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Animal Jam Play Wild Secret Colors

Animal Jam Play Wild Secret Colors

In animal jam play wild there are 4 secret colors they consist of forest green maroon ice blue phantom purple you can use these colors for your avatar 39 s eye color primary and secondary body colors and pattern color all you have to do is enter a combination tap click the colors in number order and forest green will appear at the bottom of the color wheel tap click the colors in number

Animaljam playwildin this video i show you how to get all of the secret colors and white eyelashes for your ajpw animals tried something new with the edi


Animal jam play wild secret colors here are some secret colors in ajpw and how to get those secret colors how to get all secret colors on animal jam 2

So far i only know of three secret colors maybe there will be more thanks for watching and don t forget to like subscribe instagram crunchymom

There are 4 currently known secret colors in ajpw at the moment the colors are obtained by performing various actions on an animal 39 s color pallet the four currently known colors are icy blue this color can be obtained by tapping the top color of the inner circle three times forest green

Patterns are an in game option that enables jammers to have a certain design for their animal avatar body patterns can be any of the 39 colors available and there are 26 eye colors these can be customized in the change your look menu screen along with all of the other color selections for the animal these are the typical patterns that animals can use none this consists of either a blank

First go to your settings and set your display s zoom to 125 then open animal jam classic and make the window as small as possible after that click the lavender in the bottom right corner and the glitch will give you icy blue instead of true magenta although a little more tedious to obtain now it is still possible for those who want it

Ye basically need to tap all of the colors in the middle in circle pattern and ya 39 ll get it now for the green that matches the dragon set it 39 s similar to the other one just make sure to tap the white one again this one is my favorite but sadly ye can only use it on the first and second fur ye can use the other ones for everything tho

In aj the way to get secret colours is to zoom into or out of the screen and click the bottom right corner of the palette it works a little differently in ajpw in ajpw you have to tap the colour bubbles in a certain order

All animals all 53 unique animals 12 special patterned animals are accounted for the animals that don 39 t show up anywhere on the list meaning they don 39 t have any secret default colors are cougar fennec fox koala lemur monkey otter panda sabertooth sea turtle and shark the tiger preview images were generated externally not


How to get all secret colors on animal jam tips and tricksthanks for watching if you want to see more videos like this make sure to subscribe like the vid

Animals are the avatars that represent jammers in play wild there are a variety of animals that jammers can purchase and switch between new animal avatars can be purchased through the switch animals menu by clicking on the add animal button or through the sapphire shop when creating an animal jammers must choose a name that consists of three parts this name can be changed again at a

There r 3 new secret colors in ajpw so in this post im gonna tell ya how to get them ps they work for all animals not just the one im useing as an example so here goes for the light blue color all you have to do is click the animal your usings original colors 3 times now for the magenta color its a little harder to get

Heres a better guide than my shitty one saywhatyouhavetosay fandom com wiki aj secret colors


Wearable clothing worn on the head worn around the neck worn on the body worn on the limbs worn around the tail animated clothing den elements den items

The color coordinator was added on july 31 2019 it allows jammers who have membership to change their animals 39 colors to match the items they are wearing the color coordinator feature allows members to change the color of their pattern eyes primary and secondary colors to any color of an accessory they are currently wearing to create the perfect matching look even if the color is not

Fox lair the fox lair is a secret area that can be accessed by two types of animals the regular foxes and the arctic foxes in order to access the area you have to go through the fox passage which is located in appondale when you use the play action the machine will start working

19k subscribers in the animaljam community r animaljam is a place to discuss wildworks 39 virtual world games animal jam and animal jam classic


Hey subscribe to starmoon840 she is my friend from aj also she make this awesome intro for me starmoon840 youtube com channel uc7cjjdh8cfpgbi

This category list all of the pages on this wiki that are about secret areas a arctic wolf ice cave b bunny burrow d deer highlands f fox lair

To get that purplish color just click right inside that yellow circle on the edge of the purple color do the same for the top light blue hope that helps by the way i only have one entry for the contest so i 39 m extending the contest deadline for a few more days

This is how to get secret blue color in animal jam play wild


The codes are unique combinations of letters and or numbers that can be redeemed to get items gems occasionally sapphires and even more rarely free membership sometimes animal jam gives codes for special events these codes are given out by ajhq for all jammers typically to celebrate an event they may only be used once per jammer this type of code can usually be found in magazines and

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