xyz cette carte en utilisant un monstre xyz yeux galactiques que vous contrôlez comme le matériel xyz
Number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon it 39 s generally agreed that number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon was the final nail in the coffin of the dragon rulers back in the day as their combination was legal for a terrifying few weeks but it could have been much worse going by this card 39 s effect in the yu gi oh zexal manga
When this card is xyz summoned you can send 3 dragon type monsters with different names from your deck to the graveyard your opponent banishes 3 monsters from their deck you can detach 1 xyz material from this card this card can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each battle phase this turn
Galaxy eyes ギャラクシーアイズ gyarakushīaizu in japan written as 銀河眼 in the japanese anime is a sub archetype of the galaxy archetype that is used by both kite tenjo and mizar in the yu gi oh zexal anime they are also used in the yu gi oh arc v anime by kite tenjo 39 s alternate universe counterpart all members of this sub archetype are light monsters except for the
If you combine that with a couple other negates or disruptions of whatever form it can be pretty hard to out for the opponent and together with darkmatter dragon 39 s 4k attack and double attacking effect is easy game on board in turn 3 it is also easily accessible for every deck that can make a rank 8 even without agarpain so i guess it can
All members of this sub archetype are light monsters except for the dark number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon it was first supported by the anime effect of galaxy zero which was changed to support all photon and galaxy monsters in the ocg tcg and then by the anime only neutrino dowsing which however works only with the xyz
52 votes 95 comments 415k subscribers in the yugioh community the subreddit for players of the yu gi oh card game video games or fans of the
75 listings on tcgplayer for number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon yugioh 3 level 9 monsters you can also xyz summon this card by using a galaxy eyes xyz monster you control as the xyz material xyz materials attached to that monster also become xyz materials on this card cannot be used as an xyz material for an xyz summon when this card is xyz summoned you can send 3 dragon
Fairly generic un negateable triple foolish burial for a type that loves the gy accessible through any r8nk deck card is busted good blue eyes used to be a top deck that can easily make lv8 galaxy xyz to go into dark matter the dreaded words it sends for cost
Card gallery number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon tcg english worldwide pgl2 en015 official proxy unlimited edition premium gold return of the bling pgl2 en015 gscr 1st edition premium gold return of the bling
Number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon this card can use its full potential in a hieratic deck if used in a galaxy deck suitable dragon monsters to send to the graveyard for it to use its trigger effect are galaxy eyes photon dragon galaxy eyes cloudragon and galaxy dragon other eligible dragons for a rank 8 deck are
In case i 39 m not clear in the title i 39 m wondering why people are saying galaxy eyes prime photon dragon is better to use over galaxy eyes tachyon dragon for the purpose of getting dark matter dragon out i don 39 t really understand it at all the end result is the same and you won 39 t be able to detach materials from either one before making dark
Card trivia page for number 95 galaxy eyes dark matter dragon this is the first galaxy eyes monster used by kaito tenjo that is not part of the photon archetype and is dark in cosmology dark matter is the term used to describe a phenomena in outer space where the effects of matter can be measured but when no matter can be seen
Archived post new comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast summon tachyon cipher or prime photon then just slap dark matter on top no rank up spell required really seems too easy many thanks you can also summon red eyes flare metal dragon 2 level 7s and use rank up magic astral force
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