Tutu Worth Animal Jam
The tutu is a members only land clothing item that is worn on the back the tutu appears as a medium sized ruffly tutu with three layers and a tied bow at the left bottom side this item comes in eight different color varieties the tutu was initially released on april 4 2014 in jam mart clothing it was most recently released on july 28 2023 in jam mart clothing the tutu is the land
Last updated 1 22 22 the tutu is a members only underwater clothing item it was released at bahari bargains multiple times but was most recently in stores on october 10 2014 and left stores at an unknown date it is unobtainable through adventures demand among collectors very low notice this must not be confused with the regular tutu which returns to stores annually these are an
Totally not treekco1 princessini idallirrul computerai reminders if an item is not listed here it is likely worth a few rims please don 39 t suggest to add pages for items that are in stores or seasonal collectors items without significant demand have been removed explanation here
Unobtainable land rims collectors may overtrade for certain variants of this item we provide a base worth but someone who wants the item could trade more the amount traded for this item often depends on the jammer there is a counterpart to this page the unobtainable ocean rims the unobtainable land rims were released as rare item mondays
Not to be confused with the ballet tutu pet ballet tutu blackout ballet tutu and spring ballet tutu the tutu is a beta clothing item worn on the back it was originally released in the beta testing at jam mart clothing for 475 gems the tutu was available for a short period of time on the front tables and had come back through the regular jam mart clothing catalog for the rest of the beta
A subreddit for wildworks 39 game animal jam feel free to ask questions make trade offers show off your creations and more members online i woke up early to announce that we just hit 1000 fangs
Today we get on animal jam play wild to check out the new rare items and see what kind of trouble we can get into animaljam animaljamplaywild animaljam
Not to be confused with the pet ballet tutu beta tutu ballet tutu or salesman spring ballet tutu the blackout ballet tutu is a members only clothing item worn on the back it was originally released on december 10 2019 at the traveling salesman for 15 sapphires the blackout ballet tutu is a back item that looks similar to the ballet tutu but is completely black and has a gray bow this
Last updated 9 18 24 these items are available via the forgotten desert also see coral corner items tree stump items default collectors items tree top garden items notice some of these items are considered a fake den beta scammers may try to trick you into thinking it is a den beta or is worth more than what it is valued at do not fall for it the rare variants from the 2012 leap
Not to be confused with the beta tutu salesman spring ballet tutu salesman blackout ballet tutu and the pet ballet tutu the ballet tutu is a clothing item worn on the back it was originally released in december 2015 as a part of the nutcracker ballet outfits at the premium shop for 1 99 it was re released on december 5 2017 in the sapphire shop the ballet tutu is a multi layered
18k subscribers in the animaljam community a subreddit for wildworks 39 game animal jam feel free to ask questions make trade offers show off your
The tutu is a members only underwater clothing item that is worn on the back the tutu is a medium sized ruffly tutu with lots of layers and a tied bow at the bottom left side this item comes in eight different varieties the tutu was initially released on september 29 2011 in bahari bargains and returned during the night of the phantoms it was most recently released on october 10 2014
The rare tutu is a members only land clothing item the rare tutu appears as a medium sized ruffly tutu with three purple layers and a tied blue bow at the left bottom side this item comes in only one variety the rare tutu was initially released on may 11 2015 in jam mart clothing for rare item monday and left on may 12 2015 this item is a counterpart to the tutu there is a solid
Last updated 7 10 24the magenta furry hat can be seen here it was not brought into the game through the same means as most other items on this page the magenta items commonly abbreviated as mag items are a collection of unofficial full magenta versions of animal jam items which are considered extremely rare and valuable by the community they are rumored to enter the game via a human
What is a rare tutu worth animal jam updated 10 20 2022 wiki user 9y ago study now see answer 1 best answer copy a rare tutu was a recent rim so it is not worth much you could
Unobtainable in adventures category page this category is for items that are not obtainable in any known adventures a aj sewer cover aloe vera plant alpha nesting dolls alpha portraits alpha tiki statues
Most of it is just junk but the rare curly antlers horned pilot designer skirt and shoes sphinx armor fish bone bow winter and spring alpine sets baby bonnet crystal cuffs galaxy wings eclipse top hat ornament horns scary horns ballet tutu typhoon amulet eclipse wings sea star glasses arabian princess mask rainbow tail armor feather tail futuristic headphones designer
Animal jam item worth wiki in clothing items land items head items and 9 more top hat last updated 9 7 24 the top hats were released on june 15 2010 and was formerly sold at jam mart clothing they were re released twice in the hatapalooza event during may 2017 some can be won as prizes in seasonal adventures
The ballet set was originally released in december 2015 and was available for purchase through the premium shop this is a seasonal sapphire set note only the ballet princess hat has been brought back in the mystery chest while the other set pieces have not therefore lowering its value the mystery chest was later discontinued for all jammers
The spring tutu is a members only land clothing item the spring tutu appears as a medium sized ruffly tutu with three light green layers and a tied light blue bow at the left bottom side this item comes in only one variety the spring tutu was initially released on april 29 2023 in jam mart clothing and returns annually during the spring months it was most recently released on april 26
Animal jam item worth wiki in non member items member items collections and 5 more small pets last updated 8 11 24 the listed values for pets are the minimum values features of a pet such as color eyes hair pattern etc may affect the worth of a pet some pets are worth more than the value listed
Animal jam item worth wiki in items den items land items and 9 more promo den items last updated 9 16 24 collectors may overtrade for certain variants of this item we provide a base worth but someone who wants the item could trade more the amount traded for this item often depends on the jammer
Blackjuui 5 25 2020 in trade worth shop rare tutu for trade animal jam item worth wiki is a fandom games community
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