Animal Jam Globe Firework Worth
Last updated 7 20 24 the freedom items were released for the fourth of july these items usually have the word 39 freedom 39 in the name some of the items such as the freedom helmet are common prizes in many adventures some can be obtained in the forgotten desert and sky high most of these items are re released every year around the fourth of july the wolf bunny paw and star fireworks are
The globe firework is a non member den item the globe firework appears as a large round firework that is three colors depending on variety and a yellow six sided star printed in the middle when clicked a colored depending on variety circle will appear above this item comes in five different varieties the globe firework was initially released on july 3 2012 in the freedom shop and
Totally not treekco1 princessini idallirrul computerai reminders if an item is not listed here it is likely worth a few rims please don 39 t suggest to add pages for items that are in stores or seasonal collectors items without significant demand have been removed explanation here
1year of the rooster items 2017 2year of the dog poodle themed items 2018 3year of the pig items 2019 4year of the rat items 2020 5year of the ox items 2021 6year of the tiger items 2022 7year of the rabbit 2023 8year of the dragon 2024 9pagoda themed items found every year
Globe ocean most if not all items on this wiki are considered collector uncommon items if you wish to get the values listed you must seek a collector specifically looking for this item the globe is a members only den item it was released at sunken treasures in april 2012 and left stores in april 2013 it is unobtainable through adventures
Rare item mondays are rare items released every week each monday during the event a rare version of an item is sold for one day the event was introduced in november 2016 and has been recurring ever since they can be purchased at the shiveer shoppe jam mart clothing or epic wonders some of the older items can be currently obtained in the
If you see or have a comment that should be deleted use the report feature to notify staff about it the bundle of fireworks is a clothing item worn on the back it was originally released on july 1 2021 at the freedom party for 975 gems this item comes in 6 variants before july 1 2022 this item 39 s recycling earning was 10 000 gems
The phantom firework is a non member den item the phantom firework is a cylindrical firework launcher with a white phantom decal and a purple base with a pink stripe in the middle it only comes in one variety the phantom firework was initially released on june 29 2017 in the freedom shop and returns annually during the freedom day celebration it was most recently released on july 4 2024
The firework fountain is on the aj worth wiki here says it 39 s worth a cb but it hasn 39 t been sold since 2012 so i would think it 39 s worth more than that ice block isn 39 t on the worth wiki but it hasn 39 t been sold since 2013 so you can try and judge worth from that
The new years fireworks were released on their respective years in 2012 2013 and 2014 and were formerly sold at the at the new year 39 s party new years firework 2012 new years firework 2013 new years firework 2014 good short collar 2 3 den betas
I 39 ll start with pets pets that are in store always cost 50 sapphires unless they are on sale 35 bad token pets usually go for about 35 sapphires as well but good ones with wanted colours eyes and types of animal usually go for over 100 rarer token pets such as gliders go for max sapphires 5000 golden token pets go for around 300
The fireworks fountain is a non member den item the fireworks fountain appears as a cylindrical lit firework standing upright on a brown platform the firework has alternating red and blue stripes that run diagonally around its surface along with multiple white stars the firework has a grey top and a black wick that is lit at the end and has yellow sparks shooting out when clicked it
The pile of fireworks is a den item it was originally released in june 2017 at the freedom party for 1 500 gems the pile of fireworks consists of several colorful fireworks and firecrackers placed in and around a cardboard box they are printed with stripes and stars designs one has a visible animal jam logo this item comes in 6 variants
Please keep all comments on topic and related to the article if you see or have a comment that should be deleted use the report feature to notify staff about it the phantom snow globe is a den item it was originally released on december 1 2021 as a giant phantom prizes in the phantom dimension this item comes in 6 variants
Den betas den betas refer to a specific set of den items the general majority of which were released during the beta testing however a handful of other later items are also included in this even if the term 39 beta 39 isn 39 t factually correct den betas are used as a base for trading alongside spikes and are extremely popular in the community
This category is for items last available in the year 2014 a alpha portraits alpha tiki statues arm chair b barrel seat barrel sponge big pine tree
Last updated 5 16 24 the chamber of knowledge items were formerly or are currently being sold at the mystery emporium shop in the lost temple of zios the wishing well is not to be confused with the winter wishing well or rare wishing well notice many people mistake the bronze giraffe statue for a den beta jammers may try to trick you into thinking it is a den beta or is worth more than
Last updated 5 19 24 the chinese new year party items are sold at the chinese new year party annually the items are changed every year to correspond with the chinese zodiac animal of that particular year none of these items are obtainable in the forgotten desert or in any known adventures the year of the monkey party was a party that celebrated the 2016 chinese new year it was released on
The pile of fireworks is a members only den item the pile of fireworks hence its name appears as a large pile of various fireworks a large rocket shaped firework sits in the center of the pile with a white band across its center and a pattern with three visible stars a box in the front of the pile is colored in stripes and holds three candle like fireworks towards the back of the pile
The globe is a non member den item the globe is a forest green globe with olive green blotches which represent landmasses continents it rests on a bronze stand with a circular base and a curved supporting post the globe was initially released in january 2011 in jam mart furniture and left on an unknown date the globe can be won as a possible prize from the following locations this item
The firework shades is a clothing item worn on the face it was originally released on june 20 2018 at the freedom party for 1 250 gems the firework shades are a pair of shades with geometric patterns across the lenses when worn sparks will appear this item comes in 6 variants
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