Stardew Valley Animal Cheats
List of all stardew valley item codes this list of items codes was provided to ign by eric concernedape barone for use with the item spawning cheat a spring tuber closely related to the carrot
There are two ways to use item codes in stardew valley both require using codes and naming either your player character or an animal in the code you can enter three item codes surrounded by brackets once done it should look like this 413 104 442 whenever a character says the name of the code string you used these items will be added
There are two ways to use this exploit naming your character works infinitely naming your farm animal single use only whenever your character s name with one of the item codes below is mentioned you ll get the item the same works for farm animals but it s one time only here s a well known trick for getting thousands of items
747 rotten plant 748 rotten plant that s all you need to know about catching stardew valley cheats exploits and item codes for more you can check out our guide on how to catch
To run the macro type debug runmacro filename in the smapi console replacing filename with the name of your command file without the txt extension for example let 39 s say you have a quickstart txt file with these commands backpack 12 money 10000 levelup 0 1
Quality default silver gold iridium add to batch copy complete item cheatsheet guide to help you find all ids of items in stardew valley updated for 1 6 quicky locate between objects seeds plants furnitures shirts books and more
Cheats and secrets by laura may randell stacey henley miguel amaro 2 1k more updated apr 13 2024 discover a number of hidden secrets easter eggs and cheats in this stardew valley cheats
All stardew valley item codes stardew valley 1 6 item codes fair warning if you don t want spoilers for newer items look away now though if you re here you re probably past that point below you can find all the item codes for stardew valley s 1 6 update where some more rocks fish and seeds join our inventories
150 red snapper 151 squid 152 seaweed 153 green algae 154 sea cucumber 155 super cucumber 156 ghostfish 157 white algae 158 stonefish
New marnie pet 39 s name exploit full item list ids 1 6 update other as i 39 ve mentioned in this thread it 39 s now possible to spawn any item in the game even the ones with large string ids after these two 1 6 changes unique string ids new gender replacer dialogue command since i found this out i 39 ve been working on this auto generated
Hey guys o i 39 ve been working on a tool to help you find the ids of every single item in stardew valley updated for the 1 6 update
Now you 39 ll be able to hit 39 p 39 at any time during your game to open up a dedicated stardew valley cheats menu which will allow you to enable all sorts of wonderful cheats such as infinite health and energy increased movement speed pausing unpausing time instantly completing quests
When it comes to stardew valley cheats this is the big one every item in the game has a unique numerical code and by using up to three of these codes each in square brackets as your character
1 cjb cheats menu download here nexusmods com after installing press p to access the cheat menu this mod modifies gameplay aspects such as time player speed energy health damage relationships etc 2 cjb item spawner download here nexusmods com after installing press i to access the spawn menu
Here are the codes for seeds grown crops and produce introduced in 1 6 fishing item codes a few underwater critters came to the game in 1 6 so here are their item codes along with some bait and bobbers mining item codes a new stardew valley update wouldn t be complete without some rock deposits so here are the codes to spawn the
The most effective way to use this glitch is to pick the most valuable items on the list and simply sell them for infinite money here is a list of every item in the game and its respective code
Ex 645 499 163 when game references your name it will spawn items instead in this example there are 3 items you don 39 t always get all 3 but sometimes you do you 39 ll always get the first one you can also name an animal while buying it for a one time spawn then you can rename the animal after
Download this mod and unzip it into stardew valley mods run the game using smapi load your save then press p on your keyboard to show the cheats menu press the button when no in game menu is shown to change the button on linux macos windows open the menu and then use the controls tab to choose a different controller keyboard mouse button
Here s a few useful item ids 163 166 legend fish treasure chest easy 10 000 gold 434 stardrop sells for 7 777 gold 279 373 magic rock candy golden pumpkin 74
Animals fulfill several roles on the farm some are wildlife which cannot be interacted with a pet cat dog or turtle can be earned which the player can form a friendship with a horse can be purchased to ride and farm animals can be purchased which serve as a source of various kinds of produce providing resources and profit
Updated farm animal harvest helper by aedenthorn to be 1 6 compatible now multilingual capable permissions disclaimer aedenthorn has retired from sdv modding and has removed all restrictions on permissions concerning their mods this announcement can be found here in the stardew valley modding discord serve
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