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Paleozoic Era Ordovician Period Animals

Paleozoic Era Ordovician Period Animals

Ordovician period in geologic time the second period of the paleozoic era it began 485 4 million years ago and ended 443 8 million years ago the interval was a time of intense diversification an increase in the number of species of marine animal life in what became known as the ordovician radiation

This unique period known as the ordovician radiation unfolded over tens of millions of years and produced organisms that would dominate marine ecosystems for the remainder of the paleozoic era the ordovician radiation was an extension of the cambrian explosion an event during which all modern marine phyla appeared with the exception of the


The ordovician lasted about 45 million years and saw the transition from very primitive to relatively modern life forms in the seas the ordovician radiation which followed the late cambrian extinctions lead to a tripling of marine diversity the greatest increase in the history of life and giving the highest levels of diversity seen during the paleozoic era

The ordovician period is a 45 million years period during the paleozoic era it is the second period of the era starting about 485 4 million years ago and ending around 443 8 million years ago the ordovician rocks were first observed in wales the name was derived from a tribe of people who lived in that area at that time

Learn more about the time period that took place 488 to 443 million years ago during the ordovician period part of the paleozoic era a rich variety of marine life flourished in the vast seas

The ordovician ɔːr d ə ˈ v ɪ ʃ i ə n d oʊ ˈ v ɪ ʃ ən or də vish ee ən doh vish ən 9 is a geologic period and system the second of six periods of the paleozoic era the ordovician spans 41 6 million years from the end of the cambrian period 485 4 ma million years ago to the start of the silurian period

The ordovician period the ordovician period lasted almost 45 million years beginning 488 3 million years ago and ending 443 7 million years ago during this period the area north of the tropics was almost entirely ocean and most of the world 39 s land was collected into the southern supercontinent gondwana

Ordovician period 490 443 mya life responds quickly following the cambrian extinction in fact species exhibit far greater diversity in the ordovician than in the explosive preceding period

In the paleozoic era life flourished in the seas after the cambrian period came the 45 million year ordovician period which is marked in the fossil record by an abundance of marine invertebrates

The ordovician is the second period of the paleozoic era 542 250 million years ago preceded by the cambrian and succeeded by the silurian devonian carboniferous and permian periods climate and geography


Although most animal phyla appeared by the cambrian the biodiversity at the family genus and species level was low until the ordovician period during the great ordovician biodiversification event vertebrates and invertebrates animals without backbone became more diverse and complex at family genus and species level the cause of the

Permian period paleozoic era major interval of geologic time that began 538 8 million years ago with the cambrian explosion an extraordinary diversification of marine animals and ended about 252 million years ago with the end permian extinction the greatest extinction event in earth history the major divisions of the paleozoic era from

The ordovician period of the paleozoic era 488 to 444 million years ago the ordovician period is the second period of the paleozoic era this important period saw the origin and rapid evolution of many new types of invertebrate animals which replaced their cambrian predecessors

The paleozoic era is literally the era of old life it lasted from 544 to 245 million years ago and is divided into six periods major events in each period of the paleozoic era are described in figure below the era began with a spectacular burst of new life this is called the cambrian explosion


Paleozoic 541 252 million years ago means ancient life the oldest animals on earth appeared just before the start of this era in the ediacaran period but scientists had not yet discovered them when the geologic timescale was made life was primitive during the paleozoic and included many invertebrates animals without backbones and

Some plants and animals thrived while others became extinct the second period of the paleozoic era the ordovician rocks were first found in wales so its name comes from a tribe of people who once lived in the area where the rocks were found the ordovician began about 490 million years ago and lasted for about 47 million years

The paleozoic ˌ p æ l i ə ˈ z oʊ ɪ k i oʊ ˌ p eɪ pal ee ə zoh ik ee oh pay 1 or palaeozoic era is the first of three geological eras of the phanerozoic eon beginning 538 8 million years ago ma it succeeds the neoproterozoic the last era of the proterozoic eon and ends 251 9 ma at the start of the mesozoic er

The ordovician period ended with an extinction event known as the late ordovician mass extinction silurian period 443 8 to 419 2 million years ago this was the shortest period in the paleozoic era it saw high sea levels because the glaciers formed during the ordovician ice age started melting since the ordovician period had ended with


After the cambrian period came the ordovician period this second period of the paleozoic era lasted about 44 million years and saw more and more diversification of aquatic life large predators similar to mollusks feasted on smaller animals on the bottom of the ocean during the ordovician period multiple and fairly rapid environmental

The naming of the ordovician period is tangled with the cambrian period suffice it to say that a welsh tribe ordovices inspired the name of this geologic period the ordovician system rounded out the threefold division of early paleozoic rocks i e cambrian ordovician and silurian which are all named for welsh tribes

Ordovician period marine life climate change extinction numerical climate models as well as carbon isotope measurements from preserved ordovician soils suggest that atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide during the period were 14 16 times higher than today these high levels were driven by widespread volcanic activity which would have released large volumes of carbon dioxide into the

Paleozoic era 543 248 mya cambrian ordovician silurian devonian carboniferous permian cambrian period 543 490 mya land which now covers about a third of the planet remains devoid


Paleozoic era or palaeozoic era major interval of geologic time c 542 251 million years ago from the greek for ancient life it is the first era of the phanerozoic eon and is followed by the mesozoic era it is divided into six periods from oldest to youngest the cambrian ordovician silurian devonian carboniferous and permian

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