What To Do If You Forgot Your Animal Jam Username
If your account was registered with a parent email your parent can log into their parent account and see all of the usernames currently registered to their email please note if you 39 ve previously played animal jam as a guest jammer and did not register an account with a parent email that profile was tied to the device on which you played the
Note if you do not have an email attached to your account or if the email attached is incorrect you will be unable to receive the password reset email parent email if you do not remember the email or one was not attached our team can update the email on file to request an email change please have your parents submit a help ticket below
If you are having a hard time remembering your animal jam username ask your parent to log into their parent tools they will be able to see the username of every player account tied to their parent account click here if your parent is having trouble accessing their parent tools currently support is only available in english
A subreddit for wildworks 39 game animal jam feel free to ask questions make trade offers show off your creations and more for those who forgot their parent emails and cannot login please go here to find out how to request an email change it can be done but you will need to be able to verify that it is your account
If you have not registered your account with a parent email but can still log in make sure to attach an email by clicking the gift icon at the bottom of the screen and follow the directions emailed to you please note our team is not able to provide passwords or emails attached to accounts if you do not have an email attached to your
If yes you can search them one by one and see if you can retrieve any emails from ajhq when you register an account they will send you an email with the username you have picked on it so if you do find it you will also know your username having said that when you register an account you will also have to register a parent account at some
A username can only be updated once and must have an active membership attached to it if your account meets the above criteria please submit a support ticket including the following information current username parent email attached to your account transaction id of your membership purchase
Account game support when you submit a request question feedback a help ticket is created and placed in a digital box called a queue no matter which type of email or request is sent every ticket is added to the same queue our team then reviews each ticket from the queue from oldest to newest and then responds accordingly
You will need to tell your parent to login to their parent dashboard and then as soon as they do they will be able to see all of the usernames that your parent has tied into their account from there they can simply ask you which username is yours and if you are the only child tied to your parents account then it will be pretty easy to
This is what the username reset screen looks like on animal jam
If you re able to get into the email reset the password to your parent dashboard then log into your parent settings it ll show you the username from there you ll also be able to reset your password to your account if you forgot it 6 reply share r animaljam join
Player account animal jam english us animal jam game help player account
I forgot to activate my accout and i don 39 t know how to fix it plsss and also heres the gmail reyeverth2001 gmail com plss quote
1st step email ajhqrecoveryemails gmail com2nd send them your username password and your email so they know which acc to recover to your email my us
Be sure to check your spam junk and promotions folders if you seem to be missing any emails from animal jam accounts are also deleted when we receive explicit requests to do so another reason an account may be deleted is due to inactivity free accounts that have not logged into the game for over a year are subject to account deletion
Make sure that the email you are inserting matches the parent email on file for the account please note that animal jam will not be able to provide you with your password if you are still unsuccessful after following the steps above please submit a support ticket including your username parent account email and an explanation of the
How do i recover my old account question when i was around 9 or 10 i made an account on classic aj i 39 m older now and i want to go through the account for memories sake but i forgot my password and the parent email since my mother makes a new email every like 6 months i don 39 t know what to do at this point so does anyone have advice on how
Hope you guys enjoyed don 39 t forget to leave a like and subscribe for more videos just like this one check out my merch
What do i do if i can 39 t log in make sure that you are using the correct username and password for your account have your parents confirm that they have clicked the activation link in the email sent to them double check that the game and your device are fully updated if you 39 re still unable to locate the activation email or you have
If you would like to change your username our support team can help please note that a username can only be changed if ithas an active membershipandhas not been updated before please submit a ticket using the option below and fill out the corresponding form so that our team can assist you promptly once you have submitted a ticket our team
On ajpw no not unless they change their mind about approving your user i 39 ve seen some folks were able to email aj support with more than 3 username suggestions and they 39 d try to see if they can get your name changed to one of them but that was years ago idk if they still even have a support system anymore
To add the email log into your animal jam account tap the settings menu at the top right of the screen choose the update parent email option at the bottom click update or resend email then put in the new or correct email and click resend email make sure to have your parent check their email to activate the account currently
Find the most recent link and click it if that doesn 39 t work or the link isn 39 t clickable right click the link and choose copy link address paste ctrl v the link into a web browser and tap enter if you are attempting to reset your password on a mobile device and the web page isn 39 t loading try opening the email from a compute
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