Top Ten Rarest Items In Animal Jam Play Wild
The articles listed below are all the items on the animal jam play wild worth wiki a a frame bookshelf aj backpack ajpw birthday items alpha archer hat alpha armor alpha aura stone crown alpha crossbow
What 39 s up guys welcome back to another animal jam video today i am ranking animal jam play wild ajpw rare items on a tier list
The rarity might not be 100 correct so please keep that in mind we 39 d like to give a big thanks to the play wild wiki for providing the majority of the pictures and information on this wiki our wordmark was created by serifni and the template coding is by ers 7 the graphics used were almost exclusively found on animal jam archives
Hi jammers sorry i haven t made a real video in such a long time but i have finally been able to come up with a good video idea dont expect videos from me
Last updated 08 21 2024 the super sweets rares were formerly available from the super sweets mini game and were only available for the day s of their release note super sweets rares are commonly referred to as hw or hw rares by many jammers as an abbreviation note rare midnight kitties were released in both 2019 and 2020 decreasing their value the super sweets rares 2017 were
Forests have extremely high demand due to being the base worth of tons of other items extremely easy to trade for whatever higher items you want their sap value is around 21 23k or 4 max sap items some rare raccoon tails lowest is white tip worth 1 5 2 forests highest is black tip worth 3 forest also have decent good demand for higher
This category lists all the item pages on this wiki that are rare tagged both den items and clothing items these items have rare tags on them as shown on the right 2 2021 wings leilani 3 3d glasses 3d glasses leilani a a frame bookshelf leilani
In this video i go over the top 10 rarest items in animal jam classic in 2022 the origin of all of these items how many of each of them exist in the game a
Aj play wild rare valued items discussion sorry if this post has already been made recently but i haven 39 t played animal jam in a very long time and i just wanted to see what is valued nowadays compared to back then because the last time i played i think you could still buy flower crowns but the time before when i was on a hiatus again they
The rare item mondays rims are items released every week on monday during the event a rare version of an item is sold for one day the event was introduced in november 2016 and has been recurring ever since they can be purchased at the shiveer shoppe jam mart clothing or epic wonders some rims were formerly obtainable from mystery ad
Explore the different types of items in animal jam from armor sets to wings and learn how to trade them with other players
Alpha crossbow alpha dino horn alpha dizzy hearts alpha dj headset alpha dragon wings alpha item chest alpha spring forest set ancient dragon set animal jam box items
The super sweets rares are rare items distributed from playing the mini game super sweets on october 31st each year note the rare midnight kitty was originally released as a 2019 super sweets rare but returned in 2020 as a 2020 super sweets rare affecting its worth however it is not guaranteed to return in the future
Now i know that many people play the game to become rare and to trade so here 39 s some ways to become rare 1 buy rare item mondays unlike the web version rare item monday 39 s are actually pretty rare in play wild a lot of people want them so it 39 s very good to stock up on a ton since they are only there for one day 2
The rare item monday category lists all items that are or were available on rare item monday a acorn hat acorn shoes amethyst earrings ancient dragon earrings angler fish lure apple scarf astronaut backpack
An in depth analysis of the top 10 rarest items in animal jam classic and all of their worths as of january 2023 this serves as the top 10 rarest items list
I found a lot of these items in the aj shop explorer but they had shown a lot of huge inconsistencies in prices also some did not show up so if you could let me know that would be wonderful kinda new to play wild so would prefer if you could tell me a rough amount in sapphires rather than rare items to give me an idea tysm
Last updated 3 13 20 the royal den collection is an assortment of den items that were all originally released around september 2015 at jam mart furniture the values listed are estimates and actual values may vary they were given a rare tag on january 5 2022 notice the leilani variants of the royal den collection and the original royal den collection easily get confused as they are
Animal jam 39 s october update part 1 playable phantoms october 4 2023 this year s night of the phantoms update for animal jam is so big that we ve had to split it into two parts join asteralium daffodil135 kutekoolkitten and bradstormer as we dive into our overview of this spooky season read more in update news play wild tags
This category lists all of the pages on this wiki that are about animals
This is just in my opinion of what i 39 ve seen so far i don 39 t own any of these photos or the song song is from impressive title
The top ten 1 rare headdress headdresses are rare to get my animal jam bff has a rare purple headdress but she got scammed by someone named penguin31864 now she doesn 39 t have any rares except for non rare silver elf bracelets and a rare black long collar she 39 s been really sad and mopey since she got scammed
A subreddit for wildworks 39 game animal jam feel free to ask questions make trade offers show off your creations and more anyone know the worth of these items on animal jam play wild i am fairly new to animal jam play wild been playing classic on and off for years i have a few items i am wondering about the worth of i checked the
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