Spider-Man The Animated Series
The 39 90s dc animated series batman superman justice league deserve all the love they get but the 39 90s animated spider man and x men series deserve a lot of love as well for different reasons the animation might not have been the best but both spidey and x men took a lot of classic storylines from the comics and adapted them for a whole
For anyone wondering here are all the official spider man the animated figure from hasbro these are the figures that have been officially note how i said officially confirmed to be based on the animated series by hasbro themselves note no all the retro cards are not animated figures most of the retro cards are comic book figures
Oct 1 2023 i 39 m going back through one of the best children 39 s cartoon shows ever spider man the animated series or spidey 94 as i like to call it my season 1 season 2 season 3 and season 4 reviews are linked this is it the final season season 5 has multiple storylines as well as an add on solo episode at the start of the series titled the wedding
Spider man the animated series was awesome but it was deffo more of a saturday morning cartoon not many episodes that pulled my heart strings ultimate made me mad because it didnt feel like spidey he led a team and mary jane was barely in it in fact peter parker barely had a place in the show it was mainly spider man which is a huge no no imo
This version of spider man inadvertently had some influences on the raimi trilogy along with some real great story arcs like the man spider hydroman and it s clone saga one of the best secret wars arcs and the spider wars arc the was pretty much the start of animated spider verse
There was a petition started in 2015 to have disney release spider man the animated series in blu ray like what they did with batman the animated series it only need a few more signatures for one of the most prolific animated series of all time for marvel that and x men
There isn 39 t one i can 39 t enjoy my personal favorite is probably the 90 39 s series though followed by spectacular spider man spider man tnas and spider man unlimited are very unique shows and are definitely worth checking out if you are a spidey fan ultimate spider man started out strange but it actually gets pretty good in it 39 s later seasons
Aug 27 2021 hey i 39 ve recently started a fan project remastering 5 different spider man shows spider man 1967 spider man and his amazing friends 1981 spider man the animated series 1994 and spider man the new animated series 2003 there is a discord server for previews and regular updates here 39 s the link feel free to ask anything at all
Most of spider man s rogues gallery is portrayed throughout the series for a 90 s cartoon in the era of syndication they have some character development especially with peter s love life they did have to tone down the violence so some of the fight scenes are short or don t quite make sense to an adult to a kid it s all amazing no
Oct 20 2023 to my knowledge spiderman the animated series has never had a full complete series release they have 5 official dvds that consist of episodes from the series set number 1 spiderman the ultimate villain showdown set number 2 the return of the green goblin set number 3 daredevil vs spiderman set number 4 spiderman vs doc ock
Oct 20 2023 to my knowledge spiderman the animated series has never had a full complete series release they have 5 official dvds that consist of episodes from the series set number 1 spiderman the ultimate villain showdown set number 2 the return of the green goblin set number 3 daredevil vs spiderman set number 4 spiderman vs doc ock
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