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Download Blender Animation For Pc

Download Blender Animation For Pc

The 2.80 release is dedicated to everyone who has contributed to . To the tirelessly devoted developers. To the artists inspiring them with demos. To the documentation writers. To the Cloud subscribers. To the bug reporters. To the designers. To the Code Quest supporters. To the donators and to the members of the Development Fund. is made by you. Thanks!

2.80 features a redesigned user interface that puts the focus on the artwork that you create. A new dark theme and modern icon set were introduced. Keyboard, mouse and tablet interaction got a refresh with left click select as the new default.


Templates and workspaces let you quickly get started with tasks like sculpting, texture painting or motion tracking. They can be customized to create your own efficient working environment.

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Thanks to the new modern 3D viewport you will be able to display a scene optimized for the task you are performing. A new

Render engine was designed for getting work done in the viewport, supporting tasks like scene layout, modeling and sculpting. The engine also feature overlays, providing fine control over which utilities are visible on top of the render.

Overlays also work on top of Eevee and Cycles render previews, so you can edit and paint the scene with full shading.

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The 3D viewport and UV editor have new interactive tools and gizmos, along with a new toolbar. These make it easier for new users to start using , and for existing users to discover and use tools that previously required obscure key combinations.

Besides gizmos for tools, various elements like lights, camera, and the compositing backdrop image now have handles to adjust their shape or other attributes.

Eevee is a new physically based real-time renderer. It works both as a renderer for final frames, and as the engine driving ’s realtime viewport for creating assets.

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It has advanced features such as volumetrics, screen-space reflections and refractions, subsurface scattering, soft and contact shadows, depth of field, camera motion blur and bloom.

Eevee materials are created using the same shader nodes as Cycles, making it easy to render existing scenes. For Cycles users, this compatibility makes Eevee work great as a realtime preview. For game artists, the Principled BSDF is compatible with shading models used in many game engines.

Grease Pencil is now a full 2D drawing and animation system. This unprecedented integration of 2D tools in a 3D environment will enable you to create next-level concept art, storyboards and animations.


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Grease Pencil objects are a native part of , integrating with existing object selection, editing, management, and linking tools. Strokes can be organized into layers, and shaded with materials and textures. Besides a draw mode for strokes, these objects can also be edited, sculpted and weight painted similarly to meshes.

Modifiers can be used to deform, generate and color strokes. Commonly used mesh modifiers such as array, subdivide and armature deform have equivalents for strokes. Rendering effects like blur, shadows or rim lighting are also available.

Cycles now provides industry-standard functionality such as Cryptomatte, BSDF hair and volume shading and Random Walk Subsurface scattering. Many rendering optimizations were done including combined CPU and GPU rendering, much improved OpenCL start and render time, and CUDA support for scenes that don’t fit in GPU memory.

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Principled Hair BSDF Rendering physically based hair and fur is now easier and no longer requires setting up a complex shader network.

Cryptomatte Cryptomatte is a standard to efficiently create mattes for compositing. Cycles outputs the required passes, which can be used in the compositor or any compositor with Cryptomatte support.


Subdivision and Displacement New offscreen dicing scale helps to significantly reduce memory usage, by reducing the dicing rate for objects the further they are outside of the camera view.

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Cycles has been used in high-profile short and feature films, and is receiving a growing amount of contributions from the industry. The full list of improvements is available on the wiki release notes. Here are some highlights.

2.80 is an API breaking release. Add-ons and scripts will need to be updated, both to handle the new features and adapt to changes that make the API more consistent and reliable. Read more

A number of features that were no longer under active development or did not fit in the new design were removed. By removing the maintenance burden, developers can spend more time on new features and redesign the user interface and implementation to be more optimized.

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The developer community is being supported by the organizational powers of Foundation and its spin-off Institute. The people who work for the Foundation and Institute did a tremendous job to bring is where is it nowadays.


Special thanks goes to Tangent Animation and Aleph Objects, who funded 4 additional developers to work full-time on 2.8 during the crucial 2017 period. This enabled us to work on the viewport, Eevee, collections/layers, UI and tools redesign.

Thanks goes to everyone who contributed to the Code Quest, the massively successful 3 month workshop in Institute during spring 2018.

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And we thank everyone who joined the Development Fund in 2nd half of 2018 and 2019. This helped us to keep the core of contributors together to work on 2.8.

And last but not least: special thanks to the community – the developers, documenters, bug reporters and reviewers – it is thanks to them that we can start this wonderful new era of 2.8x!

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